Chapter 269 That Thing Is Not Him
Everyone was terrified by this scene.

Almost at the same time as the others stood still, Zhang Hao stretched out his hand and squeezed Director Zhao's neck tightly.

The sharp bird head was going to pounce directly on Zhang Hao's side, pecking at the eyes of Zhang Hao and the nearest person.

But after being pinched by Zhang Hao's neck, the sharp beak immediately stopped in mid-air, and the sound of the bird also stopped abruptly at this moment, which was a bit embarrassing to listen to.

Everyone immediately exclaimed, and before they could stop Zhang Hao's movement, Zhang Hao had already pinched the bird's head and turned it aside.

The bird's head drooped to the side immediately, and Director Zhao's whole body suddenly fell down.

All the police officers reacted in disbelief at the scene in front of them. When what happened just now, their eyes fell on Zhang Hao.

There was anger, panic and anxiety in the eyes.

They felt angry when they thought of Zhang Hao's actions just now. Was Director Zhao killed by Zhang Hao himself?
Just when they were about to move, Zhang Hao turned around and scolded them, making these people's minds clear instantly.

"Are you stupid? Find Director Zhao quickly. That thing just now is not him!"

It's not Director Zhao, how is this possible?Obviously Director Zhao sat with them, and he could speak and spit out other people's words.

He was chatting and laughing with them while talking, how could this not be true!

Some police officers wanted to question Zhang Hao. Zhang Hao had already strode away and was looking around the entrance of the cave. At the same time, his flashlight kept shining inside the cave.

Zhou Shengsheng's eyes were fixed on Zhang Hao. Just when someone wanted to cause trouble for Zhang Hao, Zhou Shengsheng suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed at a certain black figure in the corner.

"Let's see if that's Director Zhao. Director, why are you here? Wake up!"

Zhou Shengsheng kept calling Director Zhao's name in a flustered voice, and Zhang Hao's movements also stopped at this moment.

Sensing what Zhou Shengsheng was yelling, Zhang Hao suddenly understood.

He hurriedly stepped forward and ran to Director Zhao's side, lowered his head and stretched out his hand, and pressed on the pulse on his neck. When he felt Director Zhao's heartbeat, Zhang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

He withdrew his hand and saw that the rest of the people were staring at him, he couldn't help a smile from the corner of his mouth, and said,

"This is Director Zhao. Please bring him back quickly. He has been here for a long time. I really don't know when he went there."

Zhang Hao shook his head, and couldn't help being speechless. Before leaving, he had already told Director Zhao and the others.

Don't leave the encirclement casually, but someone happened to break his rules.

The result is okay. When I came back, I found something that was not human in the crowd. Zhang Hao looked serious just now, but now he is relaxed.

As a police officer, after hearing what Zhang Hao said, he quickly carried Director Zhao away.

When they came back, they carried Director Zhao back to the cave, and kept patting his face and calling Director Zhao's name.

Director Zhao opened his eyes and found that everyone sitting in front of him immediately sat up, their expressions flustered, and at the same time there was a trace of fear in their eyes.

After almost a minute, Director Zhao finally realized that it was reality now and he was safe. There was no need to panic anymore. Director Zhao let out a long sigh with joy in his eyes.

After seeing Zhang Hao, his expression was unnaturally ashamed and he scratched his hair. Director Zhao took the initiative to admit his mistake,

"I'm really sorry. I wanted to go to the toilet just now, so I went out when everyone was not paying attention. I didn't expect something to peck me from behind. As soon as it pecked me, I passed out."

Director Zhao reached out and touched his neck, and there was indeed a swollen wound on the back.

As soon as he touched the back of his head, he couldn't help screaming. The other police officers were a little nervous after seeing Director Zhao's appearance, and stretched out their hands to touch the back of his neck. Looking at it, the expression is obvious. I want to know whether the wound on the back of Director Zhao's neck is serious or not.

Zhang Hao first stayed by Director Zhao's side, and stretched out his hand to check the injury behind his ear.

"He's fine, he was just pecked by those strange birds."

If the strange birds living in this tomb wanted to attack them, Director Zhao might lose half of his life with one move, but now there is almost no wound on the back of his neck, just a swollen lump of flesh.

Zhang Hao stretched out his hand to touch the piece of meat, and Director Zhao immediately screamed out. He stretched out his hand to cover the back of his neck, and looked at Zhang Hao with some surprises. He felt that Zhang Hao was teaching him a lesson.

Zhang Hao withdrew his hand expressionlessly and stood up. Director Zhao quickly followed Zhang Hao to stand up after seeing Zhang Hao's movements. There was a trace of tension and urging in his eyes.

"Zhang Hao, I should have no problem, can you tell me the truth."

Speaking of this, he thought of his previous state, so he promised Zhang Hao again.

"Don't worry, I won't care. I'm already middle-aged now. How could I still be as scared as a young man? I've lived enough."

When the police officers nearby heard what Director Zhao said, their eyes immediately turned red. When everyone stood together and realized that Director Zhao might be in danger, they were at a loss for a moment.

When looking towards Zhang Hao, the hearts of several people seemed to be filled with power instantly, and they said without hesitation,
"No, the director must not die."

There was a trace of seriousness in their eyes, Zhang Hao stared at their appearance, feeling speechless in his heart.

"I said, did you hear it wrong? I said that he is fine now, at least not life-threatening. Maybe you can change your mind."

Hearing Zhang Hao say it so solemnly, Zhou Shengsheng and Liu Dachui breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. After Director Zhao came to his senses, he looked at Zhang Hao suspiciously, as if he couldn't believe that he had no problem. .

"I was pecked by that strange bird. It's okay. You are not comforting me. In fact, you don't need to comfort me. I know it."

"At this age, I have lived enough, so you don't have to haw and haw."

Hearing Director Zhao's remarks, Zhang Hao couldn't wait to roll his eyes. His eyes fell on the other party, making Director Zhao feel cold all over. Then he spoke slowly,
"I've already said it before, it's okay. In fact, you don't need to be so panic. If you really think that your life is not long, then think about it."

"If you have anything to tell these police officers, just tell them directly."

Director Zhao's face darkened when he heard Zhang Hao say this, and he tried it on himself carefully and found that there was nothing serious, so he breathed a sigh of relief in doubt.

Maybe he's really all right?
(End of this chapter)

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