Chapter 201 The Sensational People

Zhang Hao picked up the [Picture Record of Zoushan Travel Notes] from the ground with some doubts, put it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

Logically speaking, he had already received the reward just now, and it was the reward for catching the mountain treasure [Human Shadow Mountain Stone], but why is there still golden light in the [Zoushan Travel Record]?

Could it be that the rewards haven't been distributed yet?

No, it's impossible. If you get a mountain treasure, you will be given a reward. This is the law that he has figured out before, and it should not be broken.

But if [Zoushan Travel Record] is not for giving out rewards and shining golden light, then why?

With curiosity in mind, Zhang Hao flipped through [Zoushan Travel Records] again.

But just as he turned the first page, a golden light flashed in front of his eyes, dazzling his eyes.

Then, in the next second, an old voice appeared again, echoing in my mind.

[The relics in the mountains were transformed by eminent monks who have attained Taoism. They have been conceived in the mountains for a hundred years and have become mountain treasures...]

[Hereby, get the suona skill. 】

Zhang Hao was taken aback for a second, and his whole body fell into a state of bewilderment, and he even didn't quite understand what happened at this time.

Wait, for obtaining suona skills, is this the reward for the late arrival of the relic?

In other words, the relic really belongs to the mountain treasure, and he got the relic, and he really deserves the feedback and rewards from the previous Zoushan people in 【Zoushan Travel Records】.

But when he got it before, he really didn't get a reward...

This should be considered a late reward, right?
So, that is to say, before, he got the relic, but it may not belong to the mountain treasure recorded in [Zoushan Travel Records], so [Zoushan Travel Records] did not have the first time to relic. Give yourself a reward, but wait until you find the second mountain treasure, which is the [Human Shadow Mountain Stone], and distribute it together?

Such an explanation makes sense.

Zhang Hao turned his thoughts away and focused on the suona skill he had just acquired.

Just now, he has obtained various suona playing skills in his mind, and there are some brand new things.

Like before, he also knew how to play the suona, but he was not good at it, so he could only play it, but he didn’t know much, like a hundred birds chasing the phoenix, which only big bosses could play, he did it less than.

But now, having acquired the suona skill, Bai Niao Chaofeng is simply a level that can be played at will.

This is not the highest expression of suona skill, the most important thing is that this suona skill is the reward given by the mountain walkers in the "Zoushan Travel Records".

This suona skill can play a suona repertoire that can be effective for mountain treasures, mountain spirits, and even those mountain spirits and wild monsters.

For example, in the process of capturing Shanbao, playing the exclusive suona repertoire can affect Shanbao's hearing for a certain period of time, making Shanbao temporarily lose his way. For Shanling, there are repertoires that help him grow. There are songs that help them cover up their aura, and there are songs that can make these mountain spirits listen to them, but the duration of these songs is very short, usually only about a few seconds.

As for the songs specifically aimed at the wild goblins, they were either to drive away the wild goblins, or to make those goblins unable to harm anyone in the future.

All in all, this suona skill is quite useful for Zhang Hao, and it will be of great help to him when he walks in the mountains.

Thinking about it, I now have carving, paper piercing, and suona, these three relatively useful abilities, as well as the Thunder Tribulation Wooden Hammer, the Mountain Spirit Earth Statue, and the human shadow mountain stone that I just caught, but I don't know where it can be applied.

With these things, he will definitely be able to walk more smoothly in the future, and he will be able to obtain more and more things.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao smiled all over his face.

Afterwards, he read the [Zoushan Travel Records] with anticipation, and found that this ancient book no longer shines, which means that there will no longer be so-called rewards, so Zhang Hao put it away.

Then, he looked up at the sky, and through the gaps in the branches and leaves, he caught a glimpse of the sunset glow hanging above the sky.

Before he knew it, he had already spent a day on the mountain, and it was time to go down the mountain and go back to the hotel. Otherwise, if Li Siyu didn't see him after filming the show and returned to the hotel, he might be worried and afraid.

