Chapter 173 The Reminder Left by Mr. Xu Xiake
After confirming the position of the mountain, Zhang Hao raised his head and stared at roughly the same position in the east.

Looking at the past from a distance, compared to the hillside with a slope in the west, the location in the east is relatively flat, and there are not even any weeds nearby, as if the land should have been used to build houses. .

Withdrawing his gaze, he didn't try to determine the location of the [chessboard case] on the east side, but raised his head, looked at the dome above his head, and at the tree crowns that covered the sky and the sun.

Next, you need to find the location of the [Seven Stars Case], and finally overlap with the position of the [Chess Board Case], and then you can find the final location of the [Seven Stars Chess Board Case].

This method is not difficult, but it is a bit troublesome. There will be more directions to find and more knowledge reserves.

But for Zhang Hao, this is not a difficult matter, and he can solve it.

Holding the compass in his hand, he kept turning the direction, sometimes raising his head to look at the dome, sometimes lowering his head, chopping the ground under his feet with his feet, sometimes looking straight ahead, and the expression on his face changed one after another.

On the side, Shanshenlu and Xiaobai did not step forward to disturb, but were playing their own games, sometimes playing with each other.

Although they didn't know what Zhang Hao was doing, they knew that if they stepped forward to disturb him at this time, it would probably cause Zhang Hao's displeasure and easily interrupt what Zhang Hao was doing.

After all, Shanshenlu still wants Zhang Hao to build the house as soon as possible, and Xiaobai also wants the owner to finish his work as soon as possible, and then take it to continue walking up the mountain.

Holding the compass in his hand, Zhang Hao frowned, walking non-stop under the dome, sometimes stopping to compare the values ​​on the compass.

Logically speaking, the main position of [Seven Stars Case] ​​is the Yin position, Kun Ji, and the southwest middle position.

But he searched for the middle position in the southwest for a long time, but he couldn't find the so-called Yin position, at the extreme point of Kun, which means that either the main position information he learned about [Seven Stars Case] ​​was wrong, or it was this [Seven Stars Case] 】The point cannot be found by conventional means or previous experience.

[Seven Star Case]... [Chessboard Case]...

Could it be that because the [Seven Stars Case] ​​combined with the [Chessboard Case], the theme of the [Seven Stars Case] ​​changed?

If this is the case, then the location of [Seven Stars Case] ​​will not be easy to find.

After all, he is not a so-called Feng Shui master, and he only has a superficial understanding of Feng Shui.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Hao took out the [Picture Record of Zoushan Travel Notes] from the Guling Basket, and then began to look through it.

When he came here, he was afraid that something similar would happen, so he also brought [Zoushan Travel Records] in the Guling Basket, also to prevent encountering that suspicious mountain treasure.

If he could really encounter that suspicious thing that was suspected to be a mountain treasure, then he would have a way to deal with it.

He flipped through it very quickly. After all, [Zoushan Travel Records] is an ancient book that he would take out to read and review from time to time. As long as he read it roughly, he could roughly recall some content in his mind.

Not long after, he flipped through the page he wanted to find.

According to ancient records, the [Big Dipper Case] ​​is generally located in the valley, on the flat ground, and under the dome like a nest of nests.

[Seven Star Case] ​​The Yin position is at the pole, and the Kun pole is at the pole. If you encounter a side case, you will move the point, which is a flexible and changeable geomantic treasure.

But in the same way, this [Seven Stars Case] ​​can be compatible with other geomantic treasures, and has a strong auxiliary effect. If you find the spot, it can play a huge role, but if you can’t find the spot, or find the wrong place If there is a point, not only will the effect be greatly reduced, but it may even weaken the role of the original geomantic treasure land.

This requires caution.

Zhang Hao frowned and watched, and when he saw the end, the expression on his face became more and more strange.

Because, [Zoushan Travel Records] did not record the exact points that may appear when encountering other geomantic treasures in [Seven Stars Case], but left an inscrutable sentence.

[You will know when you meet it. 】

This sentence makes Zhang Hao confused, what does it mean to know it when you meet it?

Could it be that as long as I stand in that position, I can feel the compatibility of these two geomantic treasures?

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't fully understand what was going on.

"You'll know it when you meet can you leave such a sentence for people to guess." Zhang Hao muttered to himself in bewilderment.

At this moment, his gaze fell on the first page of "Zoushan Travel Notes", the name left by Mr. Xu Xiake.

In an instant, a bold idea emerged from his mind.

This...couldn't be another test left by Mr. Xu Xiake, right?

Isn't it true that Mr. Xu Xiake thinks so much of his next mountain walker?

Not only did he leave behind a piece of geomantic treasure, but he also left behind a not-so-simple test...

As soon as the idea came up, Zhang Hao thought about it for a moment, and felt that it was really possible.

Because according to the records in the [Zoushan Travel Records], the formation of the [Big Dipper Case] ​​does not take decades or hundreds of years, but requires hundreds of years of evolution before it can be formed in a certain The time slot becomes [Big Dipper case].

And if Mr. Xu Xiake found the location of this [Chessboard Case], he may find that there is a possibility that the [Big Dipper Case] ​​will be formed here, so he erased the [Picture Record of Zoushan Travels], about finding it. The location of [Seven Star Chessboard Case].

It can be regarded as a test for his descendants.

If you pass the test, you can get the [Seven-Star Chessboard Case] ​​and make good use of this geomantic land. If you fail this test, then Zhang Hao will definitely not be able to build a house here, and he will not dare to use this geomantic land. I will leave this geomantic treasure to the next mountain walker.

Moreover, even if Mr. Xu Xiake made a mistake in judgment and the [Big Dipper Case] ​​cannot be formed here, that's okay, there is still the [Chessboard Case] ​​test.

