My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 185 Come out of the mountains and enter the world, go to Wuyue Mountain!

Chapter 185 Come out of the mountains and enter the world, go to the Five Sacred Mountains!

Not long after, with the full cooperation of the two, the house in the mountain was quickly cleaned up.

In the two adjacent rooms, brand new quilts were laid in each. Among the two rooms, Li Siyu's room is larger and is the master bedroom, while Zhang Hao's room is smaller and is the second bedroom.

The two still slept separately.

At least, before getting married and getting a certificate, they have to sleep separately, even if this is a deep mountain, even if there are no gossips in the village, even if no one is their neighbor.

After tidying up the room, Zhang Hao took Xiaobai out, while Li Siyu was in the hut in the mountain, tidying up the pots and pans in the kitchen, and returning these things one by one.

After finishing all the work, the sky has gradually darkened. Through the gaps in the dome covered by the huge tree canopy, it can be seen that the sky is already covered with dusk, and night will fall soon.

Seeing this, Li Siyu took out the dishes prepared in advance and prepared to cook.

And right now.

Zhang Hao also came back, with two extra hares, a pheasant, some wild vegetables, and some medicinal materials that could be used to make dishes.

The hare and the pheasant were he who met the fox bridegroom and the fox bride. After hearing that he was going to live in the mountains, the fox couple specially caught the hare and the pheasant as a housewarming gift for him.

In the end, he also said that he would not come here to celebrate, and Zhang Hao had no intention of continuing to invite.

And those wild vegetables and medicinal materials were picked by him and Xiaobai together.

"I can eat some authentic mountain game tonight." Zhang Hao mentioned the dead hare and pheasant with a smile.

The corners of Li Siyu's mouth turned up, and he nodded heavily: "Then let's celebrate again tonight."

"Let's say it first, I won't drink tonight." Zhang Hao smiled wryly.

Recalling that when he drank last night, he, an old alcoholic, hadn't even been able to drink. Li Siyu, who had never drunk, felt ashamed for a while, and he really lost the old alcoholic's face.

After all, he drank at least a catty last night to say the least...

Who would have thought that a catty of white wine would be nothing to Li Siyu, it was out of the question.

Li Siyu was taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "I didn't bring it today either."

While talking, Li Siyu continued to devote himself to the kitchen, preparing tonight's meals, while Zhang Hao pulled out the knife pinned to his waist, quickly peeled the hare's skin, and boiled a pot of boiling water to remove the feathers of the pheasant. .

By the time all this was done, it was completely dark.

But Zhang Hao was not in a hurry, and took advantage of the opportunity to start a fire in the small courtyard. He specially used some stones to build a fire place, thinking that he could use it to cook some barbecue and other food in the future, so he used it on the first day. on.

Lighted the fire, and roasted two hares on the fire. After the pheasant was cleaned up, it was taken to the kitchen for Li Siyu.

Not long after, there was the sound of crackling cooking in the kitchen, and Zhang Hao also stared closely at the hare roasting on the fire, twisting the spices in his hands, and sprinkled them on the tender body of the thorny hare that was roasting oil. .

In an instant, the hare's meaty smell dissipated, replaced by the smell of meat, and the fragrance of the spices after being burned and combined with the tender body of the hare, filled the air, constantly drilled into his nose.

It's so delicious.

Zhang Hao swallowed his saliva, waiting with great anticipation for the two hares to enter his belly.

Xiaobai was even more so, the saliva from his mouth was already dripping on the ground, almost turning into a small puddle.

There is no way, who makes the roasted rabbit delicious.

About half an hour later, the two roasted rabbits were already golden yellow, and the oil on the surface was still secreting, which added a touch of seductive light to the two bodies. Lifting the nose and sniffing carefully, the smell made the taste buds open. , The scent of the index finger moving constantly stimulates the brain.

Zhang Hao forcibly suppressed the urge to take a bite first, sprinkled the ingredients for the last time, and then released the two roasted rabbits from the fire and put them on the plate.

At this time, Li Siyu had already prepared the dishes and brought them out from the kitchen.

She added green and red peppers to the pheasant, as well as the local specialty Chaotian pepper, and made it into fried chicken, which made him salivate non-stop.

Another table full of dishes.

Zhang Hao and Li Siyu sat opposite each other, using water instead of wine, looked at each other, and saw the smile on the corner of each other's mouth.

"Hurry up and say something, and then eat, I can't help it anymore." Zhang Hao swallowed, his eyes kept pausing on the hare, pheasant, and various dishes.

Li Siyu smiled "puchi" and put down the cup: "Eat quickly, eat quickly."

Zhang Hao directly picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of steaming chicken and put it in his mouth.

The pheasant chicken Q bomb has toughness. When chewing with the upper and lower teeth, you can feel the elasticity and toughness of the chicken, and you can also taste the spicy taste, various spices, and the original taste of chicken. Full of layers.

Zhang Hao breathed out after eating, the chicken just out of the pan was too hot.

Li Siyu hurriedly said: "Drink your saliva first, you eat slowly, there is still more."

Zhang Hao swallowed the chicken in his mouth and praised it greatly: "It's delicious, it's really delicious!"

"Then eat more." Li Siyu smiled, picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and started eating.

"Try that rabbit, I've baked it for almost an hour, it's absolutely delicious!"

"Well, it's really delicious. It's the first time to eat rabbits like this."

"I will come to the mountains a few more times in the future, as long as there are rabbits, I will eat like this."

