My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 175 Chinese Garden in the Mountains, A Small World for Two

Chapter 175 Chinese-style courtyard in the mountains, a small world for two

early morning.

Dew and mist appeared at the same time, and there was a little more moisture in the small courtyard.

The mountains on which the back is leaning also look foggy, as if they urgently need sunlight to disperse the fog.

Standing in the small courtyard, Zhang Hao took a deep breath and felt that his nasal cavity was full of water vapor, but he didn't feel too uncomfortable.

In the kitchen, Li Siyu was sitting for breakfast, the lunch that he had to bring up the mountain, and the dinner that just needed to be warmed up when he came back at night.

When Zhang Hao prepared delicious food for Xiaobai, Li Siyu walked out of the kitchen with breakfast.

Zhang Hao just got up and got busy with Li Siyu, and then sat at the dining table, and the two picked up their bowls and chopsticks and started eating.

It is a big project to go into the mountains to build a house today, and we must have enough food, otherwise it is easy to get hungry before the meal time.

Of course, the things that need to be done today are not fine movements, but some heavy work, such as cutting trees, finding wood, or building simple frames for houses.

Naturally, Zhang Hao came to do these tasks, while Li Siyu was responsible for the design drawings of the entire house.

The two had a clear division of labor. After breakfast, they both returned to their respective rooms to make preparations.

After walking out the door again.

Li Siyu changed into a lighter plain Hanfu, and her hair was tied up with a simple hairpin. She was carrying a cloth bag, which contained measuring tools, blueprints, and pens.

After she is going to the place, she first measures the land, then variously calculates the distance of the building, etc., and then reflects it on the drawings, and finally enters the link of construction.

It can be said that her job today is extremely important, and what kind of house she and Zhang Hao can live in in the future depends on her performance.

Li Siyu was a little nervous about this.

After all, she had never been exposed to such a thing, and she had never really participated in the work of building a house.

Zhang Hao was well prepared, carrying a few bundles of thick hemp rope, a diesel wood saw, an ax and other tools on his back.

To build a house, the first thing you need is wood. If you just use an ax to chop trees, Zhang Hao may not be able to collect the wood he needs during the house construction process, even if he is exhausted.

Sitting at the feet of the two, Xiaobai looked at them very excitedly, his tail was wagging and was about to fly up, as if he knew that he was going to enter the mountain soon, and he also seemed to know that he was going to build a house in the mountain. thing.

Zhang Hao and Li Siyu looked at each other.

"Let's go?"


The two of them took Xiao Bai out of the house and walked up the mountain along the small road in the village.

At the foot of the mountain, Zhang Hao simply performed a ceremony of worshiping the mountain god.

Now, every time he enters the mountain, he will first worship the mountain god, not for the sake of gaining something from this trip, in fact, the most important thing is a habit or a belief, and ask the mountain god to bless this trip Can return safely.

Similarly, this can be regarded as a rule, a rule that must be followed as a mountain walker.

He took Li Siyu and Xiaobai into the mountain again.

Zhang Hao was not polite, and asked Xiaobai to call the silly deer, while he started to search nearby.

"What are you looking for?" Li Siyu asked curiously.

Zhang Hao sighed: "Today is the time for that stupid deer to contribute. We need to give him some sweetness in advance, otherwise this guy won't contribute. Really, this guy is too smart."

As he spoke, he pulled out a piece of Gastrodia elata that hadn't fully grown from the ground. After looking at it, he casually threw it into the basket, waiting to be used as food for the mountain god deer.

Later, he found some wild fruits nearby, which were not very valuable, and the mountain deer liked to eat them more.

Also at this time.

Xiaobai came back, and behind him was a fat and strong deer with a proud face.

Seeing the mountain deer coming, Zhang Hao handed over the basket in his hand.

The aroma of the things in the mountains immediately followed the basket into the nose of the mountain god deer, causing him to lower his arrogant head for a moment, the black nose kept sniffing, and even swallowed like a human.

It is also understandable that he didn't eat much yesterday, and today he was called by Zhang Hao. Once he smelled the fragrance of the thing in the mountain, he must be a little bit uncontrollable.

Zhang Hao didn't give it to him immediately, but said: "There are a lot of things that you need to do today. If you want to eat, you have to work, understand?"