Zhang Hao shook his head and laughed, and sighed helplessly.

I have to say that Mr. Xu Xiake's thoughts are really delicate. I don't know whether he has high hopes for him, a junior who walks mountains, or he wants to let himself grow and realize his own shortcomings.

After a short thought, Zhang Hao smiled, stood up resolutely, put the [Zoushan Travel Record] in the Guling Basket, and continued to pick up the compass, walking back and forth here, and checking it from time to time compass angle.

He always felt that the sentence left by the old man Xu Xiake, "you will know it when you meet it", must have another meaning, not the meaning that you can know it when you meet it.

However, he hasn't figured this out yet, so he doesn't know how to deal with the words left by Mr. Xu Xiake.

On the side, the mountain god deer and Xiaobai were a little tired from playing. The mountain god deer lay down on the ground and fell asleep, snoring slightly, and Xiaobai also lay down, his ears drooped, and his eyelids began to loosen. It was flipping up and down, fighting, and it seemed that it would not last long.

Zhang Hao has been energetically looking for another place.

In his opinion, this test is a kind of recognition for him. As long as he can judge the location of this geomantic treasure through hard work and experience, it means that Mr. Xu Xiake has recognized him as a mountain walker.

Therefore, even if he spends a day here, or even spends many days, he will spend it here, as long as he finds that point.

After all, as long as Li Siyu comes to live here after building a house, his body will recover faster, and his mountain walking skills will also be strengthened.

In this way, he has been wandering here, searching, and walking around with the compass. It can even be said that he has reached the west direction every step of the way, but there is no response at all.

Not only was the display on the compass wrong, but even according to his superficial understanding of Feng Shui, he knew that the point was not here.

And since there is no such thing in the West, it can only be found in the East?
But the east is the point of [Chessboard Case], and it can be regarded as the spiritual pole of [Chessboard Case].

If there is no [Big Dipper Case], then he really only needs to find the spiritual pole of the [Chessboard Case].

But now, there is no point in the west, and the only possibility is the east.

After thinking about it again and again, Zhang Hao decided to take a look and try it.

"Wang!" Xiaobai suddenly called out, making Zhang Hao's thoughts pause.

He subconsciously turned his head to look at where Xiaobai was.

I saw that Xiaobai had already walked from the place where he was sleeping to a corner on the east side, where he kept digging the soil with his two front paws, raised his head, and barked at Zhang Hao a few times.

Zhang Hao frowned, and walked towards Xiaobai with a compass.

When he came near Xiaobai, Xiaobai was wagging his tail, shaking his head while calling, motioning Zhang Hao to look at the things it dug out.

Zhang Hao poked his head over, and when he saw what Xiaobai had dug out, his expression paused immediately.

Is that...a piece of ginger covered in dirt?
"Woof! Aww~"

Xiaobai was still wagging his tail, as if showing off his achievements to his master.

Zhang Hao raised his hand, touched the top of Xiaobai's head, and then used a knife to scrape away the soil near the piece of ginger, so that the whole picture of the piece of ginger could be revealed.

To be precise, this is indeed a piece of ginger, and it is not the medicinal material, mountain ginger, but the kind of ginger that people use as a seasoning for cooking.

But this piece of ginger is buried deep in the ground, there are no branches and leaves, only ginger.

It's like... being deliberately buried here.

Zhang Hao looked at the piece of ginger and frowned slightly.

A piece of ginger grows in this mountain, or is buried deep in the ground, but has no branches...

Zhang Hao briefly recalled the records in [Zoushan Travel Notes], and quickly remembered that this is the mountain ginger.

Mountain ginger is different from mountain ginger, and it is also different from ordinary ginger. It is a ginger that grows in the mountains, buried deep in the soil, and does not reveal any branches and leaves.

This ginger is a kind of spiritual grass, it can be planted in the spiritual soil in the field, as long as it is buried deep in the ground like now, watered daily, no fertilization is required, but it must be planted at night every ten days Dig it out, expose it to the moonlight, and bury it in spiritual soil before dawn.

After half a year, the mountain ginger can grow into mountain ghost ginger.

The mountain ghost ginger is placed in the spiritual soil, which can prevent the spiritual soil from being damaged and nourish the spiritual soil.

Of course, the use of mountain ghost ginger is far more than that. When mountain ghost ginger is mature, it can be kept at home to prevent recruiting villains.

Mountain ghost ginger has a solid foundation, and its pungentness is specially designed to destroy evil spirits. It grows taller and taller, which means that it can be promoted to three levels in a row.

But mountain ghost ginger also has a more important function, which is to block Yin Qi.

Mountain ghost ginger is originally a thing of great yin, and the yin energy gathers inside but does not dissipate for a long time, but it is harmless to people. If you put mountain ghost ginger in the bedroom at home, or in the town house, it can be used Part of the yin qi in the home fades away, and then part of it is absorbed by the mountain ghost ginger.

This thing is indeed a good thing for Zhang Hao now. He can use spiritual soil to cultivate this mountain ginger, turn it into mountain ghost ginger, and then put it in the house in the mountain to block Yin Qi and avoid Li Siyu was eroded by Yin Qi.

With this in mind, Zhang Hao carefully dug out the mountain ginger and put it in the Guling basket.

During the period, the mountain god deer seemed to smell it, and wanted to come to smell it, and even wanted to eat it, so Zhang Hao refused decisively.

Then, Zhang Hao couldn't help but put his thoughts back to the spot where he was looking for the geomantic treasure.

But just when he got up, holding the compass, and preparing to check the point, he suddenly paused, turned his head subconsciously, and looked at the place where the mountain ginger had just been dug out.

He seemed to suddenly understand what the old man Xu Xiake left behind in the "Zoushan Travel Notes" "You will know when you meet it" is exactly what it means!

(End of this chapter)

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