Chapter 256: Big Bad!face changed

He never figured out that Dao Scar had been in the tomb robber business for so many years, and he would miss it on such an occasion today.

"His grandma, you didn't want us to go out at all. You let these policemen ambush here in the first place, just to arrest us and bring us to justice?"

Scar's eyes were staring, and he still struggled unwillingly. The crisp sound of the handcuffs hitting was very clear in the ancient tomb.

Looking at the situation that was also controlled by Director Zhao, Zhang Hao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's not too stupid for you to understand now. Tomb robbers like you, handing you over to the law is already very tolerant to you. Otherwise, if you really wait until the mountain god is angry, I'm afraid it will be too late. implicate your family."

What Zhang Hao said was the truth.

You must know that digging people's graves is very taboo.

It can range from being widowed and lonely, to being severe and even affecting future generations.

We must know that dead money is not so easy to make.

But how can Dao Scar hear Zhang Hao’s words now? His eyes are full of anger now. You must know that they do this kind of business by pinning their heads to their waistbands. Once they are discovered by the police, they will eat peanuts of.

Scar gritted his teeth, and the flesh on his face twitched.

"Since you won't make me feel better, don't blame me."

Scar seemed to be talking to himself.

Before Zhang Hao could react, Dao Scar loudly bewitched the group of Qinling villagers who were squatting on the ground behind him and did not dare to resist.

"What are you waiting for? Let me tell you the truth. Tomb robbery is a serious crime. Even if you are accomplices, you will have to go in and be imprisoned for at least three to five years."

"There are only a few of them. There are so many of us. As long as we stay in this tomb together, we can go out safely. Only God knows about this matter. You must know that so many treasures will go out when the time comes." In exchange for money, in the days to come, you can eat delicious food and drink spicy food."

"You must know that the things that make you rich this year are nothing more than these things. The bold and the timid are starved to death. Your fate is now in your own hands. Don't blame me for not giving you a chance when the time comes."

Scar's words were very imposing, as if the matter in front of him was not a big deal at all, and a few people really started to commotion on the spot with lively thoughts.

Zhang Hao raised his eyebrows, why didn't he realize that this scar really has some leadership style on him.

It has reached such a level that he can still brainwash these ignorant villagers.

Zhang Hao knew that if he didn't stop it, there might really be a riot at that time.

"I want to see who dares to make trouble here today!"

As soon as Zhang Hao said this, the originally noisy tomb room became very quiet.

You must know that the tingling feeling on their bodies has not completely dissipated.

Although they were afraid of scars and the police, these fears were not of the same order as Zhang Hao's.

Hearing what Zhang Hao said, Scar looked at the people who became quiet for an instant, and knew that he had no chance to turn things around, and all he could do now was accept his fate.

Zhang Hao looked at Scar who lowered his head and the obediently blind man following behind him, and then he felt relieved.

As for the third child, he was scared out of his wits from the very beginning, and with the chasing and biting of a medium-sized dog like Xiaobai, he was already on the sidelines so frightened that he pissed his pants, without the slightest fighting power to fight. said.

Director Zhao took control of the situation very quickly. He never expected that what he had been worrying about for so long would be solved so easily by Zhang Hao, the legendary mountain stalker.

"Brother Zhang Hao, you are really amazing. You were really blind to Mount Tai before. Don't worry, I will thank you very much when I go out this time."

Director Zhao is talking to Zhang Hao now, and he has unconsciously brought a little respect. You must know that he was originally an aboriginal resident of Qinling's generation, and he just caught up with the good times and entered the public security system.

A capable person like Zhang Hao had a good relationship with him from the very beginning, and if something happened in the future, he could lick this old face and ask him for help.

After all, he has really seen Zhang Hao's true ability, which is different from the liars outside who pretend to be stupid.

"That's right, Brother Zhang, you are really capable. I just thought it was a legend to chase the mountain man, but I never thought that I could actually see it in real life."

"That's right, brother, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid our group of people will have to explain this to this time."

"Brother Zhang, after we finish excavating this ancient tomb, we must treat you to a proper meal. You are our lifesaver!"

Seeing that the group of tomb robbers had been captured, the researchers were a little nervous, and the dull atmosphere was completely swept away.

You must know that they were only in their 30s and [-]s, when they were lively and active, and the things they encountered before were just too weird, and now everyone chatted very briskly.

Zhang Hao's gaze circled everyone, and the contemplation in his eyes did not completely disappear.

This group of young people are physically strong, and their yang energy is naturally serious. In addition, the time for them to go to the tomb is relatively short, so the murderous aura in the tomb will naturally not have much impact on them.

After going out to bask in the sun, there shouldn't be any major problems.


Zhang Hao looked at Professor Liang who was sitting on the side. The group of researchers fell into excitement for a short time, and did not observe their mentor carefully.

You must know that Professor Liang's current state is worse than that at the beginning, not only in spirit.

Zhang Hao could clearly feel it, and there was a slight difference in Professor Liang's face.

After this period of tossing, Professor Liang's cheekbones became so prominent that he couldn't even see a little flesh on his face.

Ordinary people would only think that Professor Liang had been in the tomb for too long, and he hadn't eaten well, and the short-term thinness caused his cheeks to look like this.

But Zhang Hao is not an ordinary person.

With sunken cheekbones and thin skin, this kind of face will make people feel difficult to get along with at first glance. As the saying goes, it is born with a mean face.

Professor Liang seemed to be aware of Zhang Hao's gaze. He raised his head to look at Zhang Hao, then lowered his head immediately, and smiled evasively.

(End of this chapter)

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