Chapter 242 Zhang Hao's hole card!
"It's you, it's you who are bewitching them, it's you who don't let them believe what we say, it's you, you are really terrible, you actually disregard our life and death just to let you achieve your goals, you This kind of person is really too damned!"

"Yeah, yeah, you are really damned, you still oppose us in this kind of thing, who are you? What do you want to do to us? Boy, I advise you to be honest now, We will do nothing to you, but if you still want to continue your way, then don't blame us for being rude!"

"Hehehe, if we are really rude to you, I believe you will die in a short time. If, once we attack you, you won't be able to resist for a long time, boy, so, I advise you to pretend that you didn't see it. , you can escape by yourself, we can let you go, but if you are not sensible, we will attack you!"

"Little brother, if I were you, I would definitely not get involved in this matter, and I would definitely not want to disturb us. After all, I tried my best to escape from here, and I definitely wouldn't want to fight against us." , because this is really terrible, and there is no possibility of winning at all."

"He wants to deal with all our ghosts by himself. How is this possible? Just this villain, I can crush him to death with one finger. How can he be my opponent? How is it possible? He wants to deal with all of us. Man, he is just talking nonsense, it is impossible to do it!"

"Why don't we just kill him and make him a member of us, so he has to cooperate with us obediently? Why do we let such a person go? Obviously he is sabotaging our plan, You guys are so kind, you even thought about letting him go, if you want me to say, just kill him together, you must not leave any trouble."

"Yeah, I also agree with this statement. Just kill him directly. Why leave his life? Wouldn't it be an obstacle for us to leave such a person alive? The most important thing is that he will never Cooperate with us, so it is useless to tell him these things, it is better for us to kill him directly, which will save us a lot of effort."

"You can't say that. We have been in this tomb for so many years. It has been up and down for hundreds of years. So many people have finally come here. Of course we have to see the fun. If we don't see any fun, we will kill them directly. If you die, what's the point of that, don't you think so? If you kill all these people so easily, then it's meaningless. We'll kill all the others, and then leave only this A kid, wouldn't it be the most interesting for us to see how he struggles?"

"That's right, that's exactly the reason. I think it can be interesting. I think this is the most fun way. I agree, but who will start? We must make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise , this kid ran away with them, although we are everywhere in this tomb, but this kid is quite difficult to deal with, after all, I have to use two fingers to deal with him."

"Hahaha, this kid is facing us. It's strange that he can run out. It's impossible for him to leave here. He can take this group of people and run 10 meters or 20 meters at most. It's enough. We might as well just run Let him run, let him run forward, and when we have seen enough, are tired of playing, and we don’t want to play anymore, we can just tell him to run over to death casually, what do you think?”

"I think this is okay. I agree with this approach. It is indeed very fun, and I also find it very interesting!"

A lot of murmurs, just a few words echoed in Zhang Hao's ears, and Zhang Hao felt a little funny when he heard these words, or in other words, he only needed to be a little funny.

These hundreds of years of ghosts, or those who have been in the tomb all the time, feel that they are the most powerful group of ghosts in the world, which really opened his eyes.

I have to say that these ghosts, or these dirty things, take themselves too seriously and treat themselves too much, and dare to threaten him. But it is also conceivable that this group of filthy things are more determined, or they are more determined, as long as they, this group of filthy things, all work together to deal with Zhang himself, Zhang Hao will not be able to deal with it, and it is fundamental It is impossible to fight against them.

However, these filthy things never expected Zhang Hao. He has a hole card, and he has something that these filthy things can never imagine. Just this one thing is enough to kill all the filthy things. It can completely quiet Zhang Hao's ears.

Listening to their words now, Zhang Hao can already think of these dirty things and what he wants to do next. Although they dare not rush forward to these dirty things, judging from the current situation, this There's a good chance Dirt is already planning how to kill himself first.

After all, these people present listen to me, as long as I keep them silent and don't listen to those dirty things, those dirty things will have no chance against these people, and there is no way to attack these people, and I am a core The reason is, as long as I am with these dirty bastards, I have nothing to do with these people.

Therefore, it is conceivable that the primary target of these dirty things must be myself, and in this case, what I need to do the most, that is, what I can do the most is to protect myself.

Of course, this must be what those dirty things thought, that is, Zhang Hao has no way to resist, and the only thing he can do is to protect himself.

That is to say, in their eyes, as long as all the ghosts of this gang of dirty things add up and attack Zhang Hao, then Zhang Hao will definitely run away, leaving these people and running away immediately.

As long as Zhang Hao runs away, it will be too easy for these dirty things to deal with these people. It can be said that it is easy, and they can take the lives of these people casually.

But obviously, Zhang Hao was not frightened, or Zhang Hao was not afraid of these things at all. The only reason why he didn't make a move now was that he was waiting for these dirty things to approach him. After all, he The hole card in his hand is not something he can use casually, he needs these dirty things to approach, and he only has one chance.

He doesn't want his hole card to be used prematurely, because after using it prematurely, these dirty things will learn to be smart and won't get close. What he wants more is for these dirty things to come close together, and then You can get rid of all these dirty things at once.

Zhang Hao waited quietly, he hadn't moved yet, calmly waiting for those dirty things to throw themselves into the net.

But obviously, those dirty things are also very cautious, and they can talk about it, and they dare not come forward at all.

