My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 217 Strange Mountain Range!The first betrothal gift!

Chapter 217 Strange Mountain Range!The first betrothal gift!
Looking at the two "fangs" in his hand, Zhang Hao never thought of where this thing would come from.

This is not the most important thing, the main thing is whether this thing is here, was picked up by Xiaobai, or through other means, went to the mountain on the back of Zhaojia Village, and was picked up by Xiaobai later arrive.

It does matter.

It's hard to imagine what kind of magical power it is that allows Xiaobai to cross such a long distance to the Qinling Mountains and bring back these two "fangs".

It can be seen from this that the two "fangs" seem to have fallen or been brought into the mountain through other means, and Xiaobai also found it by accident, was attracted, and then brought it back .

But in any case, at present, it seems that this thing did appear from the Qinling Mountains, and this thing is definitely not an ordinary thing, and the things behind it are by no means as simple as it seems on the surface.

In recent days, Zhang Hao discovered by looking through the "Zoushan Travel Notes", according to the summary of previous Zoushan predecessors, they discovered that in fact, every mountain has its own secrets.

For example, the secret of a certain mountain range may contain some kind of substance. If a mountain walker can discover this secret, he will receive feedback from the mountain and obtain the rich resources of the mountain.

Specifically what can be obtained, the previous mountain-walking seniors in the "Zoushan Travel Records" did not say clearly, because there are few senior mountain-walkers who have found the secret of the mountain, and the things they get are completely different. any references.

This point is very obscurely recorded, and Zhang Hao didn’t find it in the previous browsing. It was only after reading the [Zoushan Travel Records] countless times recently that he suddenly discovered that there is also a so-called secret of the mountain recorded in it. A chance.

Therefore, when he came to the Qinling Mountains this time, Zhang Hao also took a little luck. These two people who may have come from the Qinling Mountains
"Fang Fang" is very likely to be related to the secrets of the Qinling Mountains. If this is the case, he might be able to touch the secrets of the mountains and get feedback, as well as rich resources and so on.

But in the final analysis, what he values ​​more is the secret of the mountains. As a mountain walker, one of the mottos is to find the secrets of a hundred mountains.

Of course, the main purpose of this trek is still to find the dowry. If possible, he would naturally be willing to add the route of exploring the secrets of the Qinling Mountains, but if there is no chance, he will also find what he needs. After the thing, go back immediately.

There is still Li Siyu at home waiting for him to go back. If he stays in the mountains for too long, Li Siyu will definitely be worried. He would rather go back early than make Li Siyu worry too much.

What's more, the Qinling Mountains can't run away. This mountain range is always here. He can come whenever he wants. Anyway, there are mountain god deer now, and at most it's just a matter of sitting on the back of the deer for a while.

Withdrawing his gaze and putting the two "fangs" back into the Guling basket, Zhang Hao got up, looked at the road ahead, and after briefly identifying the direction, he raised his footsteps and continued walk forward.

This time when he came to the Qinling Mountains, he could only cross the river by feeling for the stones. His eyes were completely darkened, and he just went straight to the depths. Anyway, there was no target for reference.

This is especially true for Xiaobai and the mountain god deer. The dog and the deer only follow behind Zhang Hao, and they will do whatever Zhang Hao asks them to do.

In this way, we continued to walk forward until the western sky became a dim dusk, and the sunlight projected from the gaps between the branches and leaves disappeared completely, and the whole dense forest became dark, quiet, and even a little scary.

Zhang Haocai stopped in his tracks.

Looking around, he looked at the scenery in front of him, the dense forest that could not be seen at a glance, and the dark depths in the distance.

What he can be sure of now is that the place he is in is already in the deep mountains of the Qinling Mountains, this piece of deep mountains.

Before I knew it, I had come to the depths, and I was getting farther and farther away from where I came from.

However, Zhang Hao has a lot of experience in this area, leaving many hidden traces along the way, and only he himself knows what these traces mean.

This is also to avoid that if someone comes here and finds those traces, he will follow the traces all the way to find him.

