My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 248 The Great Effect of Human Shadows, Mountains and Rocks!

Chapter 248 The Great Effect of Human Shadows, Mountains and Rocks!
Director Zhao stood in the middle, neither entering nor retreating, it was simply not a person inside and outside, he could only bite the bullet, smiled a little awkwardly, and explained to Zhang Hao palely.

"Master Zhang, don't be as knowledgeable as Lao Liang. He is that elm-headed man who has been mad in academics all his life. We must believe in you. We must believe in you. Without you, we would not be able to go in safely. , Come out safely, you say yes, hehe."

Zhang Hao didn't speak, but stared at Professor Liang who had already become very irritable in thought.

Of course he wouldn't mind.

Zhang Hao knew very well in his heart that Professor Liang's appearance like this might not be his intention at all.

As early as the beginning, old people like Professor Liang were already very easy to get entangled in the dirty things in the tomb.

Professor Liang himself is among this group of people who have been engaged in state affairs research for the longest time, and after getting older, his yang energy is naturally not as strong as that of young people.

What's more, after the Yin Qi entered the body, although he was expelled in time, the remaining Yin Qi in the body was not resolved as soon as possible.

Now Professor Liang's emotions have become more and more serious. If the matter here is not resolved as soon as possible, Professor Liang may not be able to go out safely by then.

Zhang Hao frowned, and happily took out the Shadow Rock from his hand.

Director Zhao is full of curiosity about everything that can be taken out of Zhang Hao.

"Master Zhang, what is this thing? Is it a treasure you found in the mountains? Can you let us go out safely?"

Zhang Hao didn't intend to explain the magic function of the Human Shadow Mountain Stone to them. After all, after he got this mountain treasure, it was the first time he made such a bold attempt.

Yes, Zhang Hao never thought of taking the usual path in the beginning.

The biggest function of the Human Shadow Mountain Stone is that it can freely shuttle among the stones. As its owner, Zhang Hao, if he can control it well, can he also lead this group of people to shuttle through the walls of the tomb.

But this is just Zhang Hao's own conjecture, without any attempt, although he is eight or nine percent sure in his heart, but in this case, he still doesn't want to say enough.

Zhang Hao cleared his throat, and the noisy scientific researchers immediately became quiet, even stopped their survey movements, and looked at Zhang Hao sincerely.

"I do have a way to bring everyone in here, but this is my secret as a mountain walker. If you are willing to believe me, put on the blindfold again and don't make any noise in the middle."

When everyone heard what Zhang Hao said, their eyes were full of surprises. They also understood that if Zhang Hao wanted to harm them, he might have done it from the very beginning, so why bother to save them from fire and water? Among them?

"Brother Hao, don't worry, we will definitely obey your orders, and we will never open our eyes no matter what."

"That's right, those tomb robbers are all to blame. If it weren't for them, there wouldn't be so many things."

"Oh, don't talk so much, put on the blindfold quickly, don't waste time."

Those scientific researchers quickly closed their eyes again. Director Zhao was not wrong. He glanced at the scientific research staff who were ready, looked at Zhang Hao, gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. cast over.

Now only Professor Liang stood indifferently.

Professor Liang didn't know what happened to him. After saying such harsh words to Zhang Hao, he couldn't help but feel a burst of regret in his heart.

"Zhang Hao, I was a little too anxious just now, don't take it to heart, maybe I'm really a little too tired during this time."

Zhang Hao nodded slowly, and then took out two little paper figurines from his pocket without hesitation, this time without so many cumbersome steps.

Zhang Hao breathed lightly, and the two little paper figurines flew to Professor Liang.

When the paper figurines ate those dirty things, Professor Liang had already been blinded by resentment, so this is the first time he has seen such supernatural things. Manipulate the paper man.

He looked at the paper figurine lying on top of him in disbelief and was full of horror. If he hadn't believed in Zhang Hao in his heart, he would have already shouted in the tomb by now. .

But now Professor Liang is also covered in cold sweat.

"Mr. Zhang Hao, what are you doing? Is this your pet too?"

Zhang Hao looked at the little paper man slowly crawling up to Professor Liang's eyes, and explained to him calmly.

"Professor Liang, you have yin energy entering your body. I'm afraid it will affect you when I cast a spell. These two little paper figures will temporarily close your eyes. When I get to a safe place, I will naturally keep them away." back."

Zhang Hao really didn't want to take risks in this kind of place.

In case that dirty thing is grabbing Professor Liang's soft persimmon, and Zhang Hao is distracted to save people when passing through the wall, it is really a bit reluctant.

Zhang Hao dragged Director Zhao slowly to the wall of the tomb next to the bronze door. He slowly closed his eyes, clenched the figure in his hand, and kept chanting silently in his heart.

After a while, Zhang Hao felt that his originally very flexible limbs became heavy, but this strong sense of strength did not have any impact on his activities.

Zhang Hao knew that perhaps the best time had come now, so he kept his eyes closed and walked forward.

The scene that Zhang Hao expected appeared.

The wall in front of him didn't stop Zhang Hao, who was holding the silhouette of the rock, and even Director Zhao's body, which was held by Zhang Hao, slowly melted into the wall.

It's just that Director Zhao's sense of oppression will be even stronger.

Zhang Hao walked very slowly. Even if he didn't open his eyes, he was very sure that he should have entered the wall by relying on the ability of the shadow mountain stone, but the expected sense of oppression did not come.

Zhang Hao felt as if he was in the middle of the ocean, and he could even feel the breathing of these walls living here for a short time.

Zhang Hao controlled his breathing, and wanted to make his body more integrated with the wall here. In the dark wall, Zhang Hao's right hand was always emitting light.

(End of this chapter)

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