Chapter 169 A conversation spanning hundreds of years!
"Looking for a geomantic treasure to build a residence?" Gu Shu's voice was full of doubts, and a little puzzled.

Zhang Hao nodded: "Exactly."

The ancient tree remained silent, and did not answer the question immediately.

Zhang Hao was not in a hurry, just quietly waiting for Gu Shu's answer.

In fact, he wanted to find a piece of geomantic treasure land to build a residence, which was a decision he had made a long time ago, not a temporary idea.

There are many considerations for him to build a residence in the mountains.

Although there is a lot of yin in the mountains, there are advantages and disadvantages, and everything is nothing more than this.

The same is true in the mountains. It is said that if a mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals. In ancient times, some high-ranking hermits were willing to go to the mountains to live in seclusion. Naturally, there is a reason.

Of course, it is not a good thing to set up camp casually without meaning. Naturally, it is necessary to choose a place with good geomantic omen suitable for living in order to have an effect.

Even so, the mountains are not suitable for long-term living, and it is best to live here occasionally for a period of time.

First of all, the biggest advantage of building a residence in the mountains is that it can help Li Siyu solve the problem of illness.

It is recorded in [Zoushan Travel Notes] that there are some characteristics of geomantic treasures in the mountains, and living in geomantic treasures can take care of the body.

This kind of place is generally the place where the spiritual energy in the mountains is the most abundant and gathers continuously, but each geomantic treasure site is different and has different functions. If you build a residence in this kind of place, use specific construction techniques and specific construction methods way, which is of great benefit to the people who live in it.

People with illnesses like Li Siyu can delay their illnesses. Although they can't reach the point of recovery, they can completely suppress the illnesses for a long time, so that the illnesses cannot be further strengthened.

For a mountain walker like Zhang Hao, it will make him more proficient in the four skills of [Mountain Walking Skill], which can be regarded as strengthening his professional skills invisibly.

Moreover, after the residence is built, the deer, like the mountain deer, is equivalent to becoming a domestic animal. If you want to go out of the mountain in the future, you can go out by riding a deer, and you can go home by riding a deer when you enter the mountain, which is very convenient.

Except for Shanshenlu who is not very willing, I believe everyone is very willing, even Xiaobai will raise his paws in agreement.

This is only the first level of consideration.

Then there is the matter of the spiritual soil. Zhang Hao has already created a piece of spiritual soil in the field to grow wild ginseng, and some spiritual grasses that may be found in the mountains.

But part of the spiritual grass in the mountains can only be planted in the mountains, so it is also very necessary to create a piece of spiritual soil in the mountains.

And if there is a disadvantage in creating a piece of spiritual soil in the mountains, that is, once the breath of the spiritual soil spreads out, it will attract many mountain spirits, even mountain spirits and wild monsters.

As long as a residence is built near the spiritual soil, and the aura of the residence and the breath of the residence are used to cover the breath of the spiritual soil, then there will not be too many mountain spirits and wild monsters.

If it is attracted in the future, Zhang Hao also has a backup method, that is, it is more troublesome at most, it doesn't matter.

Of course, the most important problem is that the place where the residence is built must be a place of good geomantic omen.

And this kind of feng shui treasure, just through the [Mountain Observation Jue] and mountain walking skills, it can't be said that it can't be found, but it is very difficult to find one that is very suitable for oneself.

After all, each geomantic land plays a different role.

It seems that there is a special place for gathering wealth, such as the cornucopia case. The valleys on both sides are high and protruding, and the building in the center is sunken inward, like a cornucopia. The branches and leaves here are lush, and the closer to the building, the more luxuriant, until all the aura in the mountain is exhausted. Absorb it and turn it into your own destiny.

There are also special ones for recuperating, such as the turtle-backed case. The place where the house is built rises high, and the surroundings are gradually sunken outwards. The mountain-shaped case in front of the house is the turtle-backed case, which is a treasure of longevity. People who live here can prolong their lives. Take care of your life.

It is more similar to a mage's pen case, and its shape is like the shape of a mage's fingers. The middle of the building is slightly longer and the sides are shorter.

And Zhang Hao hopes to find a place that is slightly more suitable for him, such as one that can heal his illness, enhance his mountain walking skills, or other places.

