Chapter 154 Going down to the ground and cultivating spiritual soil

Time flies, and a few days pass in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Hao and Li Siyu gradually woke up from the excitement brought about by the explosion.

Although Li Siyu's account has many new followers every day, the number of fans is still increasing, but the growth rate has been greatly reduced, and the growth rate is very slow.

But all in all, the freshness and excitement of the two of them has gradually calmed down over time.

They are now very indifferent to the so-called over [-] million fans on the whole network.

However, this does not affect the two people's daily mood is very good.

With the first ray of sunshine rising in the morning, Zhang Hao opened the door of the side room according to the usual waking time, stood outside the house, feeling the freshness in the air, and the comfortable temperature washing his body, and that from the kitchen There are bursts of fragrance floating out of it.

Although it is very vulgar, I have to say that a good day is about to start again.

"Go wash up and get ready to eat."

Li Siyu was wearing an indigo green Hanfu, stretched out her white and tender hands from the loose sleeves, and walked out of the kitchen carrying delicate side dishes.

Zhang Hao smiled and agreed: "Okay!"

After talking, he walked into the bathroom, washed up briefly, and immediately returned to the main room, where he sat at the dining table.

In terms of eating, the two have never been able to make do with each other, and they will never treat themselves badly.

Therefore, even if it is the assets of the two of them, they are earning more and more money, and there is no economic demand in the short term, there is no change in the aspect of food for the two of them.

After a simple meal.

Li Siyu was wearing Hanfu and holding farm tools: "I'm going to the field first, I'm going to shoot a video today, and I may come back later at noon."

In the past few days, she has finished posting the stock videos, and each video has received unanimous praise from netizens.

After all, her video style has always been very distinctive, and most importantly, netizens seem to like this style very much, and her conversion rate and video retention performance are very good.

This also made Li Siyu full of enthusiasm, wishing to shoot a video every day, and then change it to a daily update blogger.

Of course, she also knows that it is impossible to change every day, like the idyllic video style she shot in the mountain village, it is precisely because everyone is tired and under too much pressure in life now, so the Love watching this kind of video.

If daily changes are made, the audience will soon get bored, because the video style is already limited, and there are only so many materials, there will always be times when the materials are exhausted.

Therefore, she still follows the previous update rhythm.

And the day after tomorrow is the time for an update, but the inventory has already been distributed, and one must be photographed today.

While tidying up the dishes on the table, Zhang Hao said, "Okay, you go first, I'm going to the field today too, and I'll go find you when the time comes."

Li Siyu paused, and a little surprise flashed in his eyes.

This seems to be the first time Zhang Hao said that he was going to the field...

"Okay." Li Siyu replied, then turned around and walked out of the gate.

After tidying up the dishes, Zhang Hao returned to the ear room, opened the Guling Basket, took out the wicker chair, and saw that the [Mountain Spiritual Earth Statue] had completely recovered and returned to its original human form.

He carefully looked at the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue], and had to say that after absorbing the rootless soil, the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] had a slight change, and the human form became more three-dimensional, or more realistic .

Of course, there are still no facial features, let alone so-called fingers and toes.

The biggest difference can only be said that he feels that the [Mountain Spiritual Earth Statue] is a little bigger and more lifelike.

It's also time to use the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] to cultivate a piece of spiritual soil.

After the [Mountain Spirit Soil Statue] absorbed the rootless soil, Zhang Hao has been thinking about when to use the [Mountain Spirit Soil Statue] to cultivate a piece of spiritual soil for planting some mountain spirits or medicinal materials.

After all, the remaining three wild ginsengs are still there. Although they have been placed in the Guling basket, their spirituality has not decreased much, and they are temporarily in a dormant state, but for a long time, this is not a good way. If you take this ginseng for a day, it will be wasted.

Moreover, if the function of this [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] is not used to cultivate spiritual soil, it would be too wasteful, it would be a waste of money.

It's just that the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] was just brought back at that time, and it took a while for the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] to absorb the spirituality of the rootless soil, fill itself up, and strengthen itself, so I just waited until now at this time.

According to Zhang Hao's estimation, it just so happened that the absorption of the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] has ended today, and the rootless soil has been completely absorbed, so the work of cultivating the spiritual soil can be carried out.

As for the location, it is obviously unrealistic at home. The home is too small and there is no more room for development.

If you want to cultivate a piece of spiritual soil, the first condition is to have a suitable place, and the most important thing is to be able to grow some special things, such as wild ginseng.

It is indeed very convenient to cultivate this place in the house into a spiritual soil, but if you put wild ginseng in it, you will be suffocated to death with wild ginseng.

Moreover, if the place is too small, just put wild ginseng and it's over.

Zhang Hao cultivated the spiritual soil because he wanted to plant some more important things in the future. He had already thought about all the relevant things, and waited for the cultivation of the spiritual soil to be completed before he could go into the mountains to find what he needed.

After thinking about it, he decided that it would be more appropriate to cultivate the spiritual soil in the field. The place is large enough, and after the cultivation is successful, it will benefit the plants planted nearby or the nearby fields.

Of course, the soil quality will get worse and worse, which is the disadvantage.

Everything in the world always has advantages and disadvantages, and there is no such thing as only advantages but no disadvantages, whether it is a thing or a thing, it is the same.

