Chapter 228 Meeting the Police in the Mountains

But the more Zhang Hao thought about it, the more strange he felt. If it was really just the guidance of the mountain god, there was definitely a way to highlight the majesty of the mountain god, such as letting some mountain animals or mountain spirits guide him to find that place.

There are other more wonderful ways, which can also fully reflect the force of the mountain god.

But last night, it was obviously an ordinary fire light, and the figure was also a normal figure. No matter how much the mountain god likes humans, there is a high probability that he would not use the figure to guide Zhang Hao.

Of course, at present, everything is just Zhang Hao's speculation, and it is all a speculation based on the existing situation. He is not completely clear about the real situation.

But he still prefers that it is because the tomb robbers are there, that's why the flames and figures appear.

But now, there is no clue at all, which makes no sense.


Just as his thoughts were spinning, Xiao Bai seemed to smell something suddenly, and suddenly started shouting loudly in one direction.

"Wow woof woof woof woof! woof woof!"

Zhang Hao was startled suddenly. He had already noticed that there was something wrong with Xiaobai's place. Otherwise, Xiaobai wouldn't have yelled like that, let alone made such a loud noise. Xiaobai must have discovered something.

Mind this.

He immediately got up and came to the place where Xiaobai was, and when he saw Xiaobai heading in the direction of the call, a smile appeared on Zhang Hao's face again.

I have to say that Xiaobai is indeed his most powerful helper. If there is no Xiaobai this time, maybe he really can't find the traces left by the tomb robbers.

Even, it is possible to miss this very obvious clue.

Right where Xiaobai was yelling, there was a strip of cloth, which seemed to have been left on purpose.

Originally, leaving a strip of cloth in the mountains seems to be a very normal thing. After all, the mountains now are no longer the mountains of ancient times. No one would choose to live on the mountains, so there will be relatively fewer things in the mountains.

But it is different now. Many tourists will choose to climb the mountain, find a quieter place on the mountain, and watch the sunset and sunrise honestly.

Therefore, it is relatively common for cloth strips to appear in the mountains.

But here, under the eyes of the walker, there was a strip of cloth, and something was wrong.

At least, Zhang Hao can now be sure that the figures he saw last night were those tomb robbers!And the fire last night must have been lit by the gang of tomb robbers.

Just like the cloth strip that Xiaobai found now, this cloth strip was also left by the tomb robbers.

According to the records in "Zoushan Travel Records", there are also some deeds of tomb robbers recorded in the Fengshui chapter. Among them, if the tomb robbers put a piece of cloth near the tomb before fighting, it means that the tomb robbers went to the tomb at night.

Since ancient times, tomb robbers have had a rule, that is, if they go to the tomb at night, they must put something on themselves, or items, or clothing, anyway, something related to themselves, outside the robbery cave, or in a place near the tomb.

The purpose of doing this is to ensure that after entering the tomb, the outside world will always have something of its own, hanging its own soul, and when it is dying, something will pull itself and be able to walk out of the tomb.

Of course, this is just a rule, and it is not a life-saving skill. Anyway, tomb robbers have always done this since ancient times, and I have never heard of it being useless.

Basically, those who came out of the tomb and almost died in it all said that this rule saved their lives.

Just from this cloth strip, it can be seen that the group of tomb robbers in the Qinling Mountains should be the tomb robbers in the same line from ancient times, or a group of tomb robbers who obeyed the rules very well.

At least, some of the group of tomb robbers left the cloth strips where they were, hoping that through this little rule, they could escape the danger.

Zhang Hao took the piece of cloth in his hand, put it in front of Xiaobai's nose and smelled it, let Xiaobai remember the smell, and then pulled Xiaobai to continue to smell it.

It would be a very good thing if you could find the place where the tomb robbers went to the grave through the smell left on the cloth strips, but if you couldn't find it, it would be impossible.

However, according to Zhang Hao's speculation, when he saw the fire last night and saw the figure, the fire disappeared after a short time.

There are two possibilities. One possibility is that someone among the tomb robbers lit the fire, but was stopped by the seniors.

After all, lighting a fire in the forest at night is tantamount to an act of exposing one's position, but in the Dao Dou world, there is really such a rule that when going to the grave at night, the light must be lit.

The intention of this is, in order to illuminate the way when you came, so as not to die in the tomb and walk on the road to Huangquan.

Of course, there are also people who are very taboo about lighting the lamps before going to the tomb at night.

Another possibility is that these people buried their tombs nearby, so the fire lasted for such a short time before it stopped burning.

If it is the second possibility, it is the most beneficial for Zhang Hao. After all, he can use the cloth strips and use Xiaobai to find the location of the tomb robbers based on this, and arrest them.

Of course, if the development of the matter is the first one, he can't help it.

After all, he was indeed not a member of that group of tomb robbers, so he naturally had no way of knowing what the group of tomb robbers did here. Most importantly, if he knew what the group of tomb robbers did, he wouldn't have to let Xiaobai here bitterly smell those tomb robbers.

I just don't know what's going on with the tomb robbers now.

Thinking in this way, he led Xiaobai to continue walking forward, and soon walked out of here, and was also continuing to move forward into the depths of the dense forest.

And the mountain god deer followed silently, neither loud nor noisy, very quiet, just like a pet.

And Xiaobai has been almost lying on the ground, constantly sniffing the faint breath.

The most important thing is Zhang Hao. Zhang Hao is also always paying attention to the traces left on the road. It has to be said that he really underestimated the boldness of these tomb robbers.

Along the way, this group of tomb robbers can be said to have left extremely obvious traces. They almost carved the words "they are tomb robbers" on the tree. Every kind of mark can be seen at a glance by the tomb robbers.

