Chapter 264 There is something in the tomb

"There are a few footprints here, have you seen them, Chief?"

Director Zhao's face immediately became serious when he heard what Xiao Liu said.

It's just that he looked left and right, but he didn't see any tricks. His suspicious eyes fell on Xiao Liu, wondering if this guy was lying to him.

Xiao Liu stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, picked up the flashlight in his bag and turned it on.

He knelt down and picked up a few grains of dirt with his fingers. He first smelled it, and then pointed at the dirt on the ground again.

"Director, you can see that these areas are different from the lines next to them, and this is new mud. I suspect that someone has entered the tomb again."


This guess made Director Zhao's face suddenly look ugly.

He looked up into the tomb, but it was not clear when those grave robbers came.

Moreover, the tomb passage was twisted and pitted. Even if they had flashlights with strong visibility in their hands, they couldn't illuminate them to the end.

Xiao Liu stood up immediately, and his eyes fell on Director Zhao, waiting for his order.

"Director, what do you think we should do next?"

There was a bit of anxiety in his voice, Director Zhao stretched out his hand before Xiao Liu left immediately, pressed his shoulder, and said with lowered eyes,

"Where do you want to go? Let me stay here peacefully. None of you can leave until Zhang Hao comes back!"

He announced his decision to Xiao Liu in a deep voice, and Xiao Liu immediately let out a cry of disappointment.

I originally wanted to say a few more words to Director Zhao, but Director Zhao's expression had turned ugly and he would not let him continue.

Xiao Liu immediately became embarrassed and did not dare to say anything anymore. The other team members reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

And Zhang Hao shuttled through the tomb passage. Professor Liang is a man of culture and old. He usually gets tired after walking a lot, but now he runs fast in the tomb passage.

Before long, if Zhang Hao hadn't tried his best to catch up, he might not have been able to catch up with him.

Zhang Hao frowned, looking at the direction Professor Liang was leaving while speeding up.

After finally passing another tomb passage, Zhang Hao grabbed Professor Liang by the collar.

The two of them rolled around in the tomb passage before stopping.

When Zhang Hao missed to see it, Professor Liang closed his eyes tightly, his face was black and blue, and he seemed to pass out.

Zhang Hao suspected that when Professor Liang first entered the tomb passage, he could not bear it anymore.

If Professor Liang is allowed to go inside, I believe that the other party will die soon.

Zhang Hao picked up Professor Liang's collar and led him to the entrance of the tomb.

Director Zhao and the others are still waiting at the door, and Professor Liang's route into the tomb is not the same as the one they came last time.

As Zhang Hao was walking forward, a black shadow came towards him. Zhang Hao stretched out his arm to block it and grabbed Professor Liang's arm.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the person beside him. Professor Liang's eyes were still tightly closed. At this time, his arms and elbows began to twist as if he had become an inhuman creature.

His fingers were so twisted that he was completely out of shape. Looking at the situation in front of him, Zhang Hao's eyes darkened.

With little time left, he pulled Professor Liang's collar tightly and retreated outside.

During the tug-of-war between him and Professor Liang, Zhang Hao could feel a lot of resistance, but these resistances were not a problem for him, and Zhang Hao did not stop.

In the process of retreating, Professor Liang suddenly let out a groan, and he could feel that he was in pain.

Looking down, Zhang Hao noticed that Professor Liang's face was distorted in pain.

There is no doubt that if Zhang Hao continues to lead him forward, Professor Liang may die of pain, which is a problem.

When Professor Liang came here, something strange appeared on his body. Zhang Hao suddenly raised his head and looked forward, but without looking ahead, a stone flew out of his hand.

From the moment he entered the cave, Zhang Hao felt a sense of peeping beside him, but Zhang Hao didn't bother to pay attention at that time.

Thinking about it now, maybe Professor Liang's state is the effect of that thing.

Zhang Hao was not polite to that guy.

A scream quickly came from the tomb passage.

Zhang Hao stretched out his hand, covered Professor Liang's ear and frowned and looked forward. He came in too anxiously just now and didn't have any tools in his hand.

Naturally, he couldn't see what the guy in front of him was, so he turned his ear.

After finding that there was no movement inside, Zhang Hao took Professor Liang and continued to walk out. This time, his movement went much more smoothly without any hindrance.

Outside the cemetery, Director Zhao and the police officers were waiting outside, waiting for Zhang Hao. When he noticed movement in the tomb passage, Director Zhao was a little nervous.

A few pieces of soil loosened. Zhang Hao took Professor Liang out. After seeing Zhang Hao's figure, Director Zhao immediately breathed a sigh of relief, with a sincere smile on his face.

"You are finally back, is Professor Liang okay?"

As soon as he finished asking, he saw a heavy expression on Zhang Hao's face and cold sweat on Director Zhao's forehead.

Just as he was about to ask Zhang Hao what happened, Zhang Hao had already looked up at him.

"I've changed my mind. We have to use another way to enter the tomb."

Zhang Hao looked seriously at Director Zhao talking about his thoughts with him. Director Zhao looked confused and didn't understand what Zhang Hao meant.

He groaned, and just about to ask, Zhang Hao had already taken out a bundle of rope from his backpack and handed it to Chief Zhao.

Director Zhao looked at the rope in his hand, then looked up to see if Zhang Hao didn't understand Zhang Hao's meaning.

Zhang Hao first put Professor Liang next to the fire and asked the police officers to take care of him.

Only then did I explain to Chief Zhao,
"Professor Liang was able to enter the tomb just now because something inside affected him and made him lose his mind."

Zhang Haoyin went away, just now Professor Liang's changed appearance, he just briefly mentioned to Director Zhao what he and Professor Liang had just met.

Director Zhao's complexion immediately became ugly, he nodded solemnly, and kept the questions raised by Zhang Hao in his heart bit by bit.

"Okay, don't worry, we will do it."

Director Zhao took the initiative to assure Zhang Hao that they had repaired the outside of the tomb before going to the tomb under the leadership of Zhang Hao.

This time when they entered the tomb, almost everyone had their wrists tightly bound with ropes.

This is the way to prevent one of them from getting lost.

At one end of the rope, Zhang Hao pulled the rest of the people, and each of them tied their wrists with ropes, so that if they wanted to get away, they would definitely attract Zhang Hao's attention.

"Director, are we really going to do it? Why does it feel like leashing a dog?"

When Xiao Liu saw these ropes, he was reluctant to tie his wrists.

After being glared at by Director Zhao fiercely, he shrank his neck and silently did not dare to speak any more.

He was even the first to tie his wrist with a rope, and then handed the other end to Zhang Hao devoutly, without any reluctance during the whole process.

Holding a flashlight in his hand, Zhang Hao watched the team members lift up Professor Liang and head into the tomb. He didn't say a word, but just reminded them of various precautions.

(End of this chapter)

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