My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 209 Xiaobai's training, a qualified mountain dog!

Chapter 209 Xiaobai's training, a qualified mountain dog!

Li Siyu just looked at Zhang Hao without saying a word.

If it was before, when she heard Zhang Hao say this, she might have doubted whether Zhang Hao was really sure of curing the fool's mental illness.

But after going through these things, now that I think about it, Zhang Hao might really be able to cure the fool’s mental illness, but it’s only possible. Whether it’s really possible or not depends on Zhang Hao himself.

After all, the last time Zhang Hao woke up Gao Lin's three hammers was not long ago. At that time, everyone was skeptical, and many people told Zhang Hao, don't bother, countless doctors, Chinese medicine, and even the so-called supernatural experts are helpless.

Can he go to the mountains to collect herbs alone?
But the truth shocked everyone's jaws. No one expected that a vegetable who had been lying in bed for so many years was indeed awakened by Zhang Haosan's hammer.

The only helplessness is that after Gao Lin was woken up, Gao Lin only lived for three days before leaving this world, Aunt Li, and Gao Hai.

But even so, having three days is still very good, it is much better than Gao Lin lying in bed all the time, being a vegetable.

But this time, Zhang Hao said that he could cure the fool's mental illness, and Li Siyu still felt that there was great hope.

No matter how you say it, he is Zhang Hao, Zhang Hao who seems to be omnipotent, and Zhang Hao who she has identified in her life.

"Okay, let's go quickly, after a while, I think Aunt Li's family will finish eating." Zhang Hao greeted and joked.

Li Siyu covered her mouth and smiled, letting Zhang Hao hold hands, and the two continued to walk on the street.

It didn't take long before the two arrived at Aunt Li's door.

Different from the previous visits, after the last renovation, Mrs. Li's house looked much more spacious and newer, without any dilapidated look before.

The door was not closed, and the two of them walked in directly with the herbs.

When Mrs. Li's dog saw the two of them, it barked twice, as if to remind the people in the house that the guests were coming, then it shrank its ears, wagged its tail and came up to them, sniffing non-stop. Expresses friendliness.

When Zhang Hao came to Aunt Li's house last time, the dog already knew him, and naturally he didn't bark when he saw him.

"Hao Zi?"

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps and a man's rough voice in the house.

Gao Hai came out of the house, and when he saw Zhang Hao and Li Siyu carrying things into the yard, a smile appeared on his face: "Haozi, Siyu, you are finally here!"

As he spoke, he walked out in two steps in three steps.

"Xiao Hai, are Xiao Hao and Si Yu here?"

Inside the house, Aunt Li's voice came out.

Gao Hai turned his head and replied, "Yes, Mom, it's Haozi and Siyu who are here."

Zhang Hao handed over the vegetable basket in his hand: "Come on, Brother Hai, I don't have anything for you and my aunt. I happened to find some herbs on the mountain."

"Hey, come as soon as you come, what else do you bring!" Gao Hai took the opportunity.

But as soon as he saw the herbs inside, he squinted his eyes and looked at it, and immediately changed his face, and stuffed the vegetable basket back to Zhang Hao: "Haozi, this medicine is too precious! We can't take it, absolutely can't take it! "

Aunt Li's health is not good. Gao Hai often goes to the town to get medicine for his mother, and occasionally chats with those doctors. The doctor also said that Zhaojia Village is backed by mountains, so you can go to the mountains to find some more expensive medicinal materials. There will be discoveries.

But Gao Hai didn't have the ability in this area, and naturally he couldn't find any medicinal materials, but over time, he also knew which medicinal materials were expensive and which were more cherished.

He glanced at the medicinal materials in the basket, and recognized that they were Polygonum multiflorum and Calamus calamus, and seeing that these two medicinal materials were not small, and they were very fresh, Zhang Haogang must have brought them down from the mountain.

You must know that these two medicinal materials are not cheap, they are relatively precious medicinal materials, especially wild ones, if they are sold, they may sell for a lot of money!
At least a few thousand dollars, maybe tens of thousands!
How could he accept such a valuable thing?

Zhang Hao had already thought that he would react like this, so he pulled Li Siyu to dodge and dodge, and then said with a smile: "Brother Hai, I am for Aunt Li, not for you, so don't say no to it on your own." , My aunt hasn’t said anything yet.”

"Even if my mother sees it, she has to say no! Take it back quickly!" Gao Hai chased after him, determined to return the two herbs to Zhang Hao.

