Chapter 152

In Zhaojia Village, enter the small courtyard three times.

At that time, on TV, Li Siyu's interview interface had just aired not long ago.

on the sofa.

Li Siyu was clutching the phone, with beads of sweat dripping from her forehead, she could feel the nervousness and apprehension in her heart, and I could hear her heart beating faster.

The program has been aired, and the next thing is to see if the audience will choose to pay attention to her.

However, the probability is still very low.

After all, it's just a TV show, and there may be people who like themselves, and there may be people who want to find out, but how many of them are there?

There may not be too many, or there may be only a small part, or even no more than tens of thousands of people.

More importantly, can these people really know that they are a self-media person and a blogger?

Of course, if you have your own fans among the audience, that would be the best thing. If you have your own true fans, that would be even better, and you will help yourself to promote it.

However, even if there is, the effect should not be very good.

"Okay, in about half an hour, I think your fans will start to increase." Zhang Hao squeezed her hand tightly and smiled reassuringly.

Li Siyu felt the temperature of that big hand, lowered his head, and nodded slightly, concealing the tension that could not be hidden on his face.

Zhang Hao didn't say much, just simply, holding her hand, and spent the difficult ten minutes or half an hour with her.

He can't do anything now, and he can't do anything. The only thing he can do is to wait by Li Siyu's side when Li Siyu needs him.

The two fell silent, the only sound in the room was the sound of the TV, and Xiaobai's even, faint snoring.

Naturally, this little guy can't understand the owner's mind. It just feels that the TV is noisy, but fortunately it doesn't affect its sleep.

Time passed little by little, a few minutes later.

Just when Li Siyu's anxiety and tension had not completely faded away, it intensified instead.

ding dong...

The phone beeps.

Li Siyu held his breath for an instant, his pupils trembled slightly, and the hand holding the phone trembled, subconsciously picked up the phone, and turned on the screen.

Zhang Hao also approached curiously, looking at the prompt message on the phone screen.

[Users who follow you send you private messages, please check and reply in time...]

Have a private message?
This is……

Li Siyu didn't have time to think, unlocked the phone, and opened the notification message.

After clicking on the software, she was stunned when she saw the private message interface, which showed 99+ red dots.

I saw her message interface, densely packed with private messages!Already occupied the entire interface, and is still increasing.

The prompt message in the background is also constantly being refreshed.

[User "Love Dead Machine Grinding" has followed you. 】

[User "Xiaoyao" has followed you. 】

[User "Cut Yi Yong Zhi" has followed you. 】


More and more people are paying attention, and the number of private messages is also increasing rapidly. Her mobile phone has been beeping since the first beep, and it has never stopped!

This... This is, the effect of the program?

Li Siyu was completely stunned. She never thought that within a few minutes after the show was broadcast, so many people had private messaged and paid attention to her.

This... this is just a few minutes!
Swiping the screen of the phone, looking at the private messages, Li Siyu's expression has not changed, the lips are still slightly parted, forgetting to close them, the pupils are still like an earthquake, and the eyes are full of surprise and surprise.

[The blogger's sister is so beautiful!The number one beauty in the ancient style deserves her name. 】

[The blogger is really beautiful, and came here especially after seeing the show. 】

[Discover the treasure blogger!I have to say that every Hanfu worn by Miss Sister is very beautiful!Quick link! 】

[I beg the blogger, start a live broadcast, or post a few more videos, itchy, really itchy! 】

[Sister, you are my sister, don't be lazy, send a video! 】

【Blogger, are you really a modern person?My God, that every move is so reminiscent of an ancient beauty. 】

After reading for a long time, she was still looking at those private messages, as if she couldn't reach the bottom at all.

Usually, she has very few private messages, few of which are visible to the naked eye, about two or three a day. Occasionally, black fans will criticize her, saying that she is artificial, that she is hypocritical, that she is a vixen, and so on...

But more people still choose to praise her, expressing their liking for her video style and her person.

Of course, many people just watch but don't comment.

And this sudden increase of so many private messages at once made Li Siyu a little overwhelmed. She suddenly forgot how to respond and how to deal with these things.

She even wants to respond to these private messages one by one, because, because these people really like her and her videos, she must respond.

"How many fans do you have now?" Zhang Hao asked after looking at the private message interface.

Only then did Li Siyu realize that there were still many people following him, and after a "oh", he immediately switched to the "My" interface.

After seeing her fan growth interface, she was taken aback again.

[Number of fans increased in the previous hour: 502857. 】

In just a few minutes, her number of fans directly increased by 50!It has far exceeded her original number of fans!

After all, Li Siyu was a small blogger before, with only a few hundred thousand fans, and the total number of fans on the whole network has not exceeded one million.

Really can only be regarded as a small blogger, a small blogger who can make money.

But today, in just a few minutes, her number of fans directly exceeded one million!

From a small blogger to a middle-level blogger, this is simply a big step!
The most important thing is that the number of these fans is still rising, 50 is far from the end, this is just the beginning.

