Chapter 203 Go home!
The two packed up the things in the hotel as quickly as possible, then checked out, went downstairs to have a simple breakfast, and then went straight to the airport.

Although the two are only away for the third day today, it feels like they have been away for three weeks. They can't wait to leave here and go home.

More importantly, both of them are worried about Xiaobai on the mountain, and the mountain god deer, and they want to run home, lie on a comfortable bed, and have a good sleep.

When they arrived at the airport, the two of them became familiar with the road this time, buying air tickets, checking in luggage, and finding the boarding gate.

The two were lucky. Two hours later, there happened to be a flight to the city they needed to rush back to, so after they checked in their luggage, they went directly to the security check, and then sat at the boarding gate. , quietly waiting for the boarding to open.

Zhang Hao sat slumped on a soft chair, with a smile on his face all the time: "I can finally go back, as expected, it's better to be at home."

Li Siyu nodded heavily: "Yes, it is not convenient to go out at home."

"The most important thing is that these foods are usually eaten after one meal, and the second time you eat them, they won't be so amazing." Zhang Hao frowned and sighed silently.

Li Siyu smiled: "Well, the local specialties are indeed delicious, but they may not be able to meet our tastes, and more are in line with the tastes of their local people."

"After I go back this time, I can cook by myself." Li Siyu said softly.

As soon as we talked about this, Zhang Hao suddenly regained his energy, his eyes widened: "Yeah! But after you go back, you can take a rest first, and cook for yourself after the rest is over."

Li Siyu twirled the broken hair around her ears, nodded, and did not speak.

As time passed, the boarding time had already arrived. The two of them took the remaining luggage, passed the check-in gate, passed through the boarding passage, and came to their seats and sat down.

The noisy cabin, the crowded crowd, and all kinds of luggage are placed in the overhead storage compartment. The flight attendants in uniform are busy, and people are looking for their own positions.

Zhang Hao and Li Siyu were sitting in their seats. They looked at each other, and then looked out of the window together. At some point, their hands were already held together.

Soon, as the boarding time passed and the plane began to move slowly, the two held hands tighter, and they could even see the veins emerging from the back of Zhang Hao's hand.

Even though this was his second time flying by plane, he still couldn't resist the fear from his heart when the plane took off, and the momentary sense of weightlessness really made him feel very insecure.

Zhang Hao is also a person who likes to prepare everything in advance, so when faced with this situation, he will be at a loss and feel very uncomfortable.

The same is true for Li Siyu. She doesn't have any specific reason, but she is just afraid of flying, especially when encountering turbulence, or if there is a small problem during the flight, she will be worried, for fear of any accident.

If an accident really happened, she would regret it for the rest of her life. Even if Zhang Hao was by her side, even if the two of them could die together, that would not work. The two of them still had a lot of things to do. Can't just die like this.

However, neither of the two people's worries happened. The plane did encounter bumps and turbulence during the driving process, but in the end it was only a small problem, and the plane finally landed smoothly.

After the plane landed, the two breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and after looking at each other, they both smiled.

After getting off the plane, the two took their luggage and took a taxi straight out of the airport.

It's very close to home, so the two of them simply didn't have to wait. It would be a waste of time to go home by car like before. It's better to take a taxi directly after leaving the airport. It's just a bit more expensive, but The advantage is that you can go home as soon as possible.

The same is true for the driver master. After hearing the destination of the two, his eyes stared straight.

This is an absolute big order!
This order earned at least a few hundred yuan, which was worth nearly a day before him, so he took it decisively.

Zhang Hao and Li Siyu finally relaxed, lying on the back seat with their eyes closed.

Two hours passed.

With the sound of brakes, the taxi drove to the entrance of Zhaojia Village.

Looking at the familiar village entrance, the asphalt road in the village, and the path leading to the mountain.

Zhang Hao and Li Siyu only felt an unprecedented intimacy. They didn't feel anything before. They always felt that there was nothing to see. Anyway, these scenes can be seen and passed by every day.

But since they left home for three days, when they saw the village entrance, the asphalt road, and this familiar small village again, they still felt warm in their hearts.

finally home.

The two couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

After paying the bill with the driver, the two of them dragged their luggage out of the car, dragged the suitcase, and walked leisurely along the asphalt road in the direction of Sanjin Courtyard.

When I came to the familiar Sanjin small courtyard gate, I looked at the big willow tree at the gate, the two stone lions, as well as the familiar scenes and streets.

"Xiaohao? Siyu? You guys are back."

