Chapter 267 Defeating the Monster Bird
Zhang Hao seized the gap, squeezed the flashlight, and used a strong light to shine on the strange bird's eyes.

The strange bird screamed again. Due to its short wings, there was basically no way to cover its eyes. It could only be forced to bear Zhang Hao's movements.

After the other police officers saw Zhang Hao's behavior, they reacted, and immediately gathered several people holding flashlights, and shone towards the strange bird at the same time.

Also pay attention not to affect Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao felt very satisfied when he noticed their actions. He raised the knife and lowered it, pinching the strange bird's neck and turning to the right.

With a click, the head of the strange bird was directly removed by Zhang Hao.

After Zhang Hao let go of his hand, he was dragged to the ground with his skin and flesh.

As the strange bird stopped breathing, the other head seemed to be attacked at the same time.

The monster screamed, closed his eyes, and curled up into the feathers.

The strange bird gradually became silent. Zhang Hao stepped forward and kicked him a few times. After realizing that there was no danger, he signaled to the police officers in front.

The police officers immediately stepped forward and looked at the dead body of this strange bird in surprise. They had never seen such a creature before.

This strange bird has never appeared in the previous tombs.

Fortunately, they were accompanied by Zhang Hao. If they were the only ones staying together, they might be wiped out.

Director Zhao sighed in his heart, and he quickly stepped forward to care about Zhang Hao.

"Zhang Hao, are you okay now? Are you feeling well? Were you injured in the battle just now?"

Other police officers came forward to pick up the corpse of the strange bird and observed it carefully.

At the same time, at the request of Professor Liang, feathers and flesh and skin tissue were collected from the strange birds and put into the backpack.

Professor Liang looked at the corpse of the strange bird lying on the ground with fiery eyes.

Zhang Hao's expression was very calm from the beginning to the end.

Even when he fought the strange bird and pinched his neck to kill him just now, his expression didn't change. Director Zhao couldn't help but admire in his heart.

It's just that he looked at Zhang Hao cautiously, and was just about to ask a few questions.

Zhang Hao had already made a gesture to him and stepped forward to inspect the strange bird's body up and down.

Seeing that the people behind were all standing there staring at his movements, Zhang Hao frowned.

"Go and check other places. This kind of bird usually lives in groups. It doesn't make sense. Only one appears."

Professor Liang took out a notebook, and Zhang Hao said that while he was recording this matter, he couldn't tell that there was a mark on his body at all.

Several other police officers hurriedly took advantage of this time to take a closer look at the surrounding caves with flashlights.

I no longer just randomly find a place to sit down like I did just now.

After confirming the safety, Director Zhao cursed and lectured them.

"Don't you guys understand where it is now? Since we're here, we have to pay attention from top to bottom! You're good, you're so big-hearted."

"If it wasn't for Zhang Hao's help just now, would you still be alive now?"

Director Zhao was about to poke out angrily as he spoke.

The police officers immediately lowered their heads and looked at the ground.

They didn't dare to say a word, and they understood their own problems.

Realizing that Zhang Hao had finished checking, Director Zhao quickly stopped reprimanding him, and walked towards Zhang Hao proactively, with worry in his eyes.

"Zhang Hao, will this strange bird appear again?"

Hearing Director Zhao's inquiry, Zhang Hao nodded, and under his worried gaze, said without hesitation,

"If I'm not wrong, they live in groups. We have to be careful to show it. Just now this one is a single one, but how many more..."

Zhang Hao didn't say any more, but Director Zhao quickly understood following Zhang Hao's elongated voice. His face was pale and he gritted his teeth.

When he looked at the police officer behind, hesitant expression was evident on his face, Zhang Hao reminded him again.

"And don't even think about leaving, you're all here."

"Besides, if the imprint is not removed, they will one day become neither human nor ghost. Do you want to see that happen?"

Following Zhang Hao's reminder, Director Zhao also reacted, and his eyes were full of unwillingness at this time.

Before he could react, Zhang Hao reached out and patted his shoulder.

"You don't have to worry about me. As long as we are careful on the road and return to the previous place, there should be a way to end the marks on you."

Zhang Hao asked Director Zhao to go to rest with the police officers.

Before leaving, he drew a circle for Director Zhao and the police officers, telling them to stay inside without moving.

Zhang Hao brought a large pack of realgar powder when he came, and now he sprinkled a whole circle of realgar powder outside the circle, and then he clapped his hands and prepared to go out.

Director Zhao saw Zhang Hao's movements and quickly called him to stop.

"Zhang Hao, can this realgar powder work?"

And it's not okay to just let police officers like him stay in the protective circle. What they need most is training.

If danger comes, they shrink into their shells regardless of their care, which may not be a good process.

Zhang Hao looked back and saw Director Zhao's firm eyes, and raised his brows. He didn't expect that the other party would be able to take the initiative to propose this idea to him.

Realizing that the police officers behind Director Zhao had the same thought in their minds, Zhang Hao pointed at two people.

"Then take turns, you two come with me."

Zhou Shengsheng and Liu Dazhuo pointed at themselves, they didn't expect that Zhang Hao would call them first, Zhou Shengsheng's eyes were full of excitement.

After confirming with Zhang Hao several times, Director Zhao finally couldn't bear it and pushed him out of the encirclement.

Zhang Hao took the two police officers to the front to explore the way.

Zhou Shengsheng and Liu Dachui walked on the road, feeling apprehensive, but they managed to suppress the fear in their hearts.

No matter what, they couldn't show cowardice in front of Zhang Hao, and they couldn't do anything.

Otherwise, I always feel like Zhang Hao is short.

Although they seem to be inferior to Zhang Hao now, people always have dreams.

Zhou Shengsheng and Liu Dachui followed closely behind Zhang Hao, holding flashlights and weapons in their hands at the same time, guarding against changes in the surrounding environment.

Zhang Hao turned around in the tomb passage before taking the two of them back. The process was uneventful and there was basically no danger.

Not to mention the appearance of strange birds.

Zhou Shengsheng and Liu Dachui scratched their hair, their eyes were full of puzzlement, and they asked Zhang Hao actively,

"Didn't you say that strange birds live in groups? Didn't you bring us to the front to find the existence of strange birds?"

The two of them had just thought about what to write in their suicide note.

Unexpectedly, after such a long period of time, they returned without success.

It was so relaxed just now that it didn't look like being in an ancient tomb.

Zhang Hao's eyes fell on Zhou Shengsheng and Liu Dazhuo, his expression was speechless.

"You two hope to meet the strange birds, or do you want to stay with them?"

Could it be that the imprints on Zhou Shengsheng and Liu Dazhuo have evolved to this extent?

Almost as soon as Zhang Hao asked this sentence, Zhou Shengsheng and Liu Dazhuo shook their heads sharply.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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