My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 213 Zhang Hao is the Blessing of Zhao Family Village!

Chapter 213 Zhang Hao is the Blessing of Zhao Family Village!

"I am back!"

Zhang Hao looked at the smoke curling up from the chimney, thinking that Li Siyu should be cooking.

Pushing open the fence door of the small courtyard, I saw the mountain god deer in the courtyard still lazily lying on the ground, seeming to be resting with eyes closed, or falling into a deep sleep.

Zhang Hao shook his head helplessly.

There is still a little bit of mountain god deer in this mountain god deer. It looks like it has found a job. It sleeps in this small courtyard all day long, and starts to eat when it is time.

If you need Him for walking, He will walk with you. If you don't need Him for walking, then He will naturally continue to lie on your stomach and sleep in this small courtyard, looking like a real uncle.

Zhang Hao didn't bother, and put the basket in his hand away to prevent the mountain deer from eating the herbs after seeing them, and then walked into the hut.

Coincidentally, Li Siyu also came out of the kitchen, still wearing the under skirt, with a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

The weather is hot now, and there is a relic town house in the room, so the room will be a little hotter, and the oily smoke will rise when cooking, making it even hotter.

"Wash your hands and prepare to eat."

While talking, Li Siyu got into the kitchen again, took out a good dish from it, and handed it to Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao picked it up, turned around and walked out of the hut. Suddenly, a sense of coolness came over him, and the heat from his body dissipated in an instant.

This is the Yin Qi in the mountains and forests.

However, Zhang Hao doesn't need to pay too much attention to these things now. After all, the relics used to guard the house in the house will naturally dispel the yin energy in their bodies after they enter the house, allowing the body to return to normal. much impact.

It will not have any effect on Li Siyu, and if she continues to live here, it will also be good for her body.

After all the food was served on the table, Zhang Hao also washed up briefly, and the two sat opposite each other, eating without speaking to each other.

As time passed, the sky became darker, and lights appeared in the courtyard. The bright light shone on the entire small courtyard, and also added a little light to the dark forest.

Zhang Hao put down the bowl and chopsticks and wiped his mouth: "I'm full."

"En." Li Siyu responded, and continued to chew slowly.

Just like this, the two felt the coolness brought by the breeze in the mountains and forests, the rustling of the leaves, and everything around them, which was changing but never changed.

Just like the two of them.

It seems that everything is changing, but nothing has changed, and life is going on in an orderly manner, plain and peaceful.

A dog and a deer played and made noise in the small courtyard and the open space outside the courtyard after dinner.

The two people in the courtyard, after eating.

Li Siyu sat on the recliner looking at the dark dense forest, feeling the breeze, while Zhang Hao cleaned up the dishes. After cleaning up, he also lay on the recliner, lazily looking at the starry sky and the dense forest.

Everything is so peaceful.

The two sometimes look at each other, sometimes smile, sometimes chat a few words, talk about what they have seen and heard today, and sometimes talk to each other about their views on some things.

Time is passing by in these seemingly useless, but completely relaxing processes.

The kind of peace that can soothe people's hearts, that can make people forget all their worries, and temporarily escape from the turmoil of this mundane world. Everything returns to the final peace, the initial tranquility.

This is what they have always wanted and pursued. Even though Li Siyu has become a big internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans on the Internet, this does not prevent the two of them from always pursuing peace and tranquility in their hearts.

This is the reason for choosing to live in this mountain forest, living for a long time, and living like this.

At this time, the two of them also enjoyed the current life very much, and felt very good about such a life, and they lived very comfortably.

Just after night fell, the two got up from the reclining chairs, walked into the middle of the room, said goodnight to each other, and then went back to their respective rooms to rest.

As the lights went out, a dog and a deer also lay down in the yard, falling asleep.


Silent all night.

Zhang Hao got up early, and Li Siyu also got up and started making breakfast.

After the breakfast was ready and the two of them had a hasty breakfast, Zhang Hao rode the mountain god deer down the mountain. After all, there was still a long distance from where they lived to the bottom of the mountain, if only by walking , which may take nearly half an hour.

