Chapter 144 Mountain Guilt and Incense Ash


The sound of gurgling rain fell to the ground, and the sound of rolling thunder sank into the clouds.

The leaves made a "swish" sound, and the weeds seemed to be bent over by a mysterious force.

Zhang Hao turned his head and looked into the depths of the mountain forest, a faint smile gradually formed on the corner of his mouth.

He hugged Xiaobai who was wearing a coir raincoat, and asked softly, "Xiaobai, go in and catch ghosts?"

It's not that Zhang Hao thinks that Shanbao is a ghost, but just a code name for his operation.

"Wow, woof, woof~" Xiaobai raised his head and cried out with all his might.

On the other side, the mountain god deer looked at Zhang Hao with contempt, then at Xiao Bai, snorted unhappily, and turned his head away.

Zhang Hao turned his head and looked at the deer with a strange temper. He said with a smile, "It's raining heavily now, and there's nothing to eat outside this mountain forest. Don't worry. Besides, what I promised you, what?" Time hasn’t come true? If you don’t believe me, ask Xiaobai how I treat it.”

"Wow, woof, woof~" Xiao Bai called out with certainty.

The mountain god deer looked at Zhang Hao, then at Xiao Bai, and in the end, still held his head proudly.

Zhang Haocai ignored it, hugged Xiaobai, turned over and got on the deer's back, and then stroked the mountain god deer's neck: "Go! Silly deer, take me back, as long as you take me back, I promise to find you a lot of delicious food!" Yes, rest assured, I will never break my promise!"


The mountain god deer let out a cry reluctantly, and then exerted all four hooves to run in the opposite direction, that is, into the depths of the mountain forest. The speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, a mudslide was already seen falling.

It's just that the potential energy of the mudslide here has been weakened a lot, and this time there is only Zhang Hao, and the weight of Xiaobai, a person and a dog. Going makes no difference.

The only thing that makes him dissatisfied is that he has not eaten the delicious food, and has been working and eating the cakes drawn by Zhang Hao. Before one cake is eaten, the next cake will come.

But there is no other way, if they part ways with Zhang Hao at this time, then all the cakes before will really be unavailable.

After all, although the mountain god deer has intelligence, it does not have much intelligence and cannot be compared with humans.

Zhang Hao naturally knew what Shanshenlu was thinking, but he didn't say anything, and he didn't point it out. Of course, it's because of the environment that there is no way to find delicious food for Shanshenlu.

The real good things are all deep in the mountains and forests. The things on the periphery can only be said to be okay, and the mountain god deer is a tricky master. Naturally, ordinary things don’t look good, so it’s better to wait for everything to end After eating, he prepared a bunch of delicious food for the mountain god deer, so that it could eat enough.

Thinking of this, he quickly put all his attention on what happened today, as well as the suspicious one, the suspected haunting of the mountain treasure.

If it is really a mountain treasure, it can be said to be a good thing, but it is not entirely a good thing.

After all, he is completely unaware of the attributes of this mountain treasure, as well as the characteristics of this mountain treasure. Although he encountered the mountain treasure a few times before, and then tried to solve it, they all have nothing to do with this mountain treasure. Different times.

If the mountain treasure is really the cause this time, then the mountain treasure this time, it can be said that none of the mountain treasures I have encountered before is comparable to this mountain treasure.

It can even be said that the mountain treasures encountered before are at most relatively difficult to obtain, and it is not impossible to obtain them at all. If you try your luck, or use a certain method, you can still obtain them.

However, the Shanbao he met this time was able to change the trend of natural disasters to a certain extent. This was amazing, and it was extremely unpredictable for him.

The most important thing is that there are too few details that can be noticed now, and he can't lock in the [Zoushan Travel Record] what this mountain treasure is.

It can be said that if it is really Shanbao, Zhang Hao's eyes are smeared, and he doesn't know anything about Shanbao, so naturally he has no way to start.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Shan Bao is not the cause, but he himself is too sensitive and mistakenly thinks that Shan Bao is the cause.

However, whether or not Shanbao is responsible, you will know everything after just one look.

Thoughts twirl.