With this in mind, Zhang Hao covered the cover of the rattan chair, put it in his pocket, and held it tightly with his hands, for fear that the [Mountain Spiritual Earth Statue] would touch his hands or something again. If it turns into a ball of sand again, it will be troublesome.

Then, he stood up, turned around and walked into the corner of the ear room, where there were a pile of incense sticks, incense burners and other sacrificial objects, he packed something in a basket.

Then, he turned and walked out of the house.

Xiao Bai happened to be sitting outside the house, looking at him with his head tilted. The dog's face seemed to be full of doubts and curiosity.

Zhang Hao looked at it and joked: "Why, you want to go to the ground with me?"

"Wow!" Xiaobai got up immediately, wagging his tail, his dog eyes were wide open, as if they were shining brightly.

"Really?" Zhang Hao asked again, unhurriedly.

"Wow woof! Aww~" Xiaobai wagged his tail even more happily, and his voice was full of anticipation.

Zhang Hao immediately waved his hand: "Then go, go to the ground!"


Zhang Hao carried the basket and led the dog, one person and one dog stepped across the bluestone slabs of the small courtyard, stepped over the threshold, closed the gate, turned and walked towards the entrance of the village.

The land in Zhaojia Village is generally located west of the village entrance, that is, beside the road leading to the town. The terrain there is relatively high, which is relatively a good thing. When it rains heavily, it will not store rainwater. There is no chance of crops dying from waterlogging.

Moreover, most of the land here is terraced fields, which have a unique aesthetic feeling from a distance. If different crops are planted, it will be a colorful and dazzling terraced field when viewed from the sky.

At this time, most of the terraced fields are planted with rice and other crops. At a glance, it looks like a green waterfall, extending down to the feet in steps.

Zhang Hao stood on the asphalt road and stared at the terraced fields.

To be honest, he grew up so big, and the number of times he went to the field can be said to be very few. When he was young, he often came to the fields with his playmates, not to work. After all, his family was relatively good at that time. died.

Naturally, he is not needed to work.

And when he grew up, he also went to the city to work, away from this small village at the foot of the mountain, and came back because of the death of the old man, and after the death of the old man...

To put it simply, he can be said to have never worked in the fields.

Today is one of the few times I have come to the field for "work".

"Woo..." Xiaobai looked up at the owner who had stopped in his tracks. Obviously, he couldn't understand why the owner stopped and didn't move forward.

Zhang Hao didn't pay attention to Xiaobai, but gradually looked away from the several terraced fields, looking for the figure he wanted to find.

But unfortunately, after searching for a long time, he still couldn't find where the figure in Hanfu was working hard in the field.

"Xiaohao? Why are you here?" A rough voice sounded from behind.

Zhang Hao turned his head and saw that it was Zhao Guiping, a villager from Zhaojia Village.

"Uncle Gui Ping." Zhang Hao smiled.

Zhao Guiping was carrying a hoe and a shovel: "What's the matter, are you going to the fields?"

Zhang Hao smiled a little embarrassedly: "Yes, I want to go to the field to find Siyu, but, but I forgot where my field is."

He really forgot, after all, he only came to play in the field when he was a child, and he never came here when he grew up, and Li Siyu was always busy with the farm work in the field, so it was normal for him not to be able to find where the field was .

A little smile appeared on Zhao Guiping's rough face: "Let's go, I'll take you there."

As he was talking, he walked in the front, and said as he walked: "Xiaohao, you are really blessed, that child Siyu is so capable, she manages such a large field by herself, and grows rice. , weeding, watering, etc., tsk tsk, Siyu, this kid, it’s too much of a sin.”

Zhang Hao nodded and said: "Yeah, now all the farm work at home is handed over to her, and I can't help much. I often have to run up the mountain. I didn't expect to come to the fields today to have a look. Find a place."

"Hahaha, you, you just don't come to the field often, so I can't remember it for a while. When I take you there, you will know after a walk." Zhao Guiping joked.

Immediately, the two chatted and laughed, and walked up the path in the field under their feet.

It wasn't until he climbed nearly half of the hillside that Zhang Hao caught a glimpse of a distinctive figure in the field out of the corner of his eye.

Wearing an indigo green Hanfu, the loose sleeves were tied up, and the wide trouser legs were pulled up to the knees, and fixed firmly with a rope, revealing a small white calf, stepping on the rice paddy, which is agile but not lost Carefully arrange the crops.

"Here, isn't that your Siyu?" After Zhao Guiping finished speaking, he left with a hoe and a shovel on his shoulder.

Zhang Hao immediately rolled up his trouser legs, temporarily put the basket in his hand aside, and walked forward while holding Xiaobai.



One person and one dog made a sound together, calling for Li Siyu who was working hard in the field.

Hearing the sound, Li Siyu immediately got up, twisted her slender waist, showed a beautiful side face, and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

After seeing Zhang Hao and Xiao Bai, a smile gradually formed on the corner of her mouth, and the expression on her face was also pleasantly surprised.

Then, she glanced at the mobile phone that was placed aside and supported by a tripod. After thinking for a moment, she didn't put it away, nor did she turn off the camera. Instead, she turned her head and waved at Zhang Hao and Xiao Bai who came.

(End of this chapter)

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