Chapter 205 Xiaobai is the biggest hero!
Stepping in the dense forest, Zhang Hao walked recklessly, sometimes stroking the gray trunk, sometimes stepping on the soft ground, sometimes stepping on weeds, and stepping over rocks.

But his eyes are always paying attention to everything around him, and he is always watching whether there are traces of precious medicinal materials in the weed pile.

After all, Mrs. Li kindly invited them to dinner. If he came to the door with ordinary medicinal materials, it would be a bit unreasonable. It would be better to choose some more expensive medicinal materials, or medicinal materials that can nourish the body.

The best choice is like what he found at the beginning, Polygonum multiflorum and Gastrodia elata. Such medicinal materials are considered precious medicinal materials, and their lifespan is relatively long. They don't have too many side effects on the body, and they can nourish the body even if they are eaten raw.

The most important thing that Zhang Hao needs to consider is that the medicinal materials he wants to bring should not be expensive. If the medicinal effect is too strong, it will not be able to nourish the body and will cause a greater burden on the body. Simply put, The body can't bear the sub-medicinal properties, and the deficiency will not be replenished, but it will become a burden.

Therefore, you really have to think carefully about what medicinal materials to bring there.

Seeing Xiaobai bouncing up and running to the front, using his very sharp dog nose, he kept sniffing the smell in the air and looking for medicinal ingredients.

Xiaobai knew that he was going to find some herbs for dinner at night, so naturally he wouldn't make trouble, let alone find his own food first.

At any time, the mountain dog will give priority to obeying the owner's order, first fulfill the owner's request, and then consider eating by itself or its own instinct.

This is the reason why mountain walkers of all ages need a mountain dog. All mountain walkers also want a mountain dog. This is really the most powerful helper for mountain walkers.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

At this moment, Xiao Bai who was running in front suddenly raised his head and kept barking in the direction of Zhang Hao, as if he had discovered something.

Zhang Hao's eyes lit up, and he immediately stepped forward. When he came close to Xiaobai, he saw Xiaobai pointing at a plant, and his expression immediately became richer.

It was a plant with very small leaves, distinct rhizomes, and very thin stems, which were less than one centimeter in size, and the internodes were even shorter, but the branches and leaves were very lush.

After looking at this plant, and at the humid environment around it, and some moss emerged, Zhang Hao already had the answer in his heart.

This is a calamus plant, and looking at it like this, the year should not be too short.

Zhang Hao immediately pulled out the invasion knife pinned to his waist, and began to dig the nearby soil.

Not long after, he dug a big pit, and there was still a lot of soil that had not been removed in the pit, and the roots of this calamus plant were all in it.

Zhang Hao wiped the sweat off his forehead, it was fine, the roots were not broken, this was the best result.

For medicinal materials such as calamus calamus, although the main part, that is, the part that can be used as medicine, is the fruit, the roots also have a part of their effect. For example, the roots can be dried and soaked in water to drink.

The efficacy mainly reflects the effects of removing dampness in the body and appetizing. Of course, the effect of the roots must be less than that of the fruit of Shichangpu, but the important thing is that the effect is smaller, and the harm is also small. There is a possibility that the medicinal properties are too large and may cause a burden to the body.

Moreover, the medicinal property of Shichangpu is relatively cool, so it needs to be taken together with other medicinal materials to be effective.

Zhang Hao carefully dug out this calamus plant, tidying up the roots bit by bit.

On the side, Xiaobai was doing it obediently, opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and gasped, as if he was a little hot and hungry.

Seeing its appearance, Zhang Hao smiled, cut off all the stems above the calamus, and threw it to Xiaobai.

This part of the stem has little medicinal properties for humans, but it still has a little effect on mountain dogs. Although it can't play a big role, it is also good for relieving a glutton and eating it.

Zhang Hao also cut some roots for Xiaobai.

Immediately, Xiaobai bit his tail, and chewed the stems and roots of the calamus calamus with big mouthfuls, eating it was a joy.

This is what it most hopes to come out with Zhang Hao and walk the mountains together. Generally, if it finds medicinal materials, the owner will definitely give it some of them after digging them out.

Even if the owner finds the medicinal material, he will cut off part of it and throw it to it.

This is the most gratifying thing for it, and it is also the most proud part of being the owner of the mountain dog. Every time it walks the mountain, it can eat delicious food, and it is all fresh.

Much stronger than that stupid deer, that stupid deer couldn't find these medicinal materials at all, didn't understand the owner's intentions, and was even lazy, so naturally he couldn't eat fresh things. Going up the mountain, you can still eat delicious food.

It is simply the pinnacle of a happy dog ​​life.

Soon, Xiaobai ate everything, and Zhang Hao had already processed the calamus. He had just looked at this calamus carefully. It was a three-year-old plant. As a perennial herb, three The year of birth is neither long nor continuous.