After all, it was really too expensive, and his original intention was just to call Zhang Hao and Li Siyu to have a meal at home. He didn't want them to bring anything, and even just needed someone to come.

Zhang Hao waved his hand, not paying attention to Gao Hai at all, but walked into the room, grabbed Aunt Li and started chatting about homework.

"Ms. Li, what delicious food did you cook today? I heard from Siyu that you are a master at making spicy rabbit heads!" Zhang Hao laughed.

Aunt Li smiled heartily, and her wrinkled face was full of joy: "You boy, don't worry, Auntie can still be short of your food? The rabbit's head has already been made, just waiting for you and Siyu to come Already!"

"That's great, it's just right, I brought you some medicinal materials, I found them by the way when I was walking in the mountains, they are not worth much, just let me, Brother Hai, cut them up for you every day, and dry them in the sun, etc. If you have a headache, eat some, and put some in your daily cooking.”

"But you have to remember, you can put a little, you can't put too much, you know? Also, you can eat this medicinal material by yourself, don't think about keeping it for my brother Hai, he is still strong, and it is not yet used When these medicinal materials are used, and at his age, eating too many medicinal materials is not good for the body."

Aunt Li's complexion also changed when she heard this: "You child, come here as soon as you come, what medicine do you bring?"

"Hey, think about it. If you are in good health, I will have a fixed place to eat rabbit heads in the future. I am not at a disadvantage, but you are at a disadvantage." Zhang Hao laughed.

Aunt Li patted him with a smile, and joked: "You boy, with this mouth, you can really speak."

On the side, Li Siyu wanted to laugh but tried his best to hold back, but he really thought it was funny.

Gao Hai, on the other hand, heard the conversation between Zhang Hao and his mother, looked at the medicinal materials in the vegetable basket, smiled helplessly, raised his head again, and looked at Zhang Hao, his eyes were already full of gratitude .

After all, Zhang Hao saved his younger brother first, which means he saved their whole family, and now he came to have a meal with such precious medicinal materials.

He now feels that he owes Zhang Hao more and more.

Just as he was thinking about it, he patted his shoulder with one hand, and then he heard Zhang Hao laughing: "Brother Hai, what are you doing, come in quickly, if your master doesn't come to the table, I won't be able to eat today Spicy rabbit head."

Gao Hai laughed loudly: "Come on, quickly enter the house, the rabbit head belongs to both of you tonight, I will never snatch it from you!"

The two entered the room talking and laughing, and sat down respectively.

Aunt Li and her daughter-in-law were packing up the dishes, and Li Siyu also stepped forward to help.

Not long after, a table full of dishes was placed on the table, and the five people sat down respectively. Zhang Hao and Li Siyu naturally sat beside Gao Hai. According to local customs, this is where the biggest guest sits.

It can also be regarded as the host's respect for the visitors.

As Gao Hai raised their wine glasses, everyone took a sip of the wine in their glasses, and Gao Haihai began to greet the two of them to start eating.

Zhang Hao, Li Siyu, and Gao Hai's family enjoyed themselves happily, and the scene was very cheerful.

While drinking wine, Zhang Hao and Gao Hai talked about the mountains and the sky, and sometimes talked about the past, and talked about the past, and the most talked about was naturally Zhang Hao's three hammers to wake Gao Lin up. .

As for Li Siyu, Aunt Li and Gao Hai's wife chatted about their family's problems, the crops in the field, the situation of each family, gossip in the village, etc.

This time, Zhang Hao really lived up to expectations, he didn't drink too much, but Gao Hai drank too much, and he ate most of the spicy rabbit head plate by himself, and Li Siyu made the rest.

There is no way, Gao Hai and Aunt Li are too enthusiastic, and they probably don't want to let them go out of this house unless they eat all the rabbit heads.

In the end, Zhang Hao reaped the consequences and ate up all the rabbit heads.

But I have to say that it is really delicious. Although there is not much meat, but eating rabbit head while drinking, it is almost impossible for a god to do it.

By the time the two finished their meal, it was already night.

Walking under the night, the street lamps on both sides of the asphalt road illuminate the road brightly, dispelling all the darkness.

This place is no longer the small mountain village that was dark after nightfall.

Of course, there are still shortcomings, and they are not small.

Zhang Hao stood still, looked up at the night sky, and sighed: "Since there are street lights, the stars in the sky can no longer be seen."

Previously, when Zhaojia Village was dark at night, standing in the courtyard of the house and looking up at the sky, the starry sky was dazzling, countless stars emitting faint light filled the entire sky, and a round of bright moon hung in the sky, at that time It's really nice.