Adhering to the idea of ​​saving time, Zhang Hao resolutely chose to ride the mountain deer down the mountain, saving a little time if he could.

When we arrived at the foot of the mountain, we followed the path down the mountain to the entrance of the village, and then wandered along the asphalt road in the village.

It's really good, Zhang Hao is indeed wandering, he came down the mountain this time to find a fool.

If you want to cure the idiot, you need to take the idiot to the mountain first, and then let the idiot get used to the function of [Zizi Bug].

Then, the first condition is to find the idiot in the village and bring the idiot there.

But Zhang Hao is very clear that the fool's daily route is not fixed and very random.

He had learned from the villagers and Li Siyu before that sometimes a fool would not stay at home and would come out for a walk, and sometimes he would go to another place, maybe in the field, maybe It is the outskirts of the mountain, possibly the village next to it.

It is also possible that the idiot is hiding in a corner of the house. It is not easy to meet a idiot at ordinary times, and it is very likely that if you meet him today, you will not see this person for the next half a month.

Therefore, Zhang Hao planned to return to the village early and ask the villagers about the idiot's movements. If any villagers saw the idiot, he would take the idiot to the mountain as soon as possible.

When Zhang Hao was looking for a fool, on the asphalt road in front of him came an old farmer carrying a hoe and preparing to go to the field.

Zhang Hao hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Uncle Wang, have you seen the idiot?"

"Fool?" Uncle Wang paused, thought for a moment, and frowned, "I saw him two days ago, but I didn't see him today. What's the matter, Xiaohao, what do you want him for?"

"It's nothing." Zhang Hao casually said something perfunctory, then immediately walked past and continued to move forward.

"Aunt Zhao, have you seen the fool?"

"Brother Hai, have you seen the idiot?"

"Brother Zhao, have you seen the fool?"


Zhang Hao asked people whenever he saw them, and inquired about them when he saw them, but the answers he got were undoubtedly "no", or "didn't see".

Of course, some people also asked Zhang Haohao why he wanted to find this idiot.

Zhang Hao didn't tell them the truth, he just perfunctory, then turned around and went to find the idiot.

And the big guys looked at Zhang Hao's expression and his somewhat anxious face, and they all knew that Zhang Hao was looking for a fool for something, so they spontaneously went to help Zhang Hao in their free time. Find a fool.

It didn't take long either.

Gao Hai called Zhang Hao.

"Haozi, the idiot is here at the canteen, come here quickly."

Hearing Gao Hai's voice on the phone, Zhang Hao hung up the phone and walked towards the commissary.

When he got to the canteen, the first thing he saw was a group of people surrounding the idiot. The villagers were chattering, but the idiot was still smiling and didn't refute, let alone show any fear. , but it can be seen that the fool is a little bit flinching.

It's just that there are villagers all around, and even if he wants to retreat, he has no place to retreat, so he can only smile like this and stand where he is.

"By the way, why is Xiaohao looking for a fool?"

"Ah? You don't know?"

"you know?"

"I do not know."

"Then what accent are you talking about!"

"Tch, don't mind me, I always thought you knew."

"Who knows, well, Xiao Hao is here, just ask him."

Following the words of the villagers, everyone immediately turned their heads and looked in the direction where Zhang Hao was coming. When they saw Zhang Hao approaching, the villagers made way for them.

"Xiaohao, why are you looking for a fool? He is just a fool. You can't go too far with anything."

"Yeah, Xiaohao, he is a fool after all, he should be more tolerant."

"Don't talk nonsense, Xiao Hao is not that kind of person, but what are you looking for a fool for?"

Facing the doubts of the villagers, Zhang Hao smiled helplessly: "Actually, it's nothing. It's just that I got a folk prescription by accident. It said it can cure the disease of a fool, so I want to give it a try."

Up to now, Zhang Hao decided to speak out about the matter.

This is not to make a good impression on the villagers, let alone to make them love him more.

