Chapter 245 Rest, Ominous Power!

The red paper figurine had turned black all over, and it possessed an ominous power from a distance.

Zhang Hao looked at the well-behaved paper figurines in his hands, and put them back into his pocket very carefully.

You must know that this is the first batch of paper figurines with offensive power that he produced after training his paper-making skills for so long. I didn't expect that the first day of the test would be so successful today.

These paper figurines were just ordinary yellow at the beginning, and when they sensed the evil spirit, they would turn red under the influence of his essence and blood. The current black.

Although these paper figurines are disposable items, Zhang Hao's skillful hands can make tens of thousands of such paper figurines.

However, such a heaven-defying technique would naturally cost him a lot of mental power and a lot of blood on the tip of his tongue, and it was not something that could be easily wasted.

If he hadn't encountered such a dirty thing, he wouldn't have taken out his little paper figurine.

Director Zhao looked at the paper figurine put away by Zhang Hao, and the fear in his eyes dissipated, and he asked Zhang Hao curiously.

"Brother Zhang, what is this thing? You are really amazing. This is the first time I have met a capable person like you in the whole world."

Director Zhao even rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

"Then, Brother Zhang, can you show me that little paper man? Don't worry, I absolutely don't want it. I just want to take a look."

You must know that Director Zhao will not be a salted fish if he can sit in his position. No matter how powerful the danger is, he has no way to go against the timidity in his heart. It was revealed.

Zhang Hao raised his eyebrows, and slowly shook his head at Director Zhao.

"Zhao Ju, it's not that I won't give you this thing. It has already been contaminated with the resentment from the ancient tomb. If you didn't see it, it has naturally turned black."

"If this thing is in the hands of ordinary people, I'm afraid it will also enter the body. Although it will not cause the same reaction as Professor Liang, it will just be unlucky for a few years in the future."

When Zhang Hao said this, there was a little teasing in his eyes, and he looked at Director Zhao with some malicious intentions, as if trying to scare him, and wanted to take out those little black paper figurines from his pocket.

"How is it? Director Zhao, do you want to take another look?"

Director Zhao is just brave, not a fool.

For such things, Zhang Hao has already explained the pros and cons to him clearly.

Naturally, he would not let himself be contaminated with these things just to satisfy his curiosity.

"Don't, don't, Brother Zhang, just think I'm joking with you, you'd better keep this thing well, but you must also pay attention to your body."

Zhang Hao looked at Director Zhao who obviously cared about him, but really took a few steps back, and couldn't help but shook his head amusedly.

After these little paper figurines left the tomb, he really had to take care of them. These things had to be burned to ashes during the day when the yang qi was at its peak, so that the yin qi could be completely removed.

You must know that what the dirty things in these tombs are most afraid of is the strong sunlight and strong yang energy.

At noon, the yang energy is at its peak.

Coupled with the burning of fire, these filthy things can naturally be completely wiped out.

Naturally, Zhang Hao didn't scare Director Zhao too much, turned around and came to Professor Liang who was surrounded by researchers.

Zhang Hao calculated the current time. It may have been four or five hours since they first entered the tomb. Zhang Hao moved his fingers behind his back and roughly calculated the current bad luck.

Although he is not a serious yin-yang Taoist, but as a mountain walker with a heritage, he still dabbles in these things a little.

Zhang Hao frowned, and said comfortingly to the researchers around him who were staring at him.

"Don't worry, Professor Liang has nothing else to do now, you can slowly feed him some water, he will wake up in half an hour, let's take a short rest here, and we will set off in an hour .”

When everyone heard Zhang Hao say this, great joy burst out of their eyes immediately.

You must know that these researchers are all students brought out by Professor Liang, even if they have already prepared the psychological quality to dedicate their lives to the national treasure.

But seeing such a thing happen to the teacher I have always respected very much, it is inevitable that I will still be a little sad.

Now that they heard such a definite answer from Zhang Hao, a mountain walker, they were naturally relieved.

"Mr. Zhang Hao, thank you very much. If you hadn't led us, I'm afraid we would have been buried in this tomb long ago."

"Yes, I apologize for my disrespectful words to you before. The mountain walker is really the most sacred and mysterious profession I have ever seen."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang Hao, no matter what happens in the tomb, as long as you give me a word, even if you sacrifice your life, we will never hesitate."

It seems that among this group of people, Zhang Hao has completely become the backbone.

At the very beginning, even though Zhang Hao led the group of them out, but as scientific researchers, some people still thought it was just a coincidence.

After all, they have been educated as atheists since childhood.

But the wave that just appeared in front of them made them have to believe that there are still some things in this world that cannot be explained by science.

Besides, the mountain walker in front of him really saved their mentor's life.

Such a great kindness, they can't forget no matter what.

Zhang Hao didn't pay too much attention to the trust of this group of people, and just nodded slightly.

You must know that they are just ordinary people who nod and acquaintance.

How good is the current sense of trust?

Zhang Hao can only say one thing—at least when he gives an order next time, there will be no voice of doubt. You have to know that with so many people, once a person makes any mistakes in such a tomb, it will be very serious for him. It is no small trouble.

Zhang Hao sat quietly by the side, stroking Xiao Bai with his right hand.

As a very competent Mountain Calling Dog, even though Zhang Hao was sure that there was no danger, Xiaobai still looked around vigilantly, preventing any bad things from approaching his master.

(End of this chapter)

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