My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 220 Little Pheasant, How Dare to Play the Mountain Man!

Chapter 220 Little Pheasant, How Dare to Play the Mountain Man!

What appeared in front of Zhang Hao was not just Xiaobai and the figure of the mountain god deer, but also the figure of "Zhang Hao" sandwiched between the two!

Myself...why is I also in front? !

He, he is clearly here, why is the figure in front still walking forward!
I am right here!
Zhang Hao wanted to open his mouth to stop the three figures in front of him, he even wanted to rush up, rushed forward, grabbed Xiaobai and the mountain god deer, and told them that the figure standing between them, Not myself.

However, he suddenly found that he couldn't scream anymore, and he couldn't move his legs. It seemed that he could only continue to stand here, watching the three figures in front of him continue to move forward, getting farther and farther away. The more you leave.

What is going on, what is the situation?
Obviously, everything looks normal... Wait, why do I still feel normal until now?
No matter how you look at it, everything I just experienced is not normal!
So abnormal!
Moreover, the strange thing is that Xiaobai has never discovered his abnormal situation?

This is impossible!

Xiaobai was raised by himself since he was a child, and Xiaobai knows best the mountains he has walked with him for so long, his appearance, state, etc.

If something unusual happens to him, Xiaobai will definitely be the first to notice that something is wrong.

However, Xiao Bai kept walking forward without looking back.

Not right, absolutely not right!
Impossible, impossible, Xiaobai also failed to discover, absolutely impossible!

There must be a problem there, there must be something that I have overlooked, and there has been a huge change in the details that I did not notice, which is why the current situation has occurred.

But where is the problem?

Raising his head again, Zhang Hao carefully looked at his own figure who was still walking on the path in front of him.

This scene was really weird. I was walking in front, and I stood where I was, watching my figure keep walking forward.

Could it be that the soul is out of the body?
Is your own body walking in front?
Is he in a soul state now?
It's possible, it's really possible, after all, just now, he experienced the feeling of something passing through his body.

This kind of feeling can't go wrong, and it's impossible to go wrong. After being blindfolded by the red cloth, my five senses are blocked by three senses, so I feel that I can't go wrong in this aspect.

definitely is……

and many more.


Maybe not, the other party just wants to use this feeling to trap himself to death?
No, everything is normal now... No!No, everything is not normal now!
Zhang Hao only felt that he was like a mentally ill patient. A voice kept telling himself that everything in front of him was normal, and told him not to think about other things, just stand where he was, and wait quietly.

But his own consciousness keeps telling himself that everything in front of him is not normal, definitely not normal, there must be a problem there, and it will become the current situation.

He can't tell now... not at all.

At this time, he suddenly felt that his thoughts stopped for a moment just now, and his eyes became dull.

But this feeling was fleeting, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

And after his thoughts returned to normal, the three figures in front of him disappeared.

Just like the little red paper man he released before, it disappeared again.

Zhang Hao froze in place, watching all this blankly, at a loss.

After a short moment of stupefaction, he suddenly lowered his head, a smile appeared on his face, and then he let out a strange laugh.

"Hehe ... haha ​​... haha ​​ha ha ha ... hahahaha! Special, are you special! Dare to play Lao Tzu!"

He suddenly raised his head, looked at the sky, looked at the dome formed by the bamboo forest, raised his finger, and cursed: "How dare you fuck me!"

He understood, he understood, just for a moment, he completely figured out what method the other party used to trap himself here.

To be precise, the opponent didn't make a move, and didn't even use any special means. It was a very simple, but easily overlooked, small means by him.

visual, auditory.

The other party used his sense of sight and hearing to form this seemingly unsolvable dilemma, trying to completely trap himself here.

First of all, he took Xiaobai and Shanshenlu along this path and walked forward. It seemed that the scenes he passed each time were different, but they were similar. In the end, he even found that he seemed to be spinning in circles, so he doubted what happened to him. When it comes to ghosts hitting the wall, they can't find the traces left by themselves.

The best explanation is that the other party made perfect use of this bamboo forest!
What he thought was right. The structure of this bamboo forest is not an ordinary bamboo forest. If Zhang Hao can fly into the sky to take a look, he can see that this bamboo forest is a whole, intricate, and roads Hengtong, a bamboo forest like a gossip array!

And the most peculiar thing about this bamboo forest is that every path in the forest seems to be going forward, but if you observe carefully, you can find that every road in this bamboo forest has different degrees of deviation, going straight Going forward can easily deviate from the original direction and go on another road.

Thus entering a similar bamboo forest.

And because Zhang Hao was too nervous, since he entered the Qinling Mountains, he has been finding something wrong. He has always felt that the situation in the Qinling Mountains is special. There must be some unknown secret hidden in this mountain, which makes him feel suspicious. See Nothing feels right.

Therefore, when he came to this bamboo forest, when he stepped on this path, he was very vigilant to everything around him, and he was also very vigilant, so he forgot to always observe the road under his feet.

If you just keep going forward like this, you won't be able to get out at all.

Moreover, places like the bamboo forest and some scenes in the mountains are roughly the same. If you are not a very careful person, you will not find any difference in the surrounding scenes. This also caused Zhang Hao to look at the surroundings all the same , or even exactly the same, yet never discover the cause of the marks they left behind.

And like the little red paper man suddenly disappeared, and he saw his own figure, as well as the figure of Xiaobai and the mountain deer, and that weird, peculiar, and very rhythmic walking sound was completely the same. a psychological effect.

It is recorded in [Zoushan Travel Notes] that a special ability of [Phoenix Chicken] is to subtly change the mind. It can be said that it is invisible, planting an anchor for the target, so that the target will doubt himself at the same time. , strengthen the influence of this anchor, so that the target believes the description in the anchor.