But now he knows what the villagers are thinking too well, and they are afraid that Zhang Hao will treat the idiot badly, or that the idiot offended him accidentally, and he will punish the idiot or something.

These villagers also wanted to persuade Zhang Hao not to care about a fool.

Of course, these villagers also have their own ability to judge, and they will not completely believe that Zhang Hao will bully a fool.

Hear this.

The faces of all the villagers showed shock and surprise, and many of them were full of anticipation.

You know, when this idiot was taken to the hospital by his parents back then, the doctor gave the result that there was no need for treatment, because judging from the technology at that time, there was no cure at all, so there was no need to waste money.

And now even if the technology is better, the idiot has the possibility of being cured, but the idiot has already passed the best intervention time, and no one is willing to pay for the idiot to see a doctor.

Although everyone sympathizes with fools and often helps fools with food, clothing, or supplies, etc., but when it comes to treating fools, everyone is tacit on this point and never mentions it.

After all, the relationship between the idiot and everyone is only in the same village. No one has the obligation to help the idiot cure his illness, let alone do so.

What's more, not everyone in the village is a millionaire, and even if the idiot is sent to the hospital now, those doctors will probably be helpless when they see the idiot.

I have been stupid for so many years, and I still want to cure the fool. This is a bit unrealistic, and it is a bit difficult for others.

After hearing Zhang Hao say that he has a way to cure the fool, everyone is still very surprised, and some people are very confident about this, believing that Zhang Hao can do it.

After all, the last time Zhang Hao's three hammers woke Aunt Li's youngest son, Gao Lin, the whole village saw it. Except for the fool who was not there, everyone else was there and heard the thunderous sound from the hammer like sound.

This matter is still fresh in everyone's memory, so they all have their own opinions about Zhang Hao, and they are convinced that Zhang Hao may really have a way to cure the fool's disease.

Of course, even if Zhang Hao’s treatment is not good, everyone will not say anything. It will be better if it is cured, and everyone will just lose a so-called "village guard". In life, being able to do it yourself and have enough food and clothing can also make many people feel very gratified.

"Xiaohao, can you really cure this idiot?"

"Really or not? When this idiot went to the hospital, the doctor said that he couldn't be cured at all. He also said that there is no possibility of cure at all after how old he is."

"Hey, Xiaohao, if you really have the ability to cure this idiot, I thank you on behalf of his whole family, but you still can't be brave in this kind of thing."

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter. He's a fool anyway, and he doesn't understand what we're saying. Even if he can't be cured, there's nothing he can do about it."

"Xiaohao, if you can really cure this idiot, then you can be regarded as another great contribution to our village."

"That's it. Besides, the development of our village like this is not because of Xiaohao. We can walk on this asphalt road now, we can have street lights, and we won't go out in the future. Isn't that still Xiaohao? The most important thing is that Xiaohao woke up Gao Lin before? I believe you, Xiaohao, you can do it!"

"That's right, Xiaohao, Auntie, I also believe that you can do it, you definitely can do it, I'll leave it to you, idiot, we can all rest assured."

Zhang Hao nodded, smiled helplessly and said, "I just found a solution by accident, and I'm not sure if it can really cure the fool."

Then, he turned to look at the fool.

Seeing that the fool is still smiling "hehehe", the expression on his face has not changed from the beginning to the end, he still flinches like that, smiles like that, and feels a little fear like that.

Zhang Hao looked at the rotten-smelling, ragged fool in front of him, and looked at him with his eyes.

The idiot didn't speak, nor did he respond to him with his eyes, but Zhang Hao could see a little longing in the idiot's eyes. He was fed up with the strange eyes, and wanted to seek the sight of a normal person, and wanted to become an ordinary person. Yes, the eyes of someone who can be the same as everyone.

Even if the fool doesn't know what disease he has, even though he may not be aware of these things, he is just stupid, not completely out of his mind. Over the years, he still knows that every time he passes by, those villagers use strange Looking at him, those children ran away holding their noses, and many children would throw stones at him and wait for things.

In the same way, he naturally knew that he was able to live until now because of the relief given to him by the villagers. Without those reliefs, he would have died at home long ago, and it would be impossible for him to live to this day.