Walking in the mountains, leaving traces is a science, not just finding a conspicuous tree and leaving traces is considered as leaving traces.

It mainly depends on what use the trace you leave behind, how you leave it, how it is done, and how you will remember the trace you left when you pass by here.

These are things that need to be carefully considered, and as a mountain walker, you must always think about them. Even these are necessary skills that are more important than finding mountain treasures.

After all, as a mountain walker, you must not be trapped in the mountains, or get lost in the mountains. That is not only shameful, but also very dangerous.

Dangers are everywhere in the mountains and forests. Only by mastering all these skills and ensuring that you can go back safely again and again in the dangerous mountains and forests everywhere, then no matter how much effort you put in, it should be .

No one wants to lose their own life, this is the instinct of people to survive.

Zhang Hao sat on the ground, and distributed some common herbs he picked along the way to Xiaobai and Shanshenlu as food.

As for himself, he took out the meatloaf, chewed it vigorously, and at the same time was alert to the surrounding situation.

This was the first day he came to the Qinling Mountains, and it was also the first night he passed through. He had to be careful in everything. After all, he was not familiar with some animals in the Qinling Mountains, the distribution of wild animals, and so on.

And there are no familiar foxes here, if there are those foxes, Zhang Hao can put his heart in his stomach and rest with peace of mind.

However, it is now clearly impossible to

After eating the meatloaf, Zhang Hao simply drank his saliva and got up.

He needs to find a place to perch tonight before the night falls completely.

After all, if you want to spend the night in the mountains, you still need to pay attention to it. For example, you can’t sleep next to a big tree under a tree. In this way, you will easily be absorbed by the mountain spirits and wild monsters attached to the tree, which will cause your body to be deficient, etc. .

Also, you can’t choose a space that is too large. Generally, this kind of place is too open and not considered a place of geomantic omen. The gathering of yin energy is unimaginable. If you sleep in this kind of place for one night, you will not lose half of it the next day. Fate is good.

As for places such as trees, not any tree can sleep on, such as locust trees, which are inherently yin, and they are called wood ghost trees in the folk. In the cemetery, there is a very heavy cloud.

On the branches of this kind of tree, there are usually ghosts or some bad things.

Of course, if someone who wants to commit suicide or has lost hope in life can sleep and see things that are usually invisible before dying, it can be said to be very profitable.

And mountain walkers like Zhang Hao usually spend the night in the mountains, so [Illustrated Records of Traveling in the Mountains] recorded many places where they can live in the mountains and forests.

For example, on a big rock, if there are yang trees near the rock, and these trees surround the rock, then this is the best place to inhabit, because the yang energy is getting stronger, and this kind of tree is the most suitable for the mountain. The wild spirits don't like it, they would rather give up a meal of yang energy that can be sucked, and not get close.

After all, getting close means being surrounded by yang energy, which is not a good thing for them.

There is also the ability to sleep in a relatively high place, or as high as possible. Although the high place is not very cold, it will give some creatures in the mountains a sense of oppression.

The height here does not refer to the trees, but refers to the high place like a hillside, or the highest point of this mountain range.

According to the rules of the mountain, it is a place where the mountain gods and spirits can rest, and as mountain walkers, those who have been approved by the mountain gods can take a short rest at high places as long as they have enough offerings.

In this way, those mountain spirits and wild monsters will never be disturbed.

Another place is the open space in front of the cliff.

This kind of place is the most sunny, the yin energy is not heavy, and there is a cliff on one side. It has the name of yin qi decisiveness, and it also means that the mountain range ends here.

However, one should be careful in such a place. There will definitely be mountain spirits and wild monsters in the dense forest. Although those things will not go into the sun or approach the section of the cliff, they will wait nearby , waiting for an opportunity.

A mountain walker like Zhang Hao would naturally not be afraid of the mountain spirits hiding nearby. After all, some of the more powerful mountain spirits would not go to hide in that kind of place.