The mountain god deer carried the man and the dog on its back, and returned to the previous big rock at the fastest speed.

At this time, the momentum of the mudslide has gradually weakened, as if it has entered the final stage, and there is not much possibility of recovery.

However, the big rock they were standing on had been covered by mudslides, and a large amount of soil was sliding down the slope of the hill.

This also shows that Zhang Hao's judgment at the time was correct, and there was no problem. The mudslide really covered this place, and if they continued to stay here, they would definitely become part of the mudslide.

Looking at the mudslide that was getting weaker and weaker, Zhang Hao did not step forward immediately, but rolled over and got off the back of the deer, looking around.

He was so focused on saving people before, he forgot to observe the terrain here, and also forgot to observe the layout of this dense forest.

To put it simply, at first glance, it looks like an ordinary forest, which is almost the same as the usual dense forest scene.

But Zhang Hao soon realized something was wrong.

Just in the northwest corner of this mountain forest, two trees seemed to be broken in the middle by a mudslide. The bare and uneven tree stumps were left alone in the soil, and even faintly emerging roots could be seen.

None of the trees in the southeast corner were broken in the middle, but Zhang Hao clearly remembered that the mudslide in the southeast corner had the strongest potential and was the most turbulent, and its destructive power was definitely enough to destroy those trees.

It is obviously the northwest corner where the mudslide is weak, and two trees are broken. It is obviously the location with the strongest potential energy of the mudslide, but no tree is broken... This is unreasonable.

However, Zhang Hao did not put all his attention on this, but continued to look in other directions.

After casually looking at it a few more times, Zhang Hao squinted his eyes, thoughtful, and some formulas of [Guanshan Jue] had already appeared in his mind.

[The mountain is prosperous in the northwest, east to the south pole, the top of the mountain is boundless, and the west is full of extremes. Here, the spirit of the mountain takes advantage of the momentum to rise, fall, flash, and become a ghost...]

The explanation of this formula, in simple terms, is that every mountain has a mountain, and the northwest corner of the mountain is prosperous, which means the mountain is vigorous, and the East Antarctic means that the mountain in the southeast has reached the extreme.

The situation he saw just now can be explained. Two trees in the northwest corner were broken. Extremely strong, a small mudslide can't break those trees at all.

But the problem lies in, in the following words, the mountain top will change its momentum!
To put it simply, there are a lot of changes in the mountains, such as changes in the dragon veins in the mountains, and the mountain god in charge of the mountain has an accident. Similar to this situation, there will be changes in the mountains.

Of course, there is another possibility to change the situation of the mountain, that is mudslides.

Because the mudslides took away a large amount of soil on the mountain, and even disrupted some of the patterns in the mountain, or it can be understood that the layout of the mountain was completely disrupted, so it would cause the mountain to change its shape.

After all, some of the layouts in the mountains, or these patterns in the mountains, are not formed randomly, but have their reasons. Ordinary people can't see it, but Zhang Hao knows it as a mountain walker.

Once the top of the mountain changes direction, the extreme point of the mountain will disappear, so it doesn't make sense for the trees in the southeast to continue, unless something is protecting those trees and preventing them from growing. A tree is broken.

And if at this time, the two trees in the northwest are broken, it means that the exuberant mountain will no longer exist, the mountain will have no limit, and there will be no prosperity, and there will naturally be a possibility of breaking the balance, and the In this weird state, a reversal took place and a huge change took place.

In the southeast, there will be a place without mountains but extremely mountains, a wonderful but unexplainable balance.

According to the formulas in [Guan Shan Jue], that is, mountain spirits, or mountain treasures, in this environment can use this subtle, peculiar, and unexplainable balance of mountain conditions to grow rapidly, or master more ability.

Of course, it is also possible to use the power of this mountain to get rid of excess burdens, or some burdens, or to take advantage of the situation, that is, to break away from the current body, become the most basic mountain treasure again, and grow a little bit. One point is like the setting of the nine-revolution, eight-revolution, etc. mentioned in the fantasy online novels that Zhang Hao read before his death.

And taking advantage of the situation to become a mountain, that is a more mysterious existence.

