My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 295 Giving birth to a ghost and giving birth to a child

Chapter 295 Giving birth to a ghost and giving birth to a child
"So, as long as we escape into this tomb, we can completely escape their pursuit."

When Qin Daniu heard what Zhang Hao said, his anxious heart finally let go.

You must know that even if there was no movement for such a long time, when Qin Daniu looked at the corridor, he still unconsciously felt a lot of fear in his heart.