For example, 【Qin Bug】is also a kind of spirit insect in the mountains, and it can wait for an opportunity in the depths of the dense forest.

Zhang Hao kept sending out these thoughts in his mind, and kept thinking about the things he lived at night, and the expression on his face gradually became serious.

Because as the sky was getting darker, he now felt more and more that something was wrong with the Qinling Mountains.

It was a bit too gloomy and cold, and the Yin Qi was very heavy. Even his body that had practiced Wu Qin Xi might not be able to withstand the Yin Qi that came with the night.

You must know that the sun has not completely set at this time, and among the yin and yang and five elements, it is not the time for the yang qi to completely dissipate, but the point where the yang qi is getting weaker and the yin qi is getting stronger.

However, it's just that the sun is about to set, so there is such a heavy yin energy. This shows that once night falls, the yin energy in this big mountain in the Qinling Mountains will reach a terrifying level.

It is very possible that if an ordinary person stays here for one night, he will definitely sit down and get sick. Even if he doesn't show it at the time, his body will definitely have a backlash in a few years.

It may not even take a few years, but it also depends on the individual's physique.

Zhang Hao didn't have time to think about the reason. The most important thing for him now is to find a place where he can sleep tonight before the sky gets dark safely. The only place where he can sleep now is the open space on the cliff. There are also big stones surrounded by yang trees.

But such big rocks are rare in the mountains, and there are no cliffs nearby at all, and even if there are cliffs, there may not be an open space.

Zhang Hao couldn't help speeding up his pace, and his expression gradually became hurried.

Xiaobai at his feet and the mountain god deer behind him also seemed to have sensed the change in his mood, and they leaned tightly on Zhang Hao's side, ready to obey Zhang Hao's orders at all times.

Even, even they, a dog and a deer, have noticed that the yin in the air is getting heavier and heavier, which is obviously completely different from before.

At this moment, they even felt that there was always danger in the dense forest, and in the invisible darkness, there were several pairs of eyes staring at them all the time, waiting for them to fall into the trap .

This feeling makes them very uncomfortable.

Zhang Hao walked in the dense forest, passing weeds, and bypassing the big tree that looked more and more terrifying under the gradually dim moonlight.

But he never found a big rock to sleep on, let alone the so-called high place.

On the first day when he came to the Qinling Mountains, something was wrong everywhere, and he showed Zhang Hao an unusual feeling at any time.

Zhang Hao feels that if he stays in the Qinling Mountains continuously, he will go crazy for a long time, and his mentality may even collapse.

After all, he learned through treatment in his previous life that prolonged mental stress would put a huge burden on a person's mental strength, which in turn might lead to mental illness.

Also known as crazy.

After briefly sorting out his thoughts, Zhang Hao looked around and decided to move on, ignoring all the surrounding scenes.

After all, judging from the current situation, if he stays here, then as night falls, he still has no place to rest, and he will continue to be infested by those Yin Qi.

On the second day, his body will still suffer some damage, which will be very unfavorable for his next mountain walking.

It's better to move forward as soon as possible now, maybe as he goes deeper, he will find a corresponding solution in this dense forest.

If it is normal for a dense forest to suddenly be filled with a large amount of Yin Qi, then there must be a natural place in this dense forest that can guarantee that Yang Qi will not be invaded by Yin Qi.

This is for sure, and it is also in line with the laws of nature, and it is in line with the five elements and eight trigrams.

Everything in the world pays attention to a balance, and the way of balance is reflected in the yin and yang. The picture is reduced to a joke.

Then everything in the world will be redefined.

In this way, the world is false and unreal.

Then Zhang Hao can be sure that the world he is in now, or this mountain range, and even the feeling that the surrounding yin is too heavy, is false, and he has fallen into the trap of something.

However, judging from the current situation, he does not seem to belong to this situation, that is, there is a big problem in this mountain forest.

Mind this.

Zhang Hao couldn't help speeding up his pace, and continued walking towards the depths of the dense forest.