"Actually, it can be fried and eaten, or made into that kind of pickled rabbit, and rabbit bacon."

"It's okay..."

The two talked to each other while they talked to each other, joking with each other, feeling the coolness in the mountains and forests, and the occasional breeze.

The dense forest was very quiet. After nightfall, everything was quiet, as if there were only the two of them, Xiaobai and the mountain god deer in the whole mountain.

After eating, the two sat in the small courtyard, looking up at the sky from time to time, looking at the stars in the sky through the gap in the huge tree canopy.

From time to time, I look around and see the towering old trees that have passed through decades, or even hundreds of years, swaying in the wind.

From time to time, he stared at a certain place to see if any monsters in the mountains would really appear.

Sometimes chatting, talking, expressing my inner thoughts.

After staying very late, Zhang Hao got up slowly, removed the leftovers from the table, and ran to the kitchen to wash all the tableware with underground water.

Li Siyu was sitting in the distance, hugging Xiaobai, looking up at the little stars in the sky.

The mountain is indeed quiet, and it can indeed calm her heart completely. This is something she never had when she lived at the foot of the mountain, and it is what she has always yearned for.

When she first started self-media, she wanted to share her life with everyone. If she can get the attention of netizens and attract the love of some people, that would be the best.

And as time went by, she discovered more and more that if she could stay away from the disturbing world and everything, she would just live in the mountains with Zhang Hao, grow some vegetables every day, and occasionally go down the mountains to buy some daily necessities, so far away from the city. , living so far away from the village is the one thing she yearns for the most.

"Are you still looking at the stars here?"

At this time, Zhang Hao finished washing the dishes and came to the courtyard.

"Yeah." Li Siyu still looked up at the sky, gently touched Xiaobai, and was silent for a long time. She asked casually, "Zhang Hao, do you think... will we continue like this?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Hao was taken aback: "Of course I will."

But then, after thinking about it, he immediately denied, "No."

This time, it was Li Siyu's turn to be stunned. She looked at Zhang Hao in surprise, as if she never expected to get such an answer.

Zhang Hao looked up at the stars in the sky, and said with a smile, "How could it be like this now? I will get married and have children in the future."

Li Siyu's pretty face flushed, and she said coquettishly: "Who, who is going to give birth to you..."

As soon as the words fell, she put Xiaobai on the ground, got up and walked into the room.

Xiaobai tilted his head in a daze, looked at Li Siyu who was leaving, and then at Zhang Hao who was smiling at the corner of his mouth. There were more and more question marks on that dog's face.

Zhang Hao touched the dog's head with a smile, and turned back to the room.

As the lights in the two rooms of the house were all turned off, the dense forest fell into complete darkness.


early morning.

There is no crowing of chickens, only the sound of birdsong, no glare of the sun, but the rustling of leaves in the wind.

Driven by the biological clock, Zhang Hao woke up from the wooden structure room.

Sitting up from the bed, he looked at the layout of the room, which was made of pure wood, exuding the fragrance of ginkgo tree trunks all the time.

He fell asleep just smelling this smell last night. He felt very good, and his sleep quality improved a lot.

It's just that the room is a bit hot and dry, and I can't feel the slightest coolness.

No way, that's why the relics are placed, but this also fully shows that there is no more yin in the room, and it's good to be completely isolated from the room.

Get up, get dressed, and walk out the door.

The door of Li Siyu's room has been opened, but she is not in the room.

Zhang Hao walked out of the main hall, and Li Siyu was sitting on a recliner in the courtyard, as if looking into the distance and contemplating something.

After hearing the movement, she turned her head and said with a smile, "Get up."

"Yeah, how did you sleep?" Zhang Hao walked to another reclining chair and lay down.

Xiaobai, on the other hand, wagged his tail and came up to him bouncing up and down.

With the passage of time, this little guy has grown up a bit, about twice as big as before, but now he still looks like a puppy of a few months, even though Xiaobai is already half a year old.

There is no way, the growth cycle of the mountain dog is long, and it will take a long time for the mountain dog to fully grow up, at least half a year.

However, as long as the call mountain dog grows up, the help it will bring to the mountain walkers will be huge.

"Wang Wang!"

Zhang Hao held Xiaobai in his arms, stroked the dog's head, and looked into the distance.

"Living in the mountains is very comfortable, and the quality of sleep has improved." Li Siyu replied.

Zhang Hao nodded: "Yeah, I slept so comfortably this time, I don't even want to get up."

"You don't have to get up, anyway, there's nothing to do today." Li Siyu laughed.

Zhang Hao shook his head: "I still have something to do today, I want to open up a field here to grow something."

"We need to remodel this place a little bit, simply."

Open up the spiritual soil, and then use the ginkgo tree trunk and the attributes of the relic town house to completely cover up the breath of the spiritual soil. In this way, it can be fully guaranteed that the spiritual soil will not attract those wild monsters in the mountains.

Li Siyu just nodded and didn't answer the conversation, but diverted the topic: "Are you really going to Hengshan with me?"

"Of course I'm going." Zhang Hao didn't hesitate.

Li Siyu turned around and said, "Well, my original plan was to leave the day after tomorrow. If we want to go together, we should go back and pack our things. We will leave tomorrow night. We will go to the town first, then take a taxi and go to the airport."

"We still need to look at the strategy, after all... I've never made a plane before."

Zhang Hao paused, and smiled indifferently: "Coincidentally, I haven't done it before, so I just went to experience it this time."

(End of this chapter)

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