Chapter 291 Exploring new secrets
"Brother Zhang Hao, are these for me? What are these? How to use them? Will I become as powerful as you after using them?"

After Qin Daniu finished speaking, his eyes immediately burst with excitement. Who knows who doesn't have a martial arts dream in their hearts. If they can really be as powerful as Brother Zhang Hao, they will have something to brag about in the future.

Zhang Hao was not as relaxed as Qin Daniu. He stared at Qin Daniu closely and told him clearly how powerful he was in the tomb.

"Qin Daniu, are you really sure? We have encountered many dangers in the tomb before, but these are nothing compared to what I have done."

"Although I can assure you that I will do my best to ensure your safety, I am still not sure whether I can bring you out of the tomb safely."

When Zhang Hao said this, he also saw the remaining tricks in Qin Daniu's hands. He seemed to be answering Qin Daniu's question just now and nodded to him.

"These things are indeed for you. I didn't expect you to want to accompany me in the tomb. These are the treasures I made before entering the mountain, so that you can be protected by the ghost in the mountain. "

When Qin Daniu heard what Zhang Hao said, he immediately felt a chill when he looked at the things in his hands. He could neither take them nor throw them.

"No, Brother Hao, what on earth is this? Let me tell you the truth, well... It's already so late now and I'm afraid I'll be scared half to death if I leave you and go back to the foot of the mountain alone. I might as well follow you honestly."

Qin Daniu naturally knew that Zhang Hao said so much out of consideration for his life safety, so he patted his chest and assured Zhang Hao.

"Brother Hao, don't worry. Not to mention that I, Daniel, am a courageous person. Even if I encounter any danger in the tomb, I will never flinch. If I mean just in case, I will not back down." Maybe I can help you with anything."

"Even if I really die from this, it can only mean that my life is not good this year, and it has nothing to do with you, Brother Hao."

Zhang Hao looked at Qin Daniu, who looked sincere and determined, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. In this case, he still chose to respect Qin Daniu's ideas.

"Well, since you choose to stay with me, I will do my best to ensure your safety no matter what."

After Zhang Hao finished speaking, he couldn't help but remind Qin Daniu.

"But I still have to say it first. In this tomb, you cannot act on your own. All arrangements are subject to my command."

When Qin Daniu heard Lin Hao's promise, his face was naturally filled with joy and he nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry, Brother Hao, no matter what you say, I will agree. I will follow you honestly and be your ponyboy."

When Zhang Hao heard Qin Daniu say this, a smile appeared on his face, and he made three pacts to Qin Daniu.

"First of all, don't make any noise when you encounter something strange, so as not to attract ghosts."

"Second, don't touch everything in this tomb out of curiosity, lest you accidentally enter the dark room like before, set yourself on fire, and produce any weird patterns. Then I won't have so much time to solve such problems. Trouble."

"Third, you also know that things like this must not be told to outsiders except you and me. Even if Director Zhao and your biological mother ask you about these things, don't reveal them easily, otherwise you will The cause and effect will also rub off on other people, so as not to harm them.”

These three points mentioned by Zhang Hao are all top priorities.

Especially the last point, if the secrets in the tomb are spread by Qin Daniu, more people will be attracted into it.Not to mention whether they can get out of here safely, but if they disturb the peace of the tomb owner among the priests and cause any riots, Zhang Hao will not come here again to clean up the mess.

Qin Daniu is also a sensible person.

He knew what Zhang Hao was worried about in his heart.

"Brother Hao, don't worry. As long as I go out, I will pretend that I have never heard of or seen everything that happened in the tomb. Even if the king of heaven comes and threatens me with his life, I will never It won’t be revealed.”

When Zhang Hao heard Qin Daniu's assurance, he looked at him with childlike sincerity in his eyes and nodded.

Anyway, if Qin Daniu dares to reveal it, he will naturally have his own way to shut him up forever.

Zhang Hao patted Qin Daniu on the shoulder and motioned for him to turn around.

"Look at the wound on your neck behind you?"

Qin Daniu was naturally very obedient. He pulled his collar and exposed his shoulders to Zhang Han, even though he couldn't see it himself, he still said comfortingly to Zhang Hao.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhang Hao. I've been injured more seriously than this before. As a police officer, there will definitely be bumps and bruises. I don't take this trivial matter lightly. Your matter is more important. We'd better get there as soon as possible. Let’s go and don’t worry about me.”

Zhang Hao didn't take Qin Daniu's polite words to heart and carefully checked the wound on his neck.

But as expected of a young man, after this period of recovery, the wound was only a two-centimeter hole, but with the gradual absorption of those feathers, a lot of recovery had been made.

Zhang Hao looked at the time, made a plan in his heart, and said to Qin Daniu.

"Before, I was anxious because I always wanted to send you out before the sun goes down. But now we are destined to spend the night in the tomb. There is no use in worrying. Let's rest here for half an hour. You After the wound on the neck has completely recovered, we are exploring inside."

When Qin Daniu heard what Zhang Hao said, he opened his mouth to say something, but thinking of the three chapters of agreement between Zhang Hao and him, he honestly shut his mouth and sat aside to rest.

Zhang Hao likes to act with such obedient people.

He just carefully checked that there was no danger around him, and then he sat on the ground and closed his eyes to rest. However, his mental state was always tense, and he relied on his hearing to observe the surrounding environment.

Time passed quickly, half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, Zhang Hao stood up from the ground very neatly, patted the dust on his butt, and said to Qin Daniu.

"Okay, the time is almost up now. Let's move forward. What we may encounter next may not be as easy to handle as before."

When Qin Daniu heard what Zhang Hao said, he didn't even have any fear in his eyes. Instead, he nodded to Zhang Hao with excitement and followed Zhang Hao closely.

(End of this chapter)

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