Because it is too obvious, whether it is the mountain walkers or those who collect mountain treasures, the marks left are only a shallow mark, or some more conspicuous marks, or traces that can be noticed at a glance, but these grave robbers are not like this.

The traces left by them should be more obvious, and those traces are very deep. Most importantly, the traces left by the tomb robbers are in the shape of a shovel. Although it is only a rough image of a shovel, it is indeed the shape of a shovel.

From this point of view, it was left by the tomb robbers. After all, it is impossible for people who walk in the mountains or make a living in the mountains to bring shovels, and only people like tomb robbers will bring shovels into the mountains.

This is simply too arrogant.

It can only be said that this group of tomb robbers are either novices, a group of inexperienced, very courageous, not afraid of being exposed at all, and not afraid of being caught at all, or they are very confident in their own skills and firmly believe that even if they are discovered, they can still escape and leave here.

However, it is obvious that the latter type basically does not exist, because people with this kind of ability are basically shot now.

But I have to say that this group of tomb robbers obeyed some rules very well, presumably there should be some expert guidance, or there should be an expert among them.

Zhang Hao didn't think about it, but continued to search along the mark. He believed that at the end of the mark, there should be the tomb robbers, the real cave.

And the robbery hole he saw before, now that he thinks about it, it should be in the wrong place, or the grave robbers left him a way out.

Because it is too hidden, and there is no sign around at all, as long as they go out from there, they can enter the deep mountain. At that time, there will be no signal, no radar detection equipment, and this group of tomb robbers can hide in the mountain.

But fortunately, Zhang Hao had made some improvements there in advance, and if the group of tomb robbers really wanted to escape from there, they would have been sealed up there.

at this time.


Xiao Bai, who was sniffing, suddenly started whimpering in a low voice.

And Zhang Hao also heard footsteps and rustling sounds coming from the front.

The voice was very crisp, but there were a lot of them, at least four or five people.

Zhang Hao was startled, and immediately took Xiaobai to hide, but the mountain god deer couldn't hide because the target was too big, so he had to pretend to be a stupid deer traveling in the mountains.

Moreover, as far as the speed of the mountain god deer is concerned, even if danger does occur, the mountain god deer will definitely run faster than the two of them, so he and Xiaobai only need to take care of themselves.


The footsteps were getting closer and more chaotic. It could be heard that these people seemed to be looking for something, walking very slowly and not fast.

Judging from the sound, it seems that it is unlikely to be a tomb robber, Zhang Hao thought truthfully.

After all, if it was a tomb robber, there is a high probability that they would not walk so slowly, or even look for things nearby.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Hao looked at the group of people who were walking through the gap.

After seeing the uniforms worn by this group of people, the expression on his face suddenly froze.

Police officers... It was several police officers who were walking towards them, wearing uniforms and holding batons.

Why did the police come to the mountain?

Could it be that the whereabouts of the group of tomb robbers were exposed and discovered, which attracted the police?

This is quite possible. After all, this group of tomb robbers is really too arrogant. The marks left along the way make people feel that these tomb robbers are rampant. It is conceivable that it is normal for the police to be attracted.

But in this way, Zhang Hao felt relieved.

Because as long as there are police officers, the chances of those tomb robbers trying to escape are relatively small.

I just don't know how many police officers came to find the tomb robber. If there were only a few police officers, it would be too easy for the tomb robber to run away.

Just as Zhang Hao was thinking, Xiao Bai, who was curled up in his arms, suddenly cried out uncontrollably.


As soon as Xiao Bai's cry came out, the police officers immediately became vigilant, and the expressions on their faces became tense and vigilant, and they all looked over.

Immediately afterwards, those police officers stepped forward and shouted.

"Who! Who is there!"

"Come out immediately, we are police officers, obediently catch him without any resistance."

"Come out! Otherwise we will be impolite!"

After a few shouts, Zhang Hao looked at Xiaobai helplessly. He was really helpless because of Xiaobai's sudden cry, and he was also helpless because he just ran into the policeman unexpectedly.

After all, this is really fate.

Without thinking too much, Zhang Hao immediately stood up from behind the haystack, showing his hands, indicating that he had no weapons, and brought Xiao Bai out with him.

"Don't be nervous, comrade police officer, I'm a mountain walker, not the grave robber you are looking for." Zhang Hao said with a smile.

Hearing this, several police officers were taken aback, and one of them blurted out: "How do you know that we are looking for grave robbers?"

One of the older police officers gave him an immediate look.

Zhang Hao smiled: "To be honest, I also found the whereabouts of the tomb robbers, so I searched all the way here, and I didn't expect to meet you."

Several police officers looked at each other, and then looked at Zhang Hao's clothes and attire.

The clothes on Zhang Hao's body are indeed not tomb robbers, and they do not match any characteristics of tomb robbers, but there are no absolutes in the world. Now that there are police officers all over the mountains and plains searching the mountains, it is difficult to guarantee that those tomb robbers did not get any news. They deliberately dressed up as ordinary to confuse the public.

"I'm sorry, sir, we can't confirm your identity. Please come with us. If we confirm that you are not a tomb robber, we will naturally apologize to you." An elderly police officer said solemnly.

Looking at the police officers in front of him, Zhang Hao sighed silently: "No problem."

He knew that this was also an inevitable and unavoidable situation.

It's like he can show evidence that he is not a tomb robber now, but the police officers in front of him will never believe it, just from the way they behave.

Judging from the current situation, going with these police officers seems to be the only way to solve the problem quickly.

And I can tell them the discovery, so that they can find the group of tomb robbers more quickly.

But obviously, while walking the mountain by himself, he definitely couldn't easily follow them down the mountain.

The older policeman nodded and pressed the intercom: "Report to the chief, we have found a... a person who claims to be a mountain walker. According to him, he has discovered the whereabouts of the tomb robber."

(End of this chapter)

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