After packing up all the things, Zhang Hao briefly identified the direction, and then followed the way he came, and walked towards the developed Hengshan.

Naturally, he walked quickly when he left, and Zhang Hao was not in the mood to look at the scenery in the dense forest, and he wanted to rush back as soon as possible.

In this way, for about half an hour, he came from the path in the forest to the wide asphalt road.

At this time, with the emergence of dusk, the sunset covered the sky, and the tourists in the mountains hadn't come much. This was exactly what Zhang Hao wanted. He didn't have to worry too much about the things in his solid spirit basket being discovered by others.

Zhang Hao didn't go down the mountain immediately, but went to Fangguang Temple first, and met the abbot Master Jinggen again.

Master Jinggen chatted with him for a while, and the two said goodbye briefly. Then Zhang Hao walked down the mountain along the asphalt road.

Along the way, there are also many tourists descending the mountain, and each of them has a little surprise on their faces.

"I have to say, the scene on the top of the mountain today is really amazing!"

"Yes, it feels like a movie, but is it really a mirage?"

"Who knows, anyway, it looks like it, it doesn't matter if it's true or not."

Zhang Hao listened to what the tourists said, but he didn't care. He went all the way down the mountain and returned to the hotel with the Guling Basket on his shoulders.

At this time, the sky had completely darkened. He stood outside the hotel, looked at the night view outside the hotel, and then looked at Hengshan, which was slightly bright, and the undeveloped area of ​​Hengshan, which was completely dark without any light.

There seems to be a huge difference between the two, and it is like two worlds where fire and water are incompatible.

Heaving a sigh of relief, he walked into the hotel and reached the floor to which he belonged. Zhang Hao took out his room card and opened the door.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Li Siyu lying on the bed, already asleep.

She was dressed in a pale gold classical Hanfu, with exquisite makeup, slightly parted lips, and tightly closed eyes. She looked as delicate as a small porcelain doll, but it made it impossible for anyone to have any obscene thoughts.

Is thinking.

Li Siyu lying on the bed seemed to hear the movement, his body trembled, and he opened his hazy eyes. After looking around the room for a week, he found Zhang Hao.

"When did you come back... I was a little tired from recording the show, and fell asleep as soon as I lay down." Li Siyu's voice was still a little hoarse, and obvious fatigue could be seen between his brows and eyes. He rubbed his eyes and said vaguely with.

Zhang Hao put down the solid spirit basket, poured her a glass of water, and handed it to her: "I just came back, how about you, how did you sleep?"

After Gulu swallowed the water in his mouth, Li Siyu finally woke up completely, and looked at the time of the clock hanging on the wall: "I slept well... I came back at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and I will see if you don't come back." I want to rest first."

"Well, do you still need to wait for the news of the shooting tonight?" Zhang Hao asked.

Li Siyu shook his head: "There's nothing to do at night. The shooting is over now. You can go out tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. As long as you have nothing to do the day after tomorrow, we can go back."

Today's shooting task was relatively smooth, although it was smooth, but overall it was very tiring. Everyone didn't want to prolong the shooting time. After all, they had their own things to do, so they simply sped up the shooting progress.

However, in this way, she doesn't have to worry about the sudden shooting tasks that may appear in the next two days, and the two of them can go back earlier.

There is still a puppy at home, and the mountain deer living on the mountain, and I don't know how the dog and the deer are doing.

"That's pretty good, so we go back early, and the dog and the deer won't miss the good food." Zhang Hao smiled, and raised his hand to help Li Siyu pull his hair.

"Can you still move? Do you want to go out and eat something?" Zhang Hao looked at her expression and asked.

Li Siyu sat on the bed and thought for more than ten seconds, as if to give the brain enough time to react: "Okay, I happen to be a little hungry too. When filming the show today, everyone didn't even eat the meal in order to finish the filming earlier." Not very tasty."

"That night, you have to have a good meal and make up for it, otherwise it will be in vain. Do you still remember the restaurant we did the strategy before?" Zhang Hao joked.