How can the mountain god deer face the temptation of a basket full, and its huge head nods like a chicken pecking at rice, as if saying: I must work hard, give it to me quickly!

Li Siyu looked very funny.

After all, the mountain god deer can be regarded as an intelligent animal anyway, and it should be stronger than those foxes, right?

Or even say, should be smarter than Xiaobai?

But how could he be so obedient just for the sake of eating? It's funny when you think about it.

Of course, there must be reasons why Zhang Hao is tame, and there must be reasons why Zhang Hao is a mountain walker.

Thinking of this, she put her eyes on Zhang Hao. At this moment, she still felt that Zhang Hao was still the same as before, always giving people a mysterious feeling.

She knew about Zhang Hao's walking in the mountains, and Zhang Hao's greatness, but she always felt that Zhang Hao still had a lot of backhands that he didn't use, and Zhang Hao was not just as she saw. , should still be more powerful.

Such a mountain god deer can be tamed by eating, which is enough to illustrate this point.

Thinking like this, she saw that Zhang Hao put the basket in front of the mountain god deer.

As soon as it was put down, the huge head of the mountain god deer arched into the basket, and began to eat as if it was hungry.

Xiao Bai wagged his tail and ran around the mountain god deer.

Perhaps Xiaobai and the Mountain God Deer have become familiar with each other in the past few days, and the Mountain God Deer even took out a piece of Polygonum multiflorum with its mouth and put it in front of Xiao Bai.

Seeing this, Xiaobai started to eat in big mouthfuls, his belly was round.

Zhang Hao watched from the side, shook his head and laughed, and sighed silently.

It didn't take long for the mountain god deer to finish eating the things in the basket. For him, these things can only be regarded as a full meal.

Zhang Hao waited for him to finish eating, then helped Li Siyu onto the deer's back, took Xiao Bai, turned onto the deer's back, and headed towards the location of yesterday's [Seven Star Chessboard Case].

The speed of the mountain god deer was still fast and steady, and it didn't take long for the group to arrive at the location of the [Seven Star Chessboard Case].

Through the dense forest in front of you.

Li Siyu looked at the large flat land in front of him, his beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

She never thought that there would be such a large open space in this mountain.

What surprised her even more was that when she looked up, the top of her head was already covered by the canopy of surrounding trees, like a natural dome. Not too sunburnt.

And the temperature is suitable, cool in summer, and will not be covered by heavy snow in winter.

From these two points alone, this place is a treasure land of geomantic omen.

It's hard for Zhang Hao to find such a place, it looks really good.

Of course, it would be even better if there was a lake in front of this open space, but she also naturally knew that there could be no perfect things in this world.

When she saw the open space in front of her, she was already thinking about the scene of living here in the future.

She and Zhang Hao lived here, accompanied by the gurgling birdsong, and then there was a little smoke from the house. After eating, they walked around the mountains. Zhang Hao found some precious things in the mountains, and she It is to find something that can be made in the mountains, and then use it as the material of the video.

After living here for a long time and her illness recovers, then...the two of them can get married here.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Li Siyu's face turned rosy in an instant.

"Here is the center of the house we want to build. Just take this point as the center of the house and expand outward. The house can be built large or small, but there is an approximate range. I will introduce it later. The value of this range tells you that you must not exceed this value when designing, otherwise the effect of this geomantic treasure will be greatly reduced." Zhang Hao did not notice the change in Li Siyu, but walked to the point on his own , pulled out the invasion knife stuck in the ground, put it back on his waist and put it away.

In Feng Shui, when a point is used to build something, the size of the building is also considered, and it is not that you can build as big as you want.

Just like here, the house built cannot exceed the location of the mountain, let alone the spiritual limit of the [chessboard case], otherwise the extra places will have no effect, which will affect the effect of the whole house.

"Well, good." Li Siyu quickly recovered from his fantasy and replied.

Zhang Hao looked around, and said: "If you want to shoot here, you should follow the previous rules. There is nothing you can't shoot here, and don't go too far, just stay nearby. "

"I'll leave Xiaobai with you, and I'll take the Mountain God Deer out, but don't worry, don't look at Xiaobai's small size, but if something really happens, Xiaobai's cry is the most useful. When it calls, You can wake up."


Zhang Hao searched his brains and told Li Siyu all the precautions he could think of. He was afraid that she would not remember, so he briefly repeated it.