In [Zoushan Travel Notes], there are several mountain walkers who have found a certain geomantic treasure land in the mountains that fits them very well. An old man like the ancient tree who spoke.

They have been in the mountains for a long time, so long that they themselves have forgotten how long it was. They have their own understanding of everything that happened in the mountains, and they will naturally know where there are things in the mountains. , and naturally know where it is.

Zhang Hao still stood where he was, silently looking at the ancient tree.

Li Siyu's eyes jumped back and forth between the ancient tree and Zhang Hao.

She hasn't realized why Zhang Hao built a residence in the mountains, and she also finds it a little strange.

After all, there is a small courtyard with three entrances at the foot of the mountain, which is already considered the best house in the village, and it is so large that two people cannot live there.

Moreover, the roads in the village have been paved and there are street lights, so there is no need to worry about walking at night, let alone thieves.

At this time, Zhang Hao wanted to build a residence in the mountains.

After all, if it was before, Li Siyu could still think about it, or would support it.

But today, after experiencing these things, she hesitated a little. You must know that there are many weird things in this mountain, and some things in the mountain are not what she knew before.

There are mountain spirits and wild monsters in the mountains, foxes with enlightened wisdom, ancient trees that can talk, and voices that will appear inexplicably and guide her to a certain place.

In this case, she believes that everyone who has just accepted this kind of thing will choose to think about it, or directly refuse.

However, she also knew that since Zhang Hao did this, there must be his considerations and ideas, and in the end, he would definitely tell herself the reason.

Thinking of this, she didn't speak, but just watched silently, and took advantage of the opportunity to think of what to eat tonight.

In the silence, the vicissitudes of the ancient tree, the old voice reappeared: "Which treasured geomantic omen do you want to find?"

Zhang Hao nodded: "I want to find a suitable place to live, does the old man know?"

"Hehe." Gu Shu laughed and said, "I happen to know one place."

"This place is called Chessboard Table. It is as flat as a table, and the trees are like chess pieces. It absorbs the power of the heaven and the earth, and moves the mountain. The spiritual energy in the mountain gathers and turns it into your own use. If you live in it for a long time, you will surely prolong your life and gain momentum."

Zhang Hao's eyes lit up.

He has never seen the geomantic treasure of this chessboard case in [Zoushan Travel Records], nor has he seen it in [Guanshan Jue].

However, according to the ancient tree, living in the chessboard case seems to be able to recuperate from illness and improve one's mountain walking skills. It can also be regarded as a relatively balanced geomantic land.

"If you want to find this place, please remember the mantra of old age." The branches and leaves of the ancient trees shook, as if they were about to raise their hands and chant poems.

"Senior, please tell me." Zhang Hao pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

The ancient trees did not hide their clumsiness, and a faint voice came: "The spirit of the mountain gathers in the middle, and the extreme of the middle is located in the east."

"The extremes of the mountains are gathered in the west, and in the west, the spirit is here."

"The extreme of the spirit, gathering in the east, in the spirit, this is the place where the spirit gathers."

"My lord Zoushan, this is the location of the spirit gathering place in the mountain, you can follow the formula to find it." The ancient tree said quietly.

Zhang Hao silently memorized each of the formulas that the ancient tree said, then nodded, folded his hands, and bowed in salute: "Zhang Hao, the mountain walker, thank you again, senior."

"Master Zoushanren, don't be polite. I feel a great honor to be able to help you. You are also the most lucky Mr. Zoushanren I have ever seen." Gu Shu smiled heartily, and the branches and leaves rustled. There is a sound, and occasionally green leaves fall to the ground, and I am very happy from the tone.

Zhang Hao got up slightly, looked at the ancient tree curiously, and then asked: "Have you ever seen other mountain walkers before?"

Zhang Hao doesn't know if this mountain is connected to other mountains or not, so he doesn't know which mountain walker has been here.

The old tree smiled, and the canopy on the top seemed to hang down, as if sighing: "That is also an excellent mountain walker. When I first met the old man, I learned that the old mountain walker had already found him. After traveling all over the mountains of the Kyushu land, this is the last place he found, and the mountain walker is also a person with great luck."

Hearing Gu Shu's words, Zhang Hao suddenly realized, and a name immediately appeared in his mind.

Xu Xiake!
The mountain walker that Gu Shu had seen must be Mr. Xu Xiake.

