Chapter 231 The Mystery of the Mountain Walker!

Upon hearing this, everyone present was shocked, and even had incredible expressions on their faces.

After all, the one who just said that the robbery cave must be here is the so-called mountain walker Zhang Hao.

And just before, they thought that this person might be talking about it, and he had no real skills. They didn't find any robbery holes at all, and the most important thing was that this person was very sure, saying that he must be here.

At that time, many people believed that this man named Zhang Hao was probably here to delay time, and he did not necessarily have any real skills.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

This mysterious hiker named Zhang Hao actually found the so-called robbery cave. His guess was not wrong, and his affirmation was also confirmed. This really surprised the police officers present, members of the archaeological team, Director Zhao, and Professor Liang Shaoke.

"Hurry up, open up the stone layer and see if it is a robbery hole underneath. If it is really a robbery hole, then we must take immediate measures!" Professor Liang Shaoke said impatiently.

He raised his hand and pointed at the stone layer, the expression on his face was still excited.

The same is true of Director Zhao, his eyes are fixed on the stone layer that the policeman said.

Zhang Hao, on the other hand, was much calmer. He believed that Xiaobai would definitely find the wrong place, and he also believed that Xiaobai's sense of smell was absolutely sensitive enough. Now that he found a problem with that rock layer, it can be said that it was only expected.

After the police officer heard this, he immediately picked up the shovel in his hand and smashed it down towards the stone layer on the ground.

With a bang, the shovel slammed heavily on the rock layer, but there were no sparks splashing or the shovel being blocked as everyone expected.

They could clearly see that the shovel was deeply embedded in the stone layer, as if it could not be pulled out without any force.

This means that the bottom of this stone layer must be empty. Moreover, it is conceivable that this stone layer may also be temporarily added later. The most important thing is that this means that there is no problem with Zhang Hao's judgment and their judgment.

Professor Liang Shaoke's eyes widened, as if he was not satisfied with standing on the top of the pit and watching, he jumped into the pit as if no one else was there, ran to the stone layer, and shook the shovel vigorously.

But the shovel was stuck tightly by the stone layer and could not shake at all. Seeing this, another police officer immediately stepped forward to help, raised the shovel in his hand, and smashed it down towards the stone layer.

With the unremitting efforts of the two people, in just one minute, the stone layer was knocked off, and then a hidden hole under the stone layer was exposed, which was large enough to accommodate two people, and a descending hole appeared at the same time.

Professor Liang Shaoke looked at the hole in front of him, his eyes widened involuntarily, and his expression became serious. He clearly knew that the hole in front of him must be what Zhang Hao said, the hole where the group of tomb robbers entered the tomb, and the group of tomb robbers entered the tomb through this hole.

"The robbery hole, it's really a robbery hole!" District Chief Zhao's eyes showed surprise, and he also looked at the hole leaking from the chiseled stone layer in disbelief.

Judging from the size of the hole and the depth of the hole, this should be a robbery hole, and the group of tomb robbers must not have too many people, so they only leave a height that can accommodate the width of two people.

But then came the problem. They never thought that the group of tomb robbers would be able to seal the top stone layer after entering the cave. This is obviously an impossible thing to do, or if no one is outside, it is difficult to guarantee that the stone layer will be sealed again.

"What's the matter? This robbery cave is directly downward. After entering this cave, people will definitely slide down, or go down along the cliff of the cave. How can they seal the surface of the stone layer?" Director Zhao asked his own question very eagerly. After all, he now wants to know the answer and how the group of tomb robbers did it.

Zhang Hao looked at the size of the hole and the material used to seal the surface of the stone layer. After thinking for a while, he said: "In my opinion, it is very likely that the group of tomb robbers left some accomplices outside before going down to the tomb. After all, there are many holes left by that group of robbers. I have found nearly three of them. It is difficult to guarantee that they will not leave holes in other places."

"As long as the group of tomb robbers go in and leave a person outside to seal off the robbery cave, and then fill up the soil here, then this place will no longer be a robbery cave."

Hearing this, Director Zhao and Professor Liang Shaoke nodded at the same time.

They also thought so in their hearts, because apart from this method, there is no other way to do this.

However, now they also face a more anxious problem.

That is, that group of tomb robbers, do they really have an accomplice outside? If there is an accomplice, then their primary goal should be to catch this accomplice first.

Because this accomplice is very important to them. If this accomplice fails to go down to the tomb, but observes outside, then things will be difficult to handle. After all, if that accomplice is checking the situation nearby, then, it is conceivable that everything they do now will be seen by that accomplice.

More importantly, once the accomplice sees the police coming, it is difficult to guarantee that there is no corresponding means of communication between the tomb robbers, and it is also difficult to guarantee that the group of tomb robbers in the tomb will not know that the police have arrived outside.

Their mission this time was to capture the group of tomb robbers. If they let the group of tomb robbers go at such a critical moment, or if they got the news in advance and left from another robbery hole, things would be difficult.

"Professor Liang, Director Zhao, my suggestion is that we immediately remove a group of people to go down from this robbery cave, and then, within 5 kilometers of this cavern, all police officers will be deployed to prevent those tomb robbers from escaping in the tomb." Zhang Hao immediately suggested solemnly, his eyes full of seriousness.

In this tomb, he must go down this time. After all, as a mountain walker, one of the duties he must abide by is to prevent tomb robbers from entering the tomb in the mountain.