Not long after, as he continued to go deeper, he felt that the surrounding air was getting heavier and colder, and the sky had completely lost all light. The sun had already set, and there was not even a sunset glow left behind. The whole sky was shrouded in night.

The starry sky is gone, the bright moon is not there, just like the whole smooth, black circular glass dome as a dome, covering this dense forest.

Zhang Hao just looked up, then looked away.

He is now convinced that he is not in a trap, but the peculiarity of this Qinling Mountains.

In his understanding, Qinling Mountains is the most mysterious and important mountain range in Kyushu.

The Qinling Mountains divide the entire Kyushu into two. The north of the Qinling Mountains is called the North, and the south is called the South.

The specific reason is that the Qinling Mountains block the dry air in the north and the humid air in the south, forming a natural barrier.

Then it became known as the north and the south, and formed two completely unique climates.

What is more special about the Qinling Mountains is that because the Qinling Mountains are backed by the ancient capital of the thirteen dynasties, they are also known as one of the dragon veins of Kyushu. Therefore, many emperors and generals in history will be buried in the Qinling Mountains after their death. Among the mountains, after so many years of development, there must be more and more tombs in the Qinling Mountains.

Maybe this is the reason why the cloudiness in the mountains is getting heavier?
Zhang Hao didn't know if this was the reason, but according to what he knew, it might not be the only possibility, or in other words, it wasn't the only reason.

It is very possible that there are reasons that he has not yet discovered.

However, no matter what, he continued to search, continued to penetrate, and continued to resist the piercing Yin Qi entering his body.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhang Hao happened to see a ball of fire not far in front of him by chance.

This flame is not as coquettish and weird as the will-o'-the-wisp, revealing a cold atmosphere, but it looks like the flames used by humans, like the light from torches.

But looking from a distance, the flame turned green, blue, and then red...

Eventually, it disappeared as quickly as it had never been there.

Zhang Hao looked at the direction where the flame disappeared, and squinted his eyes, his face full of doubts and bewilderment.

The time was too short just now, and the distance was a bit far. He couldn't be sure that everything he saw was correct, and he couldn't guarantee whether what he saw was true.

Moreover, in the mountains and forests, there are too many such weird things, and he has encountered many of them himself, and he is used to them.

After Zhang Hao thought about it, he decided to continue walking forward and look at the place where the fire was blazing, maybe there would be some unexpected gains.

Taking Xiaobai and the mountain god deer, they continued to walk in the mountains and forests, heading towards the direction of the fire.

It didn't take too long for Zhang Hao to come to the place where the flames were blazing before. When he got here, he found that there was nothing but a big stone.

What surprised Zhang Hao even more was that the trees around this big rock were all Yang trees.

Even after coming here, he still felt that the yin energy around him had weakened significantly, as if there was a layer of transparent space barrier, which completely isolated this place from the outside world, forming a separate space.

Here, it is a perfect place, according to the record in [Zoushan Travel Notes], the most suitable place for mountain walkers to rest in the mountains at night.

The Yin Qi is blocked, and there are Yang trees around, and there is a big stone in the middle.

It was so perfect that Zhang Hao couldn't believe it.

What concerned him the most was what was going on with that blaze. Thinking about it now, that blaze seemed to be trying to guide him here, like a guiding light. ,
But is that fire really just a guiding light?
Or, the flame was caused by some reason, which he didn't know.

From the current point of view, these are unknown, and may require him to further explore, or he may need to find a way to figure it out.

However, Zhang Hao, who was tired all day, obviously didn't want to take care of these things now.

"Xiaobai, Mountain God Deer, you two keep watch, if anything goes wrong, wake me up immediately, do you hear me clearly?" Zhang Hao fed all the remaining medicinal materials to a dog and a deer.

The dog and deer also readily accepted the task, lay down around the big rock, and then fell into a light sleep.

Zhang Hao, on the other hand, carried the Guling Basket, turned over on the big rock, found a relatively flat place, put the Guling Basket beside his pillow, lay down with his clothes closed, and rested his mind.