The mountain walker recorded in the book [Zoushan Travel Records], the last mountain walker, that is, Zhang Hao's predecessor is the old man Xu Xiake.

In the description of the ancient tree, the mountain walker has searched all the mountains in Kyushu. Isn't this the old man Xu Xiake who has searched all the mountains.

If so, it makes perfect sense.

If it is said that Mr. Xu Xiake came to this mountain, it was the last one, then it means that Mr. Xu Xiake probably left here the [Illustrated Record of Zoushan Travels], the secret book of Zoushanren.

In the follow-up, the old man may stay here forever, or the old man may leave, anyway, he left the ancient book to someone who is destined.

And [Zoushan Travel Records] went round and round, and finally fell into his own hands. He successfully took over the class of Mr. Xu Xiake and became this time's mountain walker.

At this point in his thoughts, Zhang Hao only felt that the long-term embarrassment had been answered, and he also had a more comprehensive understanding of some information about ancient books.

At least, he now knows a lot of things.

"Master Zoushanren, this old man just remembered that this mantra was left by that equally outstanding Master Zoushanren. This old man once remembered that the Lord Zoushanren once said that someone will find me in the future and ask about this mantra." .” Gu Shu muttered, as if muttering to himself.

Zhang Hao's body trembled, his mouth opened, and he forgot to close it for a moment.

The formula left by Mr. Xu Xiake?

That is to say, the old man already knew the location of the [Chessboard Case] ​​in the mountain at that time, but he did not keep it for himself, but left the formula of the [Chessboard Case] ​​to the old tree , and then conveyed it to myself hundreds of years later through the ancient tree.

This is... a transmission across the long river of history, and it is also a kind of inheritance from the previous mountain walkers to the successors.

Like the [Picture Record of Zoushan Travel Notes], Mr. Xu Xiake also left him such a treasured land of geomantic omen.

Zhang Hao's heart was full of mixed feelings and feelings, and it was impossible to describe his mood at the moment with words.

Earlier, he might not have understood the true meaning of the word inheritance. He thought that he only needed to record his experience in the [Picture Record of Zoushan Travel].

But thinking about it now, it's not like that, at least it's not that simple.

Inheritance is not limited to words, thoughts, and even spirits. Sometimes it can also be something left by the elders to the younger generations.

With this in mind, Zhang Hao folded his hands and bowed deeply to the ancient tree. This bow was also full of respect for Mr. Xu Xiake and the former mountain walker.

"Senior, if you bother me so much, the younger generation will leave first." Zhang Hao said.

The ancient tree smiled and said: "Master Zoushan, walk slowly. If you have something you don't understand in the future, you can also come to find the old man. If the old man knows, he will definitely answer it."

Zhang Hao nodded heavily, and then helped Li Siyu onto the back of the deer, and hugged Xiao Bai in his arms, turned over on the back of the deer with a stride, and walked through the dark and quiet dense forest along the road in front of him.

The mountain god deer can ignore the darkness. Even if the forest is so dark that you can't stretch your fingers, it has no effect on the mountain god deer. It can also travel freely and go wherever it wants.


The mountain god deer carried two people and a dog to the path leading down the mountain to the entrance of the village.

The two turned over and got off the back of the deer. Looking at the lights of Zhaojia Village at the foot of the mountain, they turned their heads and looked at the quiet, dark dense forest. For a moment, they had mixed feelings.

Today's trip into the mountains has already exceeded Li Siyu's cognition, and it has completely made her realize a brand new world, opened the door to a new world, and made her realize that there are so many novel things in this world.

This is a good thing, but also a bad thing.

Li Siyu felt that he might have to sleep well and have a good rest before he could slowly accept all this.

Zhang Hao also saw Li Siyu's state, sent the mountain god deer back to the mountain, and took her and Xiaobai back home quickly.

Waited until home.

While Li Siyu was cooking in the kitchen, Zhang Hao recalled the mantra mentioned by Gu Shu, went back to the room, and opened the [Picture Record of Zoushan Travel].

With the formula, if you want to find the specific location of the [Chessboard Case], you only need to look at the [Zoushan Travel Record], and then combine with the [Guanshan Jue] to deduce the specific location of the [Chessboard Case].

(End of this chapter)

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