Chapter 287 Finding Clues
"Zhang Hao, we won't be polite to you here anymore. You can see when it's convenient to send us people out."

"I'm afraid Professor Liang's body still needs to rest. We can only cause trouble for you in the tomb. The curse on us has been lifted, so naturally it's time for us to leave."

Everything Director Zhao said was from the bottom of his heart. Zhang Hao nodded and confirmed the next time.

"Your mental state has improved a lot. Without further ado, let's set off now. It's not far from where we left last time. Don't worry, since I can save you, I will definitely be able to save you. Qin Daniu."

No one had any objections, they naturally believed in Zhang Hao now.

He followed Zhang Hao obediently and walked outside.

After the weird patterns on his body completely disappeared, everyone's worries were gone, and even his movements became much faster.

They had walked this road back and forth many times, so they were somewhat familiar with it, and their speed was more than twice as fast as before.

Looking at the light not far away, Zhang Hao reminded the people behind him.

"It should be shortly after noon. You should follow the path we took when we first went down the mountain. Remember that there are some taboos in the mountain. Don't do the things I warned you before."

Zhang Hao ordered with some worry.

He still hasn't figured out what kind of secrets there are in the mountains of Qinling Mountains.

What's more, this group of people are exhausted physically and mentally. If something really happens in the mountains, everyone who Zhang Hao spent so much time to rescue may really be in trouble.

Professor Liang and Director Zhao naturally understood Zhang Hao's concern for them.

"Don't worry, Zhang Hao, we will definitely be careful. You must also pay attention to safety in the tomb. Although Daniel is a good boy, I absolutely cannot bear to let you lose your life for him."

When Zhang Hao heard what Director Zhao said, he started to complain in his heart.

You must know that Zhang Hao stayed here not only to save Qin Daniu, but also for a more important reason - for some reason he felt that there must be a bigger secret in this tomb.

What they had seen before was just the tip of the iceberg.

With this group of people, he had no way to carefully explore what was going on in the tomb. Now he was the only one left. Even if he saved Qin Daniu's life and took him with him, he only had to protect one person.

Compared with before, this kind of pressure is not just a small amount for Zhang Hao.

However, Zhang Hao just kept these small thoughts in his heart, and still pretended to be very polite when he said to everyone.

"Don't worry, you should hurry down the mountain now. The yin energy on your body is already heavy. If you stay in the mountain at night, I'm afraid you will attract some bad things. Wait for me at the foot of the mountain. Don't worry, I will be safe. He came back with Qin Daniu."

When everyone heard what Zhang Hao said, they naturally didn't dare to waste too much time here, so they nodded and walked down the mountain.

Zhang Hao looked at the exhausted people, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and then stopped them.

"I'm really worried about you guys looking like this, but now that time is urgent, I naturally can't send you down the mountain. How about this -" Zhang Hao was halfway through his words, and then he took out a tiger from his pocket. This is what he said before. Zhang Hao gave the documentary filmmakers their tricks.

"If you encounter anything weird or notice something is wrong, just lift the tiger above your head and burn them to ashes."

Professor Liang and Director Zhao looked at each other, and then very carefully took the weapon from Zhang Hao's hand.

"Zhang Hao...this is..."

There was a little fear in Professor Liang's eyes. You must know that he had encountered too many strange things in the tomb, and now that he was being asked to take the initiative to provoke them, he really couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

Director Zhao also knew that now was not the time to explain so much, so he hurriedly snatched the talisman from Professor Liang's hand, put it in his arms, and nodded to Zhang Hao.

"Don't worry, Zhang Hao, we will be careful when we go down the mountain. What's more, it's daytime and logically nothing will happen. You can go in quickly. Don't worry about us."

There was only so much Zhang Hao could do now. After nodding, he turned around and left without hesitation, entering the tomb again.

Director Zhao looked at Zhang Hao walking alone into the darkness, wiped the tears that could not help but seep out of the corners of his eyes, waved to the people behind him, supported each other and walked down the mountain.


Zhang Hao walked very carefully in the tomb. Through these repeated entries, he had already sketched out the general shape of the entire tomb in his mind.

You must know that there are only so many areas where Qin Daniu can move around in the tomb, and no trace of Qin Daniu was found among the nests of the strange birds.

Therefore, Zhang Hao thought in his heart that Qin Daniu might have been pecked on the neck by those strange birds just like Director Zhao at the beginning. He accidentally fainted in a shadow in the tomb and was ignored by them in their panic.

Zhang Hao increased his speed even more. You must know that being alone and in a coma, passing out in this tomb is not good news.

Although the owner of the tomb has been temporarily controlled by him with the red rope, who knows what other monsters are in the tomb. If Qin Daniu is really eaten as food, he will probably eat it dry. It was so clean that not even the bones and dregs were left.

Zhang Hao's movements also became faster and faster. Without the obstruction of the group of people behind him, he could concentrate more on walking in the tomb.

In just a moment, he saw something on a living person in the shadow of the side tomb next to the tomb—a piece of broken clothing.

Zhang Hao curled his lips and knew that his judgment would be correct.

Zhang Hao stepped forward and picked up the pieces of Qin Daniu's clothes on the ground.

Zhang Hao couldn't help but sigh to himself, if Xiaobai was here now, he would definitely be able to use these fragments to help him find traces of Qin Daniu.

But it is useless to say so much now. According to his reasoning, Qin Daniu should be not far from here. You must know that they met here very quickly in the first place. Those strange birds are not that powerful at all. , can make a living person disappear completely under Zhang Hao's nose.

Zhang Hao slowly exhaled a breath and became more focused.

(End of this chapter)

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