If you don't stop it once you find out, you will be despised by the predecessors of the mountain walkers. Of course, more importantly, after Zhang Hao became a mountain walker, he always believed that everything had its own destiny.

So when faced with this kind of thing, he would rather abide by the rules left by the older generation of mountain walkers, rather than try to make some changes in new ways.

After all, the rules left by the older generation of mountain walkers are useful and have a certain reason. As long as he abides by them, he will not make mistakes. However, if he does not abide by them, he will have to bear it himself.

Professor Liang was stunned for a moment. He looked at Zhang Hao, who called himself a mountain walker, and he was full of curiosity now.

"Brother Zhang Hao, logically speaking, you helped us find the robbery cave. This is a very big credit. We are very grateful to you for helping us find it, but the tomb is still too dangerous. Moreover, the gang of tomb robbers are likely to be armed. If they go on like this rashly, it will be dangerous." Professor Liang persuaded, his tone was very kind.

Director Zhao also nodded at the side: "Yes, it's good to leave this kind of thing to our police officers. If you are really in danger, then we can't explain to your family."

Zhang Hao shook his head, and still insisted: "Everyone, I understand that you are worried that something dangerous will happen to me, but I think the mountain walker has a certain ability to protect himself, and, as a mountain walker, this is my duty. Please don't stop me."

Normally, he should go to the tomb by himself, but going to the tomb by himself will indeed be dangerous when facing a group of tomb robbers. Now that there are police officers and archaeological team around him, they must know more about the situation in the tomb than himself, and they will definitely be cautious in every way. Bringing them can be regarded as doing himself a favor.

Seeing Zhang Hao's insistence, Liang Shaoke and Director Zhao no longer obstructed it. Since Zhang Hao had already said that this was their rule and responsibility, they naturally couldn't stop it anymore.

What's more, if they really want to go to the tomb, they will definitely choose the elite to go to the tomb, and Zhang Hao's going to the tomb is nothing more than an extra object of protection for them.

And the dog next to the mountain walker has a really keen sense of smell. If you can't find the specific location of the tomb robber in the tomb, then this dog should also come in handy.

Thinking this way, Director Zhao hesitated for a moment, as if he was thinking about something, and finally nodded his head: "Since Mr. Zhang Hao, you insist on following us to the tomb, then I can't stop you too much, but I want you to know that there must be a lot of danger in the tomb. You and your dog must protect yourself. Sometimes we may not be able to protect you immediately when we encounter situations."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Hao waved his hands and said with a smile: "Please rest assured, Director Zhao, I naturally have the ability to protect myself, and I also have the means to protect myself. I believe I will not hold you back."

Liang Shaoke immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: "This time we can have the little brother Zhang Hao, the mountain walker, with us. It must be a lot smoother, and with him, it will be easier for us to find the group of tomb robbers."

The three of them looked at each other, and then said nothing more. Director Zhao immediately turned around and summoned the police officers beside him, and organized the personnel to be brought with him when he went to the grave.

The rest of the police officers were dispersed by him to all places within a radius of 5 kilometers from this robbery hole, and they were kept in constant communication. Once suspicious persons were discovered, they would immediately go online and subdue them.

Professor Liang Shaoke turned around and said something to his students. After all, going to the tomb was common to them, but the purpose this time was completely different.

Therefore, he needs to inform this group of students in advance of the necessary knowledge and corresponding common sense. Of course, more importantly, he needs to select a few students to go down, and the other students have to wait on it.

What Zhang Hao had to do was very simple. He just sat on the ground and played with Xiaobai, and told Xiaobai to go to the grave robbers according to the smell he had smelled before after he went down to the tomb.

And Xiaobai also responded to Zhang Hao with a cry, which was agreed.

In less than 10 minutes, all the preparatory work was done. Director Zhao also found out five elite police officers in the police station, including himself, who became the people who went to the grave.

Professor Liang Shaoke just brought two male students to the tomb. After all, female students are obviously not suitable for entering the tomb. Among male students, only students with better physique and hard work are suitable.

Soon, the police immediately found ropes, safety measures and other tools.

Then, it was time to prepare to go down to the tomb. All the safety tools and ropes were tied to a police officer, and then the people above pulled the rope, and slowly put the police officer into the robbery cave.

This is a very dangerous behavior, but it is also a necessary behavior, because after all, if the tomb robber waits under the robbery cave, he will cause extremely serious damage to the policeman, and may even die.

But in this case, it is impossible to make other plans, and now they are on the mountain, and there are not so many tools for them to use.

Of course, at this time, Zhang Hao didn't move. He didn't use his little red paper figurine, and he didn't let Xiao Bai go to explore the way first, because under such circumstances, the appearance of the little red paper figurine would have a great impact on the ordinary people at the scene.

And the secret of being a mountain walker will definitely be revealed in an instant, which is a disadvantage for him, after all, the mystery of a mountain walker is rarely revealed to the world.

The most important thing is that he also wants to preserve his strength. Now he has very few red paper figurines left, and every little red paper figurine he makes means that there will be one less little red paper figurine that can be used in the future.

Therefore, at this time, it is the most correct way to preserve one's own confidentiality methods as much as possible.

However, just 5 minutes after the policeman stepped down and saw the tunnel, the policeman also sent out a safety signal, proving that there was no one guarding the movement and that the road led directly to the tomb at first.

After learning the news, Professor Liang Shaoke and Director Zhao didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately led all the people in order, through the rope, into the tomb through the robbery hole.

(End of this chapter)

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