Li Siyu's eyes lit up: "Remember, it is said that the tripe there is very delicious!"

"Let's go, eat here." Zhang Hao waved his hand.

"Well, I'm going to change my clothes first. It's not convenient to go out to eat in this clothes."

"It's just right, I'm changing clothes too. I'm going to go to the mountains for a day, and I'm already drenched in sweat."

While talking, the two went to the bathroom to change their clothes.

After changing everything, Zhang Hao sat on the bed, staring at the night scene outside in a daze.

Li Siyu came out of the bathroom, and had already changed into a dark purple skirt, her long black hair was firmly fixed by a hairpin.

"I also saw a video today, on the top of Hengshan Mountain. I heard those people say that there is a mirage on the top of the mountain. Did you see it?" Li Siyu said casually while packing up his things.

When Zhang Hao heard this, he was taken aback, turned his head to look at her, and asked doubtfully, "Is there a mirage on the top of Mount Heng? I didn't go to the top."

He has been busy walking the mountain all day, and he has free time to go to the top of the mountain to see it, and only to catch mountain treasures.

He also remembered that when he was going down the mountain, he heard a few tourists talking about the top of Hengshan Mountain, but he didn't pay attention to it at the time. Thinking about it now, he should ask those tourists what kind of scene it was.

Li Siyu took out his mobile phone, searched for hot searches, and handed the mobile phone in front of him.

Zhang Hao took the phone and stared at the picture in the video curiously.

On top of the clouds that seem to be illusory but close at hand, a picture full of mosaic style but not so blurry appears.

In the picture, a person who seems to be a human figure is moving with the changes of the picture.

At first, Zhang Hao didn't notice any problem, but just found it a bit novel.

But the more he looked at it, the more Zhang Hao felt that something was wrong, and the more strange he felt.

Although this so-called mirage is blurred, why does it look so familiar... Moreover, the whole process looks like...

Everything he went through this afternoon!
That is to say, after subduing the [Qin Worm], he started to go to the place where he was going to catch the [Shadow Rock], which was exactly the same as his experience in the afternoon!
Out of curiosity, Zhang Hao was not in a hurry, but watched the entire video. By the time the video was completely over, he had completely figured out everything, even including the sentence in [Zoushan Travel Notes] meaning.

This so-called mirage was most likely created by [Human Shadow Mountain Stone]!Moreover, [Human Shadow Mountain Stone] used the residual ability of [Ziolworm], combined with all of his own abilities, to show the scene of being caught in its original form.

And the meaning of Tongtianyan is exactly the same!
It can be completely understood that after [Human Shadow Mountain Stone] became a spirit, he asked for help from the sky and other people, and he was about to be captured by the mountain walker, come and save the stone!
Of course, all of this is Zhang Hao's guess, but he feels that this should be the most plausible statement so far.

After all, he should be the one who witnessed the so-called mirage on the top of Hengshan Mountain, and it was also the whole process of his catching [Shadow Mountain Stone].

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao couldn't help laughing.

This matter sounds very interesting, and what makes him even more interesting is the comment below the video.

Many people speculate whether this is a picture projected by aliens on the earth to show their favor, and some people speculate that this is a mirage, which is just a projected picture from ancient times to modern times.

Some people even think that this may be a legend left by a certain boss on Mount Heng, and this time the mirage is to reproduce what this person did back then.

Anyway, there are different opinions, and each theory can find a corresponding explanation, which Zhang Hao did not expect.

He really did not expect that the process of catching Shanbao himself would be interpreted like this by netizens.

And the most important thing is that the picture is really blurry, and he doubts, if this is what [Human Shadow Mountain Stone] can do, is it possible for [Human Shadow Mountain Stone] to improve the picture in the same situation next time? What about resolution?

"What are you laughing at?" Li Siyu asked curiously.

Zhang Hao smiled: "It's nothing, let's go out and eat delicious food."

(End of this chapter)

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