He said it was a rest, but in fact Zhang Hao couldn't sleep. The thoughts in his mind were too complicated and chaotic. Ever since he came to the Qinling Mountains, he felt that everything was wrong, and it was always weird.

He only felt that he didn't enter a mountain, but more like entering a strange space, like being in a mountain.

But if there is something strange about it, apart from the overcast atmosphere at night, there is really no other strange place.

This also caused Zhang Hao's mind to keep thinking wildly, and even began to doubt whether he was right or wrong when he came to the Qinling Mountains this time.

Should I continue to stay in the Qinling Mountains? In order to find the so-called betrothal gift, I continued to work hard.

Gradually, the drowsiness still prevailed, and Zhang Hao fell into a deep sleep while thinking wildly.


slag slag——

The crisp birdsong, the warm sunshine, Xiaobai's call, and the lazy roar of the mountain god deer, these sounds came to Zhang Hao's ears one after another.

He slowly opened his eyes, looking at everything in front of him, he felt that his body was very hot, the surrounding air was very hot, even the big rock lying under him was very hot.

He clearly remembered that when he lay down last night, the stone was cold, not hot.

Raising his head, he looked at the scenery in the sky through the gaps in the branches and leaves, and judged that it should be around 6 o'clock in the morning.

If it was around 6 o'clock, the sun would not be so harsh, and the air could not be so hot, let alone in the mountains.

It's just so weird.

Unless, there is also something here that can fill the air with yang energy, like the relic he put in the mountain hut.

Or, this is what Zhang Hao analyzed, a place in the forest that is used to balance the excessive Yin Qi.

Zhang Hao slowly sat up from the stone, fanned his clothes, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked down at Xiaobai and Shanshenlu slightly.

The dog and the deer were looking at him, tilting their heads, watching eagerly.

Zhang Hao woke up, jumped off the boulder, picked up the Guling Basket and walked out.

No, it's too hot here, and it's okay to rest here at night, but once the sun rises and the sun is getting stronger, it's simply impossible to treat people here.

After walking out of that space, Zhang Hao looked around and saw the place that he couldn't see clearly last night because he couldn't get into the night.

Here is a fork in the road, which is divided into a road on the left and a road diagonally opposite. The two roads are almost the same, and there is no obvious difference.

It's just that there are mostly bamboos on both sides of one road, and mostly pine trees on both sides of the other road.

After Zhang Hao looked at the two roads, he pinched his chin with one hand and thought carefully.

In the depths of the Qinling Mountains, there are still such two roads, which is really strange, or something is wrong.

After all, there is no such a road even in the periphery, but there is such a road in the depths, what does this mean?
This shows that this depth is not as inaccessible as the periphery.

At least this depth is very likely to be visited by someone, and there have been people since ancient times.

Then there was another possibility for the fire last night, that is, there were outsiders in the Qinling Mountains.

It is very possible that he met someone last night. By chance, they lit the torch, but for some unknown reason, they extinguished the torch, and he walked in the direction of the torch, and then Just found it there.

If so...

Then his doubts will be solved, but it has nothing to do with him.

He came to walk the mountain just to find a bride price, and he didn't care about other things at all.

Unless those people were poachers or grave robbers, as long as those people didn't provoke me, then I didn't need to go find them.

Moreover, it is still a question of whether this group of people exists, and the fire last night was not artificial.

After thinking through all this, Zhang Hao simply sat on the ground, took out the meatloaf and started eating.

Xiaobai and the mountain god deer watched from the sidelines.

They hadn't started picking herbs in the morning, so they naturally had nothing to eat. Now they could only watch Zhang Hao eating meatloaf, and they could only be hungry.

Zhang Hao looked at the eyes of a dog and a deer, smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will find something for you after I finish eating."

"I will definitely not starve you today, after all, I am going to let you catch [Phoenix Chicken] for me today!"

As he spoke, Zhang Hao turned his head and looked at the road with pine trees on both sides. His eyes narrowed and a smile appeared on his face.

If he guesses right, it won't take long to get the first dowry.

(End of this chapter)

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