"Fuck, CCTV's program is amazing. In just a few minutes, it has added 50 fans. If we wait a little longer, it won't take off?" Zhang Hao exclaimed, his tone full of surprise.

He didn't expect such a good effect. He originally thought that as long as this wave of fans could increase by 100 million, it would be an absolute victory, and Li Siyu's career had already started.

Even, it shouldn't take several years to become the most popular ancient beauty on the Internet like in the previous life. It may only take a few months, or even a year or two, before this Zhang Hao can operate. .

But what he didn't expect was that the expectation he set in his heart was half done in a few minutes, and it was still rising.

I have to say, these netizens are really awesome, it's really nice to have beautiful women...

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding...

The notification tone of the mobile phone is still ringing continuously, and all Li Siyu's thoughts are attracted by the notification tone.

This time it was not from the Douyin platform, but from the background messages of the major platforms, all of which started to prompt in one go.

Li Siyu was completely confused. She clicked on the background of all the self-media platforms one after another. When she saw the growth progress of the number of fans displayed in the background and the graph, the shock in her heart, the excitement, the difficulty to use The excitement and surprise described in words instantly swept through her whole mind.

Even, when she saw the last few platforms, she was already a little numb. The impact in the front was too great, and the fans who grew up on the small platforms in the back gave her a false illusion, thinking that she was the big one. The anchor has successfully become one of the great anchors.

It really exploded.

Her self-media account currently has more than 300 million fans on the entire network!
In just a few minutes, in just a few minutes, she went from a small blogger with no more than one million fans on the whole network to a middle-level blogger with more than 300 million fans on the whole network!

The most frightening thing is that the number of these fans is still increasing, and it is still increasing at a rapid rate, and various private messages are also coming in one after another.

She is really popular, she has really managed to rise in the wind, and with the help of the CCTV program, she has achieved herself!
"Damn it... Hurry up, look at Weibo's trending searches, and now the entry about you is in the top ten of the trending searches." Zhang Hao held his phone and exclaimed.

Li Siyu was startled, and immediately cut out of the backstage, and opened Weibo.

When I saw the hot search list, there really was an entry of "Ancient Style No. 10 Beauty", which happened to be No.[-], and the popularity was extremely high.

Click on the relevant entry, open the comment area, almost 99% of the comments are positive, and many people ask who Li Siyu belongs to, does he have a self-media account, can he put a link, etc.

Of course, some people criticized her, saying that she was contrived, that it was impossible to work in the fields in Hanfu, that she was just for hype, and so on.

Li Siyu physically blocked all these comments and did not read them.

Some Internet trolls don't need to pay attention to it, and they can't pay attention to it. The more you pay attention to it, the more they will rise to the top. In the end, they can't convince this kind of person after working hard, so it's better to just ignore it.

After reading most of the comments, Li Siyu raised her head, with tears in her eyes and a bright smile on her mouth, she just looked at Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao was also looking at her, also smiling and excited.

The two just looked at each other like this, and both smiled happily. That kind of smile came from the heart, without any falsehood, and there was no intention of pretending.

Zhang Hao opened his arms resolutely, hugged Li Siyu into his arms, gently stroked the top of her head, and stroked the smooth temples: "Look, I said you can do it, and you will get up soon. Now he’s a big anchor.”

Li Siyu didn't speak, but buried her head deeply in his arms, letting the tears slide down her cheeks.

These are the tears of excitement, the tears of years of hard work that finally paid off, and the tears of her fulfilling her dream and taking a big step towards her final dream.

More and more people saw her, more and more people paid attention to her and recognized her.

Even, many people showed great interest in Hanfu, and expressed their love, encouragement and recognition for her daily behavior of wearing Hanfu to go out.

This is the happiest thing for her tonight, and it is also the thing that moves her the most.

The scariest thing about doing something is not failure, but that no one approves, no one believes, and no one supports it.

The luckiest thing to do is not to be successful, but to be recognized by many people and supported by many people.

This is how Li Siyu feels now. What she has done has been recognized by the public and loved by everyone. This is the best result.

Of course, what she was most grateful for was Zhang Hao.

Without Zhang Hao, the program team would not have come to this remote mountain village, and she would not have had the opportunity to be interviewed, so what happened today would not have happened.

Without Zhang Hao, she would naturally not be able to concentrate on doing her own self-media like she is now, and she can be desperate to develop her own career.

Without Zhang Hao, her condition would not have improved...

After all, judging from the current signs, it seems that the improvement of his condition is indeed related to the two herbs that Zhang Hao gave him.

However, she still couldn't imagine how effective Dipsacus and ginseng are, and they can make the disease that doctors can't do anything about improve.

However, all of this is not important now, she just wants to quietly feel the current emotion, to feel curled up in Zhang Hao's arms, to feel his temperature, to feel the excitement and excitement at this moment.

Other things are not important, and she doesn't care.

All she wanted was to feel the present moment, to enjoy the world where only the two of them were.

Jingle Bell.

At this moment.

A hasty phone ring suddenly rang, breaking the tranquility at the moment and piercing the atmosphere of the moment.

Li Siyu picked up the phone, looked at the strange caller number on the screen, and was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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