Chapter 293 Ghost Baby
The monster walked forward very slowly, and from time to time it would poke its head towards Zhang Hao and Qin Daniu, whose shape had long been indistinguishable.

It seems that some traces have been found, but they are very uncertain.

Zhang Hao and Qin Daniu completely held their breath, not daring to reveal the slightest bit, lest the huge monster in front of them find them.

The ghost sniffed hard, shook the sarcoma on his belly with some determination, and walked forward without any discovery for a moment.

Just when Zhang Hao wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, he discovered that things were not that simple. He actually saw an umbilical cord that was being stretched continuously on the monster's belly, and there was a medium-sized baby behind it. red coffin.

There was a sound of "dong dong dong dong" coming from inside the coffin.

Only then did Zhang Hao understand where the knocking sounds he heard before came from.

The ghost had also walked forward for a certain distance. Just when the coffin appeared above the heads of Zhang Hao and Qin Daniu, the coffin that originally seemed to be very solid suddenly revealed a few gaps, and a baby-sized baby protruded from it. The fingers, but in the impression that the baby's new fair skin had already turned blue and purple.

Zhang Hao suddenly felt something bad, and saw that the gap on the red coffin became wider and wider, and even a half-sized head about the size of a baby poked out.

"Keke... I found you guys..."

The ghost, who had already walked a long way away, heard the baby's piercing cry and immediately turned back. The head, whose shape had long been indistinguishable, suddenly split open its mouth and eyes, and its fangs suddenly sprouted out.

Zhang Hao patted Qin Daniu's shoulder hard. Under this situation, he no longer cared so much.

"The two of us were discovered by him, run away quickly."

After Zhang Hao finished speaking, he kept swinging his arms and crawling forward with his body.

As the two of them advanced, the corridor became wider and wider. The two of them could even walk semi-upright, so that the speed was not slow, and at least they could briefly escape the pursuit of the ghost behind them.

"'s fun, it's fun...catch them, catch them!"

The baby was giving orders to the monster in front of him like a master. The ghost, which had already moved some distance away, seemed to be inspired, and its speed increased by more than a little.

No matter how hard Qin Daniu's physical strength was, there was no way he could compare with Zhang Hao. As time went by, his fatigue also showed. In addition, the speed of the ghost increased a lot, and the distance between the two people was almost the same. Getting closer.

Zhang Hao looked at the faint light in front of him. Just when he was about to turn around and remind Qin Daniu, he saw a very scary scene.

I saw the ghost, whose speed had increased a lot, grabbed Qin Daniu's right foot fiercely, and then bit Qin Daniu's ankle with its fangs. Qin Daniu seemed to want to move forward. He called for help, but the ghost was very fast and instantly pulled him into the darkness.

That is to say, Zhang Hao would have turned around during this time, otherwise Qin Daniu would have quietly disappeared again.

Zhang Hao hurriedly grabbed Qin Daniu's outstretched arm, bit his fingertips violently, and drew a yellow talisman in the air with his fingers behind Qin Daniu.

"The demons and monsters live long and live forever, the stars sparkle in Liaoyang, and the ghosts along the long road are broken and broken!"

As Zhang Hao's command came out, Qin Daniu's body also emitted a faint golden light. The effect of this golden light on the ghosts was very obvious.Zhang Hao heard the ear-piercing screams coming from behind him. The ghost that originally grabbed Qin Daniu's right foot also immediately let go of his hand. There seemed to be a huge gap between the two people, and they instantly separated each other. Separated.

Zhang Hao did not waste this little gap time. He half-bent and completely pulled Qin Daniu out of this dark corridor. After the very dangerous scene just now, the two people collapsed on the ground.

In the corridor in front of them, there were constant sounds of the monster moving back and forth, as well as the sound of the ghost baby knocking on the coffin, but they seemed to have no way of noticing the anger that was constantly coming from Zhang Hao and Qin Daniu.

The monster had a very low IQ and wanted to stick its head out, but as soon as it was illuminated by the dark lights in the tomb, a harsh scream came out.

Then he quickly stretched his head back.

Even in such a scene, Zhang Hao did not dare to take Qin Daniu to act rashly. As time went by, the monster seemed to realize that it had no way to leave the corridor, so it dragged the monster behind him The coffin moved forward.

"'s so fun, brother, I want to play together next time."

Zhang Hao vaguely heard the voice of the ghost baby, but it was no longer the time to talk about this.

Zhang Hao quickly took out another yellow talisman from his body, and then stuck it tightly to the exit of the corridor.

Although he expected that the ghost would not come out, it would be good to have an extra layer of protection.

Qin Daniu still couldn't wake up from the horrific incident just now. He didn't even care about the pain in his blackened ankle, and just stared at Zhang Hao blankly.

After Zhang Hao finished handling everything, he came to Qin Daniu's side, casually took out the thunder tribulation wooden hammer in his right hand, and gently knocked on his snare drum.

Zhang Hao originally controlled the strength of his hand, and the thunder tribulation wooden hammer only made a small sound, but it was this sound that completely shook Qin Daniu's soul back.

Qin Daniu finally woke up from the horrific incident, took a shaky breath, and then looked at Zhang Hao in front of him with fear in his eyes.

"Ahhh! Brother Zhang Hao, what is that thing? What on earth is it? My feet, my feet, my feet!"

Qin Daniu hurriedly brought his right foot to his chest, and the wound on it had turned black. Only then did Qin Daniu feel the pain, and he couldn't even control the tears flowing from his eyes, with a look on his face. He said urgently to Zhang Hao asking for help.

"Brother Hao, I beg you, please help me. Is my leg going to be useless?"

Zhang Hao held Qin Daniu's shoulders tightly and hit him hard twice on the face.

"Qin Daniu, calm down now, calm down and listen to me."

Zhang Hao had already checked Qin Daniu's injuries just now, and he could clearly tell that the wounds were just burns caused by Yin Qi, and there was no actual damage.

"You are an adult now, and your body is full of yang energy. Don't worry, the wound scratched by the ghost is not deep, so you will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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