However, for countless days and nights, he was thinking about when he would be able to live like a normal person. He didn't want to be that alien, different from ordinary people.

Zhang Hao was keenly aware of the fool's eyes. He breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said, "Come on, follow me up the mountain, and I'll take you to see something fun."

"Really, really? You, you can't lie to me." The fool looked at Zhang Hao with bright eyes, his face was already full of smiles, and his expression revealed even more joy.

Zhang Hao nodded heavily: "You still don't believe me? Besides, everyone can testify to you."

After speaking, he winked at the villagers beside him.

A group of villagers immediately came to their senses and echoed.

"Yes, yes, there are many interesting things in Xiaohao's house, and he will definitely not lie to you."

"Fool, hurry up, Xiaohao still has sweets at home."

"Go and have delicious food."

The villagers said with a smile, the fool nodded, and happily followed behind Zhang Hao, the laughter was full of innocence and anticipation.

He expects that if he goes home with Zhang Hao, there will be delicious food, sweets, and fun things, all of which will be available.

He was even more looking forward to leaving here with Zhang Hao, because there were too many people here, so much that he was already a little uncomfortable.

Then, under the gaze of the villagers and under the leadership of Zhang Hao, the idiot left the crowd, let Zhang Hao pull him, and walked towards the mountain.

Watching Zhang Hao and the idiot's figures drift away, the villagers' discussions continued.

"You say, can this Xiaohao really cure a fool?"

"Who knows, but Xiao Hao is really capable. He woke up Gao Lin who had been paralyzed in bed for so many years, and this time he was able to cure the idiot. Tsk, we can have Xiao Hao in our Zhaojia Village , that is really a blessing."

"Didn't Xiaohao say it himself, he may not be able to cure the idiot well, and he may not be able to cure it. Well, let's wait and see."

"Yes, during this period, let's try not to disturb Xiaohao, so that if Xiaohao doesn't cure the idiot, he won't be under too much pressure."

"That's right, let's break up, let's go and do what we should do."


Along the path leading to the mountain, passing the village entrance, all the way forward, came to the entrance of the mountain.

The fool bit his finger, showing an expression that didn't match his age, and asked, "Us, where are we going?"

"Go to the mountain to see something fun." Zhang Hao still smiled, and the expression on his face never showed the slightest malice, and he always maintained goodwill.

Now the fool doesn't trust him very much. After all, he hasn't seen him much, and he hasn't seen himself much, so a kind of trust needs to be established between the two parties. This kind of trust is very critical for the next treatment.

Only when the fool trusts himself, can he let the fool do whatever he wants, and he will do whatever he wants, without arousing the fool's resistance.

"Really, is it really for fun? You, you can't lie to me." The fool bit his finger, and a little worry could be seen in his eyes.

According to the doctor, the fool's mentality is about 4/5 years old. Children at this age love to play, and they don't know what danger is, what is human traffickers, but they are not so vigilant about people. .

It can also be said that it is the most deceptive age. If you say something interesting, you will obediently follow.

That's what fools do.

As long as you really give him something fun later on, and take him to eat delicious food, the initial trust with the fool will be established.

"I will never lie to you, don't worry, we will see something interesting soon." Zhang Hao comforted the fool in a low voice.

Then, he raised his finger and pointed to the mountain god deer who was waiting in the mountain: "Look, there is a deer! Let's ride the deer to play, shall we?"

The idiot immediately jumped up, clapped his hands together, and laughed happily: "Okay, okay, play with a deer! Play with a deer!"

With Zhang Hao's support, the fool turned onto the deer's back, and Zhang Hao also hurriedly got on the deer's back.

Afterwards, Zhang Hao asked the fool to hold on to the deer, while he drove the mountain god deer towards the cabin in the forest.

It didn't take long before they arrived near the forest hut.

Li Siyu was drying the quilts, when he saw Zhang Hao and the idiot coming back riding a mountain god deer, he immediately went up to meet them.

"Sister Immortal...Sister Immortal!"

