Chapter 166 Tree Spirit Guides the Way
Li Siyu forcibly suppressed the surprise in his heart, as well as the indescribable shock.

Although I have just seen those two human-like foxes before, but now I see the talking tree again, I still feel a little surprised and a little unbelievable.

After all, this mountain became more and more weird, and she also saw some things that she couldn't even imagine, such as this big talking tree in front of her.

After a long time, she gradually came back to her senses and swallowed her saliva.

"Master Walker?"

Li Siyu, with a surprised face, thought for a moment, then looked down at the ground, and carefully moved to the side grass to stand up.

She still remembered what Zhang Hao said, not to stay on the path in the forest for too long. If you walk for too long, you will easily be deceived by some mountain spirits and wild monsters, and you will lose your yang energy.

She is lost now, and she also met a talking tree, she can no longer stack buffs, as long as it is like this, quietly waiting for Zhang Hao to find her, that is the best.

The big tree didn't turn its head, nor did it make any movements, and even the three lines on the bark didn't change at all.

Li Siyu still heard the voice.

"Yes, that mountain walker once tamed the mountain god deer, and also walked the mountain with the one-of-a-kind [Mountain Dog], even if he is old, he has never seen such a lucky mountain walker. "

Li Siyu was slightly taken aback, her red lips parted slightly.

She knew that Xiaobai was different before, and Zhang Hao also said that this little guy was different from other earth dogs, but she never asked Zhang Hao what kind of dog it was, or really knew what kind of dog Xiaobai was.

After listening to it today, she became more and more sure that Xiaobai, who was called the [Mountain Dog], was definitely not an ordinary puppy, and might even be an extremely rare breed.

No wonder, this time when she entered the mountain and saw Xiaobai, it was as if she had returned home. As expected, this mountain is really Xiaobai's home. After all, what is Xiaobai's name [Huanshan Dog], this name is considered a member of the mountain ...

Thinking about it, she seems to have never asked Zhang Hao, about Zoushanren, nor Xiaobai, or even about Zoushan, so that now she seems to be playing an exploration game. Get to know Zoushan little by little, understand Zoushan people, and Xiaobai.

But that's okay, she always knows a lot of things, and if she has any doubts in the future, she can just ask Zhang Hao directly.

Thinking about this.

She frowned slightly, thought for a moment, took two steps back, and bowed to the big tree: "Let's call you old man for the time being."

She imitated the appearance of the ancients, folded her hands and bowed to salute.

In any case, this big tree can indeed talk, it is not a trick, let alone someone playing tricks.

Now that she can't figure out whether this big tree is an enemy, a friend, or whether it is malicious, she can't take it lightly, and she must show respect for the big tree as much as possible, but she can't lose her vigilance.

"Hehehe, you don't have to be polite, little baby. Since I followed the mountain walker up the mountain, the old man must lend a helping hand."

The voice of the ancient tree is still so kind, and it also shows the affinity of the elders, which gives people a feeling of spring breeze, and makes people feel that this is not a big tree in front of them, but an elder. An elder with a strong affinity.

Li Siyu got up slowly, with a smile on his face: "Old man, I want to know, which of these two roads can I find the lord Zoushanren?"

As time got later and later, she also had to think about what to do if Zhang Hao hadn't found her after dark. She couldn't stay in front of this big tree all night and let this A big tree protects itself.

Even if the big tree offered to protect her, she didn't dare to let the big tree bless her. What if the big tree had another purpose?These are all very possible things.

"Hehehe." The ancient tree didn't answer the question, but a burst of laughter came from it.

"Little baby, are you thinking that old age may be against you?" The voice of the ancient tree was still so kind.

Li Siyu paused and lowered his head slightly.

She couldn't help being surprised, she didn't expect that this ancient tree could seem to see through her own mind, and even said what she thought in her heart.

Could it be that he was too obvious?
However, judging from the current situation, it seemed that this ancient tree did not intend to harm him.

"Don't worry, little baby, since you were brought into the mountain by the mountain walker, how dare this old man do you any harm. If the mountain walker knows that this old man is bad for you, I dare not think about the consequences." The voice of the ancient tree came along with the laughter.

Hearing this, Li Siyu's vigilance weakened a little, and his tense nerves relaxed a little.

"What the old man said is that I was too careful." Li Siyu whispered.

The ancient tree smiled and said: "It's right to be careful, not everything in this mountain is afraid of the mountain walker, like those mountain spirits and wild monsters, they will not be afraid of the mountain walker, it's not Because they are stronger, but because they have no brains, no intelligence, just a bunch of fools."

Li Siyu nodded, but did not answer the question, and cautiously did not put forward his own point of view.

When talking in the mountains, you still have to be careful, otherwise it will easily be like the story Zhang Hao told, that is, the program group that went into the mountains before, was bewitched by evil spirits in the mountains.