It is recorded in [Zoushan Travel Records] that mountain ghosts are different from mountain spirits and wild monsters, and also different from mountain spirits, and even more different from mountain gods, but they belong to a unique category.

Shangui is good at exorcising demons and killing evil, and upholding justice for the people. At the same time, Shangui is also responsible for protecting all creatures in the mountain, protecting one side with the mountain god and the land public. It is a god and not a god.

In ancient times, there were also records about mountain treachery, most of which appeared in travel notes or anecdotes about strange things. The previous mountain walker, Mr. Xu Xiake, also recorded mountain treachery in his travel notes, but with a little Pen, not too impressed.

At the same time, there are many rumors about the ghosts. For example, if you encounter a will-o’-the-wisp in the mountains, it can be regarded as a guide for people not to approach and to leave quickly.

Gathering back his thoughts, Zhang Hao squinted his eyes, the expression on his face was full of solemnity, and horror flashed across his eyes.

It was almost certain that this mudslide... No, his previous guess was not wrong, and there was nothing wrong with his thoughts.

It can be said that it is a mountain treasure, or a mountain spirit that is almost the same as a mountain treasure, playing tricks behind the scenes, and the purpose of this mountain treasure is not directed at himself, his purpose is just to grow, or to become a mountain ghost?Or reincarnation?
It's all possible.

Anyway, I and the program team also came here by mistake, and happened to catch up with Shanbao's "doing" here.

However, regardless of whether the mountain treasure is targeting him or not, Zhang Hao is very curious about what kind of thing this mountain treasure is, and it can take advantage of the heavy rain this time and cause mudslides to take advantage of the situation in this place. Planting a place and completing this series of plans, I have to say that this mountain treasure has a bit of brains, or this mountain treasure has a bit of wisdom, at least it is much higher than a fox, and a little higher than a mountain god deer...?
Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Hao's mouth.

I have to say that it was really right to come back this time. If he just went down the mountain like this, he would be completely separated from this mountain treasure, and maybe he would never meet again in the future.

After all, for things like mountain treasures, each kind of mountain treasure is met once in a lifetime, so when there is only one chance to meet, all the mountain walkers will choose to do their best to take the mountain treasure away.

This thing was born to be picked up by people, and it is the rule of the world to make the best use of everything. Otherwise, how would the profession of mountain walker be passed down.

"Xiaobai, silly deer, you are waiting for me here, don't go forward." Zhang Hao turned his head and warned.

Then, he rolled up his trouser legs, straightened his coir raincoat, and prepared to walk forward along the mudslide in front of him.

Now the sliding speed of the mudslide has become slower and slower, and he can completely step on the mudslide with little potential energy and walk forward.

Of course, as long as you pay attention to your feet and don't fall, you will be fine.

Zhang Hao raised his foot and stepped on the mud-rock flow like a quagmire. Feeling the slow and almost static flow of the mud-rock flow, he breathed a sigh of relief and boldly stepped forward.

At the same time, while walking, he also grabbed a handful of ashes from his pocket.

This handful of ashes was the ashes of the incense stick he got from Jiaxian Temple yesterday before he went up the mountain, and he always kept some on his body for emergencies.

Now, it's time to use these incense ash.

The incense ash of the first incense has many uses. For example, if something sticks to a certain part of the body, it is easy to meet ghosts. Mix the incense ash with rice and eat it to see the ancestors. It can also be used to rub some parts of the body to make people Xie Chong couldn't see himself.

Of course, incense ash has many functions, but it also has side effects. It can be said that there are advantages and disadvantages, depending on how it is used.

However, Zhang Hao can't use these functions this time. He only uses the incense ash at this time for one thing.

That is to use this incense ash, wipe it under the eyelids, you can see traces that you may not be able to notice normally, and among these traces, there may be traces left by Shanbao. If you can find these traces carefully, you can judge that, Whether there are mountain treasures around here can increase the probability of finding mountain treasures.

Without thinking too much, Zhang Hao picked up a bit of incense ash with his fingers, and gently wiped it under his eyelids.

(End of this chapter)

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