As soon as the fool saw Li Siyu, he immediately exclaimed, with happiness written all over his face.

Zhang Hao was the first to get off the back of the deer, and helped the fool down as well.

"Did you bring him here for treatment?" Li Siyu asked curiously.

Zhang Hao nodded, then shook his head again: "That's not it, it can only be said to be the preparation work before the treatment."

Li Siyu didn't ask, but asked: "Then, should I prepare his meal at noon?"

"Get ready, it's just a matter of extra chopsticks."

"it is good."

While talking, Li Siyu turned around and continued to work. After drying the quilt, he plunged into the kitchen and began to prepare the lunch.

Zhang Hao dragged the fool to the outside of the fence of the spirit soil.

He raised his finger to the wooden stake next to [Mountain Grass], and pointed to the [Ling Worm] on it that was born yesterday and was wrapped around the wooden stake, and said, "Look at that bug, have you seen it?"

The fool seemed to be very afraid of bugs. When he saw the animal-like head and snake-like body of [Zi Worm], he backed away again and again, with fear in his eyes, but the expression on his face was always smiling. Yes, it looks a little weird.

Zhang Hao didn't force it, but slowly guided him: "Look at that bug, don't look at him as scary, he's so fun, really, come closer and take a look, don't worry, with me here, he will never hurt your."

His persuasion was still effective. When the idiot heard this sentence, he subconsciously moved forward and stepped forward cautiously, but he still didn't dare to get too close and could only watch from a distance. 【Qin Bug】.

At this time, [Qin Chong] also noticed the existence of the idiot, tilted his head, and looked at the idiot, as if he was familiar with it.

at this time.

The 【Qinworm】, whose body was originally wrapped around the wooden stake, suddenly flapped the four wings on its back, dragged its not-so-small body into mid-air, and rushed towards the fool.

The fool's eyes showed panic, and there was no longer a smile on his face, but became frightened and fearful.

He fell to the ground all of a sudden, kicking his feet back non-stop, and pulling his hands back even more, as if he saw something extremely terrifying and wanted to run away immediately.

Zhang Hao didn't step forward to stop it, didn't stop [Qin Chong], and didn't help the fool up, but watched silently from the side.

Immediately afterwards, the flying speed of the 【Lyre Bug】was extremely fast, and it didn't take long for the 【Lyre Bug】to fly in front of the fool, and then, the 【Lyre Bug】landed directly on the fool's body.

It also starts at this moment.

The idiot's movements began to slow down, as if he had received some magic that made the passage of time extremely slow. The joints of his hands seemed to be glued, and his legs seemed to be filled with lead, becoming extremely slow. , nearly stagnant.

[Qin Chong] just stood on the idiot's chest, tilted his head, still looking at the idiot, as if he wanted to see through the idiot completely.

And when the idiot's movements were completely still, only his eyes could move, the idiot suddenly became able to move again, and he was able to move as before.

[The lyre bug] immediately flew up again at this moment, and slowly flew back to the stake in the spirit soil.

The body was still wrapped around the stake, and he looked at the sleepy mother of [Qin Chong] who was still awake, then turned her head again, and continued to look at Zhang Hao, and also looked at the direction of the fool.

Just after the idiot regained his ability to move, the idiot no longer flinched back, but looked at his hands and his feet, and kept groping his body, wanting to ensure that It has not been violated, etc.

After finding that he hadn't changed much, the fool was relieved.

Then, he stood up, still with a smile on his face, biting his fingers, and smiled "hehehe", the same as before, without any difference.

Zhang Hao smiled, walked up to the fool a few steps, raised his hand and patted the dirt on his body, jokingly said: "How about it, it's fun, I didn't lie to you."

The idiot nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice: "Fun, fun... Really fun!"

"Will you come to play after that?" Zhang Hao asked again.

The fool nodded: "Come and play! Play!"

After Zhang Hao got the answer he wanted, he also heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

Through his understanding, [Qin Chong] actually has a very special ability, which is to be able to identify whether this person has a mental illness or not.