At this time, Aunt Li's hearty laughter sounded in their ears.

The two turned their heads at the same time, looked at Aunt Li who was holding a cattail fan, and greeted at the same time: "Aunt Li."

"Hey." Aunt Li shook her cattail fan, approached her with a smile, and asked, "Where are you going? You've been walking for so many days."

"I went to another place." Zhang Hao said with a smile.

Aunt Li nodded, and then had a brief chat with the two of them.

Finally, Aunt Li also talked about Xiaobai: "Did you two put the dog on the mountain? That dog comes back every day and waits here. After waiting for a while, he will run back to the mountain if you don't come back. Then come back after a while, and you can run many times a day.”

Hear this.

Both Zhang Hao and Li Siyu were taken aback.

The two of them really didn't expect this point, they didn't expect Xiao Bai to be so looking forward to their return, and he clearly told it that they were going out for a while, and it might take a few days before they came back.

Unexpectedly, this guy was able to come down from the mountain, and then ran back to the Sanjin courtyard to confirm whether the two of them had returned. Thinking about it, he really missed them.

Sure enough, it was not in vain!

Zhang Hao and Li Siyu were very pleased, as if they saw the child they raised and finally grew up.

"By the way, Xiaohao, Siyu, go to the aunt's house for dinner tonight. Brother Gao Hai said it was a housewarming for you." Aunt Li said with a smile, shaking the cattail fan.

Zhang Hao was taken aback, and quickly waved his hands: "No, ma'am, I really don't need it, I have to trouble you."

Aunt Li raised her hand to stop her: "Xiaohao, what are you talking about? To be honest, without you, our family Xiaolin might still be paralyzed on the bed and unable to wake up. Don't talk to Auntie."

"Also, Brother Gao Hai asked me to tell you something. If you have anything to do in the future, tell him immediately so that he can help you. Otherwise, you will be too busy and tired."

Zhang Hao smiled helplessly, and after looking at each other with Li Siyu, both of them knew that this dinner tonight would definitely not be able to escape, so they nodded and said: "Come on, Aunt Li, then we will bother you." gone."

"If you say such unreasonable things, then it's settled. I'll go home and prepare the dishes." Aunt Li shook her fan with a smile on her face, and she could see from her back that she was very happy.

"Come on, I just have somewhere to eat tonight." Zhang Hao joked.

Li Siyu rolled his eyes with a smile: "Remember to bring something there."

"Well, don't worry, I will go to the mountain to find some medicinal materials in a while, and bring them to Aunt Li at night. Her health has not been very good in recent years." Zhang Hao said, picked up the suitcase, and came to the door.

After opening the gate to the small courtyard of the third entrance, the two of them stepped over the threshold and quickly packed all the things in the suitcase. Then they immediately closed the gate and headed towards the mountain without stopping.

Xiaobai and the mountain god deer are still on the mountain, and Xiaobai is so looking forward to their return, the first time they come back, they should go to the mountain to find Xiaobai.

The two followed the path up the mountain from the entrance of the village and went all the way up into the mountain.

After entering the mountain, the hot breath disappeared immediately, and a sense of coolness hit his heart, Zhang Hao only felt comfortable all over.

Mountain walkers really prefer this kind of undeveloped mountains. The atmosphere is completely different from those in the scenic spots, and the feeling is very different. It is completely two kinds of feelings.

What's more, this is the place I am most familiar with.

The same is true for Li Siyu. Ever since she returned home and came to the mountain, the smile on her face has never stopped, it is always full of smiles, and there are little stars shining in her beautiful eyes all the time.

Zhang Hao didn't delay anymore, he raised his hand, his index finger and thumb overlapped in a ring shape, and then put it in his mouth, blowing hard.


The loud and clear whistle echoed faintly in the entire mountain forest.

When you come to the mountain, you must summon the mountain god deer to greet him. This guy probably eats or sleeps these days, and he may not be active. do it.

Of course, Zhang Hao still wants to see the mountain god deer and Xiaobai as soon as possible.

as predicted.

Just as he blew his whistle, less than five minutes later, the two of them heard footsteps not far away.

Followed by.

It was an elk with a huge body and a strong body running at an extremely fast speed.

And just behind the mountain god deer, Xiaobai stood on all fours, staring straight ahead with a pair of dog eyes, grinning wide, breathing with his tongue constantly, his face full of joy.

"Wow woof woof! Aww~"

After seeing the appearance of the two, Xiao Bai looked up to the sky and screamed, filled with endless joy.

(End of this chapter)

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