My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 281: Live to see people, die to see corpses!

Chapter 281: Live to see people, die to see corpses!

Zhang Hao didn't react at all. The flames immediately touched Zhang Hao's fingers, but he didn't seem to feel it. Seeing this scene, Zhou Shengsheng wished he could go up and knock over the burning flames.

Zhang Hao looked at Zhou Shengsheng who was about to take action and hurriedly stretched out his other hand to stop him.

"Don't worry, this fire won't burn anyone, and I will definitely not be hurt."

Zhang Hao's very calm words came. Zhou Shengsheng saw that the expression on Zhang Hao's face did not seem to be fake, and looked at the flames that were gradually extinguishing with some confusion.

It seemed that Zhang Hao's hands did not have any traces of burns.

Zhou Shengsheng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and stopped acting rashly.

Zhang Hao had long known that these feathers would have such an effect after being lit.

You must know that those strange birds were originally mutated by the resentment in the tomb, and what is burning now is just the resentment absorbed by the strange birds.

Zhang Hao could even feel the slightest bit of coolness from those flames.

The flame finally completely burned the feathers. Zhang Hao collected the dust from the feathers in his hands, and then gently applied it to the lump on the back of Chief Zhao's neck.


Director Zhao seemed to feel the pain and couldn't help shouting.

However, compared with the burning texture of relics, this kind of pain is naturally tolerable.

Zhang Hao saw with his own eyes that the ashes of the feathers were completely absorbed by the lump behind Director Zhao. He clapped his hands lightly to clean up the contaminated dust, and then said to Director Zhao.

"Don't worry, these feathers are enough to reduce the swelling. In less than half an hour, your neck will return to its original appearance, and those grievances will be completely eliminated."

Hearing what Zhang Hao said, Director Zhao could no longer feel the pain from the back of his neck at all, and now his heart and eyes were full of joy.

You must know that taking back a life from the god of death is simply something he can't even imagine.

Director Zhao touched the back of his neck uncontrollably, and the vague itching disappeared completely.

"Zhang Hao, thank you very much, thank you very much. Counting this time, you have saved us many times. I know that no matter what I say, there is no way to compare with the life-saving grace."

"Zhang Hao, I know that people like you will definitely accomplish a lot in the future, but as long as you are in Yincheng, as long as it is something that my old Zhao can do, you can say whatever you want, even if it is..."

Zhang Hao looked at Director Zhao who looked like he was about to burst into tears and quickly waved his hand.

"Director Zhao, it doesn't matter. You know, since I promised you that I will take you out of this tomb safely, I will definitely not break my promise. If you really want to help me, you should remove the one on your neck." Return the relic to me."

Zhang Hao deliberately changed the subject. You must know that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Zhang Hao is now also accumulating merit for himself in the future.

He will still have to climb mountains in the future, and the power of merit is still very important to him.

When Director Zhao heard what Zhang Hao said, he immediately reacted, hurriedly untied the cloth strip around his neck, and carefully took off the very warm relic.

"Yes, Zhang Hao, you don't need to tell me, I also know that this thing must be a treasure, and it would be a waste to put it on me quickly, so you should take it back and put it away." Zhang Hao followed Director Zhao's words very naturally. Taking back the relic in his hand, he felt the yang energy coming out continuously from above. Zhang Hao's irritable and irritable mood immediately became calm, as if his whole body had been washed.

We must know that Zhang Hao was able to persist in the tomb for so long without being affected, and this relic also played a big role.

If it weren't for special circumstances, Zhang Hao actually wanted to take the relics to the nests of those strange birds. After all, as long as this thing was there, his mind would not be affected by the slightest resentment.

But he is back safely now, which can be regarded as training his mind.

"Okay, everyone, let's rest where we are for a while. We will go to the bronze door later. Do you remember the tomb you entered before, right?"

Director Zhao nodded hurriedly when he heard what Zhang Hao said.

"Remember, remember, but..."

Director Zhao glanced at Zhang Hao cautiously, as if hesitating whether he should say this or not.

As soon as Zhang Hao saw Director Zhao like this, he immediately understood what he wanted to say. He glanced at Professor Liang, who had been in the dark for a long time without speaking, and explained to him.

"Director Zhao, I know you are worried about Qin Daniu. After all, it is a human life. But in your current state, I really can't take you to find him alone in such a dangerous tomb. My plan now is to go first Lift the curse on you, and then send you away from this tomb."

Having said this, Zhang Hao raised his chin and gestured for Professor Liang's position.

"Everyone's life counts. If Professor Liang doesn't break the curse, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for long. Don't worry, I will come back alone when the time comes, and I will take Qin Daniu out no matter what. .”

When Zhang Hao said this, he also prepared for the worst, and pondered for a while.

"Live to see people, die to see corpses..."

As soon as Zhang Hao said these words, the atmosphere in the tomb immediately became heavy.

You must know that it has been a long time since Qin Daniu disappeared. In such a strange tomb, whether he can survive alone is still unknown.

Director Zhao naturally knew Zhang Hao's pressure, and he couldn't bear to look away.

"Zhang Hao, I know you really have no obligation to do this for us, and we don't understand this, so just do as you say, but I still beg you, if you can save Daniel, please do it."

The other little policemen also knew that this kind of thing was really embarrassing for Zhang Hao. Although they all had tears in their eyes, they still thanked Zhang Hao.

"Brother Hao, I know that our group of people can only do you a disservice in the tomb. Don't worry, we will definitely follow your arrangement in the future."

"Yes, Brother Hao, you must be more careful when you come back alone. If Brother Daniu can save him, it's up to you."

"Brother Hao, Brother Danniu is really a very good person. His mother is the only one left in his family. If his mother knows that something happened to him here, she may not live long. Brother Hao, please. "

The atmosphere in the ancient tomb became increasingly gloomy. Zhang Hao stood up and held the thunder calamity wooden hammer in his hand tightly.

"Don't worry, I'm afraid it's more convenient for me to be alone in the ancient tomb. I will definitely try my best to bring Qin Daniu back."

(End of this chapter)

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