It seems to be the brightest night sky in the world, and also the most beautiful night sky.

"It's because it's too bright below, so I can't see the stars in the sky, but the stars are still in the sky and haven't moved." Li Siyu said with emotion.

Zhang Hao nodded: "Yes, it has always been us, but the stars have always been the same."

"Hey, let's go back to the mountain. It's dark on the mountain. You can definitely see the stars."

While talking, Zhang Hao held Li Siyu's hand tightly, and walked along the asphalt road in front of him.

Soon, the two entered the mountain along the path up the mountain.

What they didn't expect was that the mountain god Lu and Xiaobai were waiting here.

Seeing that the two came back, Xiao Bai yelled and ran up to them wagging his tail, and kept circling around them, looking very happy at them.

The mountain god deer was a little arrogant, and stepped forward a few steps with its huge head held high, as if to say: Why did you come back so late?I don’t know if I’m hungry, sir!
Zhang Hao ignored the gaze of the mountain god deer, and didn't intend to look at the mountain god deer at all, so he took Xiaobai into his arms and raised his hand to stroke it.

And Li Siyu was also walking around Xiaobai, and the two were still talking and laughing.

But all of this, the mountain god deer saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart.

After a long period of mental struggle, the mountain god deer thought about it, raised its hoof again, and took a few steps forward, getting closer to Zhang Hao.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his huge head and rubbed against Zhang Hao and Li Siyu respectively.

But in fact, the face of the mountain god deer is reluctant, and very unwilling, as if being forced.

Seeing this, Zhang Hao smiled, raised his hand together with Li Siyu, and gently touched the neck of the mountain god deer.

The mountain god deer narrowed his eyes immediately, and the arrogance, reluctance, and forced expression on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by happiness, joy, and comfort.

Zhang Hao looked at the appearance of the mountain god deer, and did not expose it. Instead, he helped Li Siyu onto the deer's back, and he also stepped onto the deer's back.

This time, he deliberately didn't take Xiaobai with him, but looked at Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai, follow this stupid deer, do you understand?"

Xiaobai tilted his head, as if he understood, nodded: "Wow!"

"Isn't it too late? If Xiaobai gets lost in the mountains..." Li Siyu was a little worried.

Zhang Hao waved his hand: "Don't worry, Xiaobai will never get lost in the mountains in his life, and the few times he went into the mountains, he always let him sit on the back of a deer. It won't do if it goes on like this, and it's time to exercise it gone."

What Zhang Hao said is correct. A Mountain Caller Dog not only needs to be well-raised, but also must be equipped with proper training, such as the ability to find medicinal materials, find mountain treasures, etc. Xiaobai has almost completed it. You need to adapt more, find more, and accumulate experience.

But for the exercise of running, he had never deliberately trained Xiaobai before. Firstly, Xiaobai was too young to receive such training. If you give Xiaobai training at this time, your physical strength will be too much, maybe Xiaobai may be abolished just like that.

However, in the next period of time, Zhang Hao's focus should be on the spiritual soil, and he will seldom go to the mountains. What's more, he lives in the mountains now, and it's not too convenient to go to the mountains.

This is the most suitable time to train Xiaobai.

And following behind the mountain god deer, when Xiaobai can keep up with the speed of the mountain god deer, then Xiaobai, the mountain dog, can be regarded as a real exercise.

But if you want to train like that, it can't be done overnight.

Then, Zhang Hao patted the mountain deer's neck lightly: "Silly deer, get ready, whoever wins tonight will have dinner tomorrow!"

"Xiaobai, you too, if you lose, tomorrow you will have to go out to find food by yourself!"



A dog and a deer all energized in an instant, and looked at each other hostilely.

At this time, Li Siyu shook his head helplessly, and said in a low voice: "You are too bad, didn't you intentionally make the two of them hostile to each other, and, with the speed of the mountain deer, how could Xiaobai catch up to it?"

"Sit on the back of a deer with Xiaobai all day long. Over time, Xiaobai's limbs are almost degraded. He is a mountain dog, the king of dogs! You must keep up with the exercise." Zhang Hao said righteously.

Li Siyu nodded, and thoughtfully said: "Also, are you bullying Lusha? Xiaobai can go out to find food by himself, but Shalu can't."

Zhang Hao didn't care, nodded and said with a smile: "Who made this stupid deer unable to go out to find something delicious, blame me."

Then, he smiled and slapped the raised buttocks of the mountain god deer: "Let's go! Go home."

(End of this chapter)

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