"For this place, what style of house do you want to build?" Zhang Hao asked.

Li Siyu pondered for a while: "My idea is to build a house similar to the style of a Chinese courtyard. The main structure of the house is all made of wood, using as little sand bricks and cement as possible."

"There should be a small courtyard paved with bluestone bricks in front of the house, and then open a small vegetable field in the courtyard to grow a la carte daily."

"I don't want to use blue tiles on the house, and use wood as much as possible to build it. The surface can be painted with anti-moth paint."

"As for the windows, my idea is to use wooden windows instead, and try to match the style of the mountains and forests as much as possible. We can make the furniture, beds, etc. by ourselves, so I can also shoot videos."

Following her words, the corresponding scene appeared in Zhang Hao's mind: "Then design according to your idea."

"Yeah!" Li Siyu nodded heavily, with a smile on his lips.

After that, he took the tools he had prepared before and rode the mountain god deer and left the open space.

And Li Siyu was finally able to show her abilities, she took out various measuring tools from the cloth bag.

Then, I walked to the place where Zhang Hao had inserted the invading knife. According to what Zhang Hao said, take this place as the center, measure the surrounding distance, and finally record it on paper, and put the data on the computer at night , and began to design the cottage in the mountains for her and Zhang Hao.

Xiaobai followed behind Li Siyu's buttocks, wagging his tail, following tirelessly, with his little pink tongue sticking out, gasping.


in the forest.

Zhang Hao rode the mountain god deer and galloped on the path in the forest. The speed was not slow, but rather fast.

It was Zhang Hao who told Shanshen Lu to hurry up. He rode Shanshen Lu out this time, not because he was looking for something, but because he had a clear goal.

That is to find the ginkgo forest in this mountain.

It is naturally a trivial matter to hand over this kind of thing to the mountain god deer.

It didn't take long for the mountain god deer to carry Zhang Hao to a ginkgo forest.

Zhang Hao turned over and got off the back of the deer. He looked at the green ginkgo leaves that had not yet turned yellow, and the thick and towering tree trunks in front of him, and looked at the distance. This ginkgo forest is simply He couldn't see the side at a glance, seeing this, his eyes gradually became brighter.

Ginkgo tree, known among the folks as the tree of the town house, is a symbol of longevity. It is said that planting it at home can keep the family healthy and safe, especially for the elderly and children.

Zhang Hao agrees with this point.

This is indeed the case. In Feng Shui, the ginkgo tree governs water, and water is the source of life, so it naturally has the meaning of commanding life. If you plant a ginkgo tree at home, it means bringing the source of life into your home. Be nice to your family.

The elderly and children are people who are favored by the source of life. One is young and the other is old. Naturally, it is beneficial.

But Zhang Hao didn't come to this ginkgo forest this time to dig a ginkgo tree and bring it back to the location of the [Seven Star Chessboard Case] ​​for planting.

He came this time to cut wood.

Everyone knows that this ginkgo tree can be used to plant at home, but only those who walk the mountain know that this ginkgo tree can also be used to build houses.

The ginkgo tree dominates water and is known as the source of life, so it is naturally related to Yin Qi. In Fengshui, water has always been biased towards Yin Qi, so Ginkgo Tree is also called Yin Tree. In the eyes, it can also be regarded as a tree that dominates shade.

They are generally used to build houses, or to build rafts, and other things.

The main advantage of using ginkgo trees to build houses is that although ginkgo trees dominate yin, they also block yin qi. It has the same effect as mountain ghost ginger, but the effect of ginkgo trees is greater.

In addition, houses built with ginkgo trees are moisture-proof, and the mountains are very humid, and things like bedding are extremely prone to mold. However, if the houses are built with ginkgo trees, such problems do not exist. To a certain extent, they can be It is no problem to make bedding for half a month.

Another advantage is that the trunk of the ginkgo tree is relatively straight, which is very suitable for building houses.

Taking the diesel saw off the back of the deer, Zhang Hao picked up the diesel saw, and first locked his eyes on a ginkgo tree in the forest, which was not particularly thick.

Then, he stepped forward and pulled the chainsaw.


The sound of the diesel saw sounded instantly, resounding through the entire dense forest, and echoing for a long time.

And Zhang Hao also took the chainsaw and started sawing from the root of the ginkgo tree.

(End of this chapter)

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