As long as [Phoenix Chicken] affected Zhang Hao's mind when he first entered the bamboo forest, and planted a heart anchor that is not easy here, then Zhang Hao would gradually fall into the trap set by [Phoenix Chicken]. into the trap.

Even [Phoenix Chicken] doesn't need to do anything, just wait for Zhang Hao to destroy himself step by step.

It can be said that Zhang Hao saw the disappearance of the little red paper man, saw himself, Xiaobai, and the figure of the mountain god deer walking forward, all of which were imagined out of thin air. Under the influence, it gave him an illusion.

The voice in my head is naturally the same.

Zhang Hao hopes that everything is normal, and that everything he sees with the naked eye is normal, but he also knows that the Qinling Mountains are abnormal, and everything is weird and wrong.

Therefore, the influence of the anchor, coupled with the large fluctuations in my own emotions, and even a little doubt about myself at one time, have caused the current situation.

And being able to break through this dilemma and understand what situation he is in is also because Zhang Hao discovered that the three figures walking in front were a bit off the road.

In other words, he caught a glimpse of those three figures walking straight ahead, just before they completely disappeared. Those three figures were walking straight into the bamboo forest.

Logically speaking, for example, if the road is straight ahead, then the figure will still go straight forward, and it is absolutely impossible to deviate from the route. There is only one possibility of deviating from the route, that is, the road is not straight, but curved.

It's just that the degree of curvature is so small that it's hard to see with the naked eye.

And the disappearance of the figures disappeared without a trace at the moment when the three figures left the road. According to his guess, as soon as the three figures left the original road, the consciousness would recover by itself , making them disappear without a trace, as if they had never appeared before.

Come to think of it, the disappearance of the little red paper man is also the same.

Zhang Hao looked at the dome, and the expression on his face was angry, ridiculous, or lamentable. It can be described as mixed and extremely complicated.

He really doesn't know what words to use to express his inner emotions.

As a mountain walker, and a mountain walker who has gradually matured, he was bewitched by this small ability of [Phoenix Chicken].

I really don't know whether to say that I am inexperienced or overly cautious, which leads to mental tension and negligence.

After all, he knew before that [Phoenix Chicken] had this ability, but all the weirdness of the Qinling Mountains made him ignore this.

From the current point of view, this is also very strange. I know that [Phoenix Chicken] has such an ability, but on the way to find [Phoenix Chicken], I never thought of it, and I was never vigilant about it.

However, Zhang Hao doesn't want to delve into this matter now, anyway, there will be no results. ,

What he is more concerned about now is how [Phoenix Chicken] found this bamboo forest.

It's amazing, it's really amazing, he already knows about the structure of this bamboo forest, what is certain is that this bamboo forest is definitely not the achievement of [Phoenix Chicken].

It's someone, or some kind of creature that I don't know, who constructed this bamboo forest and made this bamboo forest grow into its current state, and [Phoenix Chicken] happens to like bamboo, so when it passes here, it is here Be a home.

Over time, after getting familiar with the special structure of this bamboo forest, [Phoenix Chicken] also took advantage of this bamboo forest.

You know, although these mountain spirits are still shallow in intelligence, they don't have the kind of thinking and intelligence of humans, but as long as [Phoenix Chicken] stays here long enough, then it is possible for him to use this The special structure of the bamboo forest is self-protecting.

And self-preservation is the instinct that every creature, and even every living thing, must have.

Don't forget, [Phoenix Chicken] can fly!He can see the structure of this bamboo forest!

Zhang Hao couldn't help sighing again, it's amazing, it's really amazing.

However, once everything is figured out, the next thing is easy.

Turning his head, Zhang Hao looked at his empty feet and said with a smile, "Xiaobai, next time you bark louder."

There was no response from that empty space, not even a dog barking.

Withdrew his gaze, turned his head, looked behind him, and scolded with a smile: "You silly deer, you should have noticed something was wrong a long time ago? Don't you fucking remind me! If I die here, you still want to eat something delicious What? Go eat your fart!"

Behind him, there was still no voice responding to him.

Zhang Hao withdrew his gaze again, and looked straight ahead. He lowered his head and looked at his feet, which were in the middle of the path among the bamboo forests.

Tsk, if I couldn't find these highlights, maybe I didn't find the dowry, and I would have died in this bamboo forest first.

At that time, Li Siyu will be a widow.

No, this must not be allowed to happen.

Zhang Hao smiled, turned around, strode like a meteor, and resolutely walked into the bamboo forest beside him!

However, the moment he stepped out of the path among the bamboo forests and walked towards the bamboo forest, everything around him seemed to be collapsing, like pieces of shattered snowflakes, or like broken glass, collapsing suddenly.

Zhang Hao closed his eyes, carefully feeling the return of the five senses.

"Wow woof woof! Aww~"

"Woo! Woo! Woo!!!"

Xiaobai's dog barking and the mountain god deer's somewhat panicked growls appeared in the ears instantly, constantly stimulating the eardrums, as if they were about to pass through the eardrums and enter the brain.

It was at this time.

He opened his eyes, looked at the thick bamboo in front of him, turned his head, looked at Xiaobai who kept barking, and the flustered mountain deer with a red blindfold on his face, he suddenly smiled : "What are you panicking! I'm back now."

Then, he ignored Xiaobai and the mountain god deer, raised his head again, and looked in front of the bamboo forest.

Now that the predicament has been broken, the primary goal is to get out of this bamboo forest.

In the case of foreign invasion, [Phoenix Chicken] would never stay in this bamboo forest. In order to avoid being encountered, [Phoenix Chicken] must wait outside the bamboo forest.

Then I just need to walk out of this bamboo forest, and there is a high probability that I will see [Phoenix Chicken].

He also thought of the way to get out of this bamboo forest just now.

(End of this chapter)

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