If this is the case, it is the best result for Zhang Hao, or the most acceptable result for him.

Because, although he has a hole card, he can kill all the dirty things in a short period of time just by using the hole card, but once the negative card is used, it is used. During the journey, there was one hole card missing.

Under the current circumstances, if Zhang Hao wants to take these people out of the tomb, or lead them to find the location of the tomb robbers, and catch the tomb robbers, he still needs a lot of cards of.

It can be said that if you use one hole card, you will lose one, and you may face a lot of danger next.

Therefore, the current situation is really what Zhang Hao wants to see the most. Of course, if those dirty things really dare to come over, then he will definitely not forgive them lightly.

After all, the priority is to keep the current situation, and we must also protect these people behind us. They are all indispensable people in the operation of catching tomb robbers.

Without these people, relying on Zhang Hao alone, it would be very difficult to catch those tomb robbers, not an easy task.

At this time, the hole card must be used.

At this time, in the not-so-quiet tomb passage, the sound of chaotic footsteps kept echoing in Zhang Hao's ears. At the same time, he had to concentrate on staring at the front and Xiaobai to prevent Xiaobai from making mistakes.

Although the possibility of Xiaobai making mistakes is very low, it can be said that it is almost impossible.

But now there are too many dirty things around, constantly disturbing Xiaobai, trying to make Xiaobai make mistakes. At this time, those dirty things can take advantage of the emptiness and achieve their purpose.

So, the more it is like this, the more you can't let those dirty things succeed, and you must do everything possible to avoid a series of unexpected situations.

However, from the current point of view, Xiaobai doesn't seem to be affected by those dirty things, and those dirty things don't seem to dare to provoke Xiaobai.

After all, as a mountain dog, Xiaobai also has certain abilities. Although he is a mountain walker, all kinds of magic of the mountain walker are reflected in the knowledge reserves that the mountain walker knows, as well as the knowledge of the mountain walker. On those mountain treasures obtained.

But Xiaobai is different, Xiaobai is born with supernatural powers, and has a natural advantage when facing these mountain spirits and wild monsters, as well as these dirty things.

And those filthy things are not fools, so they naturally know Xiaobai's supernatural powers, and they also know that Zhang Hao, as a mountain walker, doesn't have Xiaobai's supernatural powers, so these dirty things dare to come to trouble him, Instead of daring to provoke Xiaobai.

And if these dirty things don't provoke Xiao Bai, then Xiao Bai is unlikely to be able to find the location of those dirty things.

After all, there are too many dirty things here, unless Xiaobai bites them one by one, it is possible to slowly kill them all.

But obviously, this is not realistic, nor is it possible.

After all, those dirty things are not fools, they can't just stay in place and wait for Xiaobai to bite, not to mention, Xiaobai can't get away to do this for the time being.

"If you want me to say, go die by yourself right now, don't hesitate, otherwise, if we come here, you will definitely suffer more than death. Listen to my advice, I have lived for hundreds of years, I said Words are wise words.”

"Yes, we old guys who have lived for hundreds of years will definitely not lie to you. You know, there is no benefit for us to lie to you. Anyway, you will die in the end, and the people you protect will also die in the end , I promise, if you let us kill these people now, we can still choose to let you go, how about it? Do you want to reconsider?"

"Hmph, let him think about it, just let them all die! Let me tell you, when facing this person, he will not give in, and he will never give in. So, just kill him!" He, just let him know how powerful we are, hehehe, all of them are going to die! These people are all going to die!"

"Calm down, in the current situation, we don't need to kill him yet, there is still a long way to go, don't worry, we just watch, quietly, and wait for him to finish playing on his own. "

"Hahaha, that's right, that's it. Sooner or later, he will be scared crazy, and he will definitely choose to obey us. Let's not worry, just wait here, wait for this kid to give in to us, hahahaha, that's it Yep, I see several of them every year, and it drives me crazy by the end!"

"Yeah, when he is scared crazy, why should we worry about not being able to kill these people? It's not too easy. The most important thing is that after we go up, this kid might be scared to death directly." .”

"We are not in a hurry, just wait!"

Those murmurs and sloppy sounds are still constantly disturbing Zhang Hao's thoughts, echoing in his ears, and now after Zhang Hao listens, there is always a restless emotion in his heart, as if he has been Suppressing anger, as if it might erupt at any time.

It is conceivable that these dirty things have learned to be smart now, and they don't intend to approach directly, but want to disturb Zhang Hao's thoughts and let Zhang Hao explode by himself, so as to achieve their goal.

But obviously, they underestimated Zhang Hao's ability, or in other words, they underestimated Zhang Hao.

It only takes a moment for any restless emotion to be suppressed by Zhang Hao in an instant, and now Zhang Hao doesn't feel irritable, but rather interesting.

It's not that these dirty things make him feel interesting, he just thinks that these dirty things are really interesting, and he can use them to achieve his own goals.

In other words, let these dirty things mistakenly think that they can get some benefits from themselves, and then do it according to their own ideas, and finally achieve their own goals.

Maybe, in the end, these dirty things will still be grateful to me, and they may even wipe out all these dirty things, and completely make them disappear from this world.

This is all possible, and it is what Zhang Hao wants to see the most.

However, this plan just popped up in his mind, and it will take some time to perfect it.

But he already had a preliminary plan in his mind.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao suddenly ran aside and stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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