It is considered to be in a good state, and although the properties of the medicine are not mild, the advantage is that it is of great benefit to the adjustment of the body, especially for the elderly, such as the stomach, insomnia, and various organs of the body are aging. Elderly people whose physical functions are gradually weakening.

Eating a Calamus calamus plant and taking it together with other medicinal materials can regulate the body. Of course, the medicine is three-point poisonous, so eating too much of these medicinal materials will not be beneficial.

These ordinary medicinal materials are not that kind of mountain treasures, not even mountain treasures, so they are naturally poisonous.

Remember to remind Aunt Li of this.

Zhang Hao thought about it.

Then, Zhang Hao put the calamus in the basket, got up, looked around, and then looked at the calamus in the basket.

It seems a little less, if you take this medicinal herb with you when you go to eat, it's somewhat unreasonable.

Furthermore, he raised his head and glanced at the sky. It was still early, so he continued to search, maybe there were other gains.

Moreover, Zhang Hao also had his own thoughts on this mountain walk, that is, he wanted to find [Mountain Grass] in the mountains.

After getting the 【Linger Worm】, he has been thinking about the 【Mountain Grass】. After all, the 【Linger Bug】can breed, and it would be a pity if he didn't breed it.

What's more, who knows if [Ziolworm] will be used in the future, if he can use it, he already has one, and he will use it up when he runs out, so it is better to use it when [Ziolworm] is not needed for the time being. [Mountain Grass] catalyzes [Ling Bug] to multiply.

That is, the reproduction of [Lyre Worm] is extremely harsh. Generally, it takes several years to reproduce before it is possible to get another [Lyre Worm]. Sometimes it may take more than ten years, and the aura of the spiritual soil must be very sufficient.

However, there is no need to worry about Lingtu, nor need to worry about [Zi Worm]. All you need to do is find [Mountain Grass], and then you can start multiplying.

If it doesn't work, he can completely toss back and forth between the spiritual soil in the field and the spiritual soil in the mountain. As long as [Zi worm] absorbs part of the spiritual energy, he can absorb the spiritual energy of another spiritual soil.

Thinking about it, he shouldn't have to do this, he would only consider doing so in extreme circumstances.

Thinking this way, Zhang Hao continued to wander forward.

Xiaobai still ran ahead, scouting the way for him, looking for medicinal ingredients for him, and at the same time, in order to find something to eat for himself, he brought it back to Shalu.

Zhang Hao didn't relax, and still focused on his surroundings. Xiaobai didn't necessarily know the location of [Mountain Grass], and he might not even know the existence of [Mountain Grass], so he couldn't pin all his hopes on it. On Xiaobai.

Looking for medicinal materials can be done by Xiaobai, and he is only responsible for finding [Mountain Grass].

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao walked even more slowly, and when he saw a weed, he had to pull it away to have a look. After confirming that there was no [Mountain Grass], he got up a little disappointed.

After all, the growth environment of [Mountain Grass] can't be said to be harsh, but it is more troublesome. It must be among the weeds, and it is no different from weeds. It looks exactly the same when you look at it.

But the easiest way to distinguish [Mountain Grass] is to raise your hand and touch it. Once you touch this weed, this weed will avoid it, or avoid your hand in a relatively unreasonable way. , then it is most likely 【Mountain Grass】.

【Mountain Grass】It is very unwilling to be touched, let alone found by mountain walkers. This is a kind of weird grass.

The specific reason for its formation is that [Mountain Grass] is mostly mountain spirits and wild monsters, or places where mountain spirits are densely populated. Generally, such places have extremely strong aura. With these mountain spirits and wild monsters, there are also mountain spirits absorbing aura. Sometimes, they will have part of the spiritual energy that cannot be absorbed, and then spit it out of the body.

[Mountain Grass] is to absorb these auras. Over time, when the aura is almost absorbed, it will become [Mountain Grass], so [Mountain Grass] has the effect of gathering aura.

Generally, after becoming a [Mountain Grass], the aura needed is very little, almost no aura is needed.

And 【Mountain Grass】under such circumstances, it will feed back the absorbed spirit energy to the surrounding spirit grasses, spirit insects, and even mountain spirits.

To put it simply, this is the auxiliary spirit grass for selfless dedication. As long as there is [Mountain Grass], Zhang Hao can quickly catalyze [Zither Worm], and even other spirit grasses and spirit insects, which can greatly reduce the time. At least do not waste time and realize assembly line production as soon as possible.

Zhang Hao chuckled, and felt that his idea was really ridiculous. If assembly line production could really be realized, then there would be no more diseases in this world, and he would become the richest man in the world overnight.

"Wow woof! Aww! Aww!"

When Zhang Hao's thoughts were flying wildly, Xiao Bai, who was walking in front, suddenly started barking, Zhang Hao turned his head to look.

Then he saw Xiao Bai facing the pile of weeds in front of him, barking non-stop, as if there was something strange in the pile of weeds.

(End of this chapter)

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