This ability is also an ability that Zhang Hao finally read through the "Zoushan Travel Records", and it took a long time to decipher it.

To put it simply, if there is a person with a mental illness standing in front of [Ziolworm], then [Ziolworm] will take the initiative to fly up and fly towards the mentally ill person.

Then lie on the person with mental illness to judge how the condition is.

That's why, Zhang Hao didn't stop the [Qin Worm] from flying on the fool.

After the idiot suffered from the effect of [Qin Bug], he was able to return to normal movements at the end without much damage to himself, which is also related to the idiot suffering from mental illness.

To be precise, a fool suffering from a mental illness would have doubts or not think about it because of lack of mentality and not understanding what was going on when faced with the attack of [Ziol Bug].

However, the most feared thing about the ability of [Qinworm] is not to think, so it is easy to crack the ability of [Ziolworm].

Zhang Hao was very helpless about this, and he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

But I have to say that I brought a fool here today, and let [Zi Zi] use the ability on the fool once, and the effect is still very good.

At least it made the fool's mental state better. The most important thing is that for a moment, Zhang Hao even thought that the fool had returned to normal, that is, the moment the fool just got up, his behavioral logic and behavior were similar to normal people. exactly the same.

This means that after being disturbed by [Zi Bug], the idiot will become a little more normal.

That can also prove that the fool is suffering from a mental illness, or a mental illness that can be cured by [Qin Worm].

Having reached this conclusion, Zhang Hao felt relieved, and his hanging heart was finally let go.

He was still worried before that if the doctor made a wrong judgment and the fool did not suffer from a mental illness, he would not be able to control the development of the matter.

Now it seems that all his worries are unnecessary.

After this tossing, more than half an hour has passed.

Then, Zhang Hao played with the idiot for a while, and gave the idiot some candy to eat.

And the fool gradually began to trust Zhang Hao, trust Zhang Hao, and Zhang Hao told him some simple things, and he would do what Zhang Hao said.

"Ready to eat!"

Just when the two were having fun, Li Siyu's voice came from the kitchen.

Zhang Hao then dragged the idiot back to the yard, looking at the table full of vegetables, the idiot's eyes lit up and his saliva was already dripping down.

Under the leadership of Zhang Hao, the idiot sat on the other side, put his hands on his knees very obediently, and just looked at the food, didn't get started, and didn't start to eat, so he suppressed swallowing saliva.

When Li Siyu was also seated, Zhang Hao turned his head to look at the fool, and said softly, "Eat quickly."

As if the fool had received an order, he grabbed the bowls and chopsticks and launched an offensive towards the dishes on the table.

Maybe it’s been a long time since I’ve had such a delicious meal, maybe it’s been a long time since I’ve had a normal meal, the idiot is very happy to eat, every time he takes a bite of food he looks up and looks at Zhang Hao with a smile, looking at Sister Fairy, Say "delicious".

Zhang Hao and Li Siyu were also amused by his appearance, and kept feeding the fool.

Soon, under the attack of the three of them, all the dishes on the table were wiped out, and even the remaining little vegetable soup was poured into the bowl by the fool, soaking the last bit of rice and eating it go down.

After the idiot finished eating, Zhang Hao and Li Siyu looked at each other with a little surprise or shock in their eyes.

The idiot ate four bowls of rice in a daze for this meal, and the idiot ate most of the dishes on the table.

Today, Li Siyu was afraid that fools would eat too much, so he doubled the amount, thinking that there would be enough to eat, and there must be some left over.

But even if there are leftovers, it is better than not enough to eat.

But what I didn't expect was that not only was there no food left, but it could only be considered enough, because she saw that when the fool finished eating the last bit of rice in the bowl, there was still some nostalgia and helplessness in his eyes.

Apparently, the fool can still eat more...

It's hard to imagine how much a fool can eat if he lets go.

The same is true for Zhang Hao. He looked at the dishes on the table that were cleaner than his trouser pockets, and then at the fool who was still full of ideas, and exclaimed in his heart.

Obediently, it's really edible!
(End of this chapter)

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