Now that she has left Zhang Hao's side, she must be as careful as possible in everything she does, and must also remember the rules of the mountain to avoid accidents.

Of course, if Zhang Hao is by his side, that's two things.

"Little baby, you are going to find the mountain-walking man right now?" Gu Shu continued.

Li Siyu's eyes lit up, but he immediately suppressed the emotions in his heart: "Yes, old man, I accidentally separated from him, and now I'm here, there are two roads, left and right, I don't know which way to choose That's the way to find him."

"Hehehe." Gu Shu laughed, "That's right, it's getting late now, if you procrastinate any longer, I'm afraid that the mountain walker will find you only when the sky gets dark."

"If I'm not mistaken, that Lord Zoushan is being entangled by that thing right now. It may take a little time to find you. Why don't you go find him, so that Zoushan can be let go?" My lord, I will deal with that thing specially, hehehe."

Gu Shu said a lot of nonsense, Li Siyu didn't understand at all, and he didn't understand what "that thing" he said at all.

Anyway, according to what Mr. Gu Shu meant, Zhang Hao is currently being entangled by an indescribable thing, and if he wants to find himself, it may not be that simple.

If this is the case, then she really shouldn't wait for Zhang Hao to come to her. She should go to Zhang Hao. This will not only shorten the time, but also tell Zhang Hao the news as soon as possible.

Of course, the first prerequisite is that this old Mr. Gu Shu can help him, and the help he provides is absolutely correct without any deviation. At the very least, he must be able to help him find Zhang Hao.

Mind this.

Li Siyu raised his head and bowed to the ancient tree again: "Please tell me the old man to tell me which way to go to find him."

"Hehe." The ancient tree's voice came again.

Then, the branch on the left side of the ancient tree seemed to shake, and several green leaves fell.

"Keep going along this road, and gradually widen. Be careful not to take the forest path. You have to walk in the weeds. Since you are wearing sandals for walking, it is okay to walk in the weeds. Go straight ahead and pass a piece of grass. If you walk through the dense forest, you can find the weed forest, walk through the weed forest, don't get lost, keep going, and you can return to the original place."

Li Siyu got up hurriedly, and when she saw some green fallen leaves on the narrow road on the left, she nodded secretly.

From the current point of view, this ancient tree does not seem to have the intention of harming him, and it also shows that Zhang Hao, as a mountain walker, dare not bear the consequences. It seems that these things in the mountain should be fear, or Said to be in awe of mountain walkers?

Judging from Gu Shu's tone, it should be a relationship of mutual respect, the kind of relationship that no one would take the initiative to provoke.

Thinking about it this way, the old man of this ancient tree naturally has no reason to harm himself. He can't be like that kind of liar, just to deceive people, right?

There shouldn't be anything like that in the mountains.

"Thank you, old man." Li Siyu bowed again.

"Go, little baby, if there is a chance to meet again in the future, please remember to meet the old man."

"Staying in this forest for several years, the old man has forgotten what it was like to chat with others last time. It is getting late today, and it is inconvenient for the old man to leave you to chat. If there is a chance in the future, I must seize you and make good use of it." Let's talk, hahaha."

The ancient tree seemed to be naughty, joking, and sentimental.

Li Siyu naturally heard the various emotions in it, and she naturally knew that if it was really like what the ancient tree said, then after staying in the mountains for so long, it would be boring to think about it, and she really should want to pull people chatting.

However, as Gu Shu said, it was getting late now, and it was inconvenient for her to stay here any longer, and she needed to find Zhang Hao as soon as possible.

Without further words, after thanking the ancient tree again, Li Siyu embarked on the narrow left road.

When he first walked, Li Siyu kept being cautious, not walking fast, and turned his head from time to time, looking in the direction behind him, alert to all the movements around him.

And when she walked halfway, she gradually discovered that the road was really getting wider and wider as the old tree said. There was a little light, but it was not completely dark.

She has always kept in mind the reminder from the old tree, and also thought of Zhang Hao's reminder. Instead of taking the forest path, she has been walking through the weeds. Even though the forest path looks easy to walk, it will be more comfortable. But she still believed what Zhang Hao said.

In this way, she kept walking forward, all the way forward, ignoring the road behind her, let alone where the end of the road is, since she has already walked on this road, the result is nothing more than two .

The first way is that I get lost again, I just need to wait for Zhang Hao to continue to find me. The second way is to return to the original place and find Zhang Hao, which is naturally the best thing. .

With such thoughts in mind, Li Siyu moved forward until she realized that the road in front of her was already extremely wide, and the road in front of her was about to come to an end.

She looked up, and saw, through the dim light, that at the end of the road, the very familiar weed forest was there.

At this moment, Li Siyu's eyes suddenly burst into tears, and they were turning around. She pressed her lips tightly and walked forward step by step.

The ancient tree really didn't lie to her.

As long as you pass through the weed forest in front of you, you can return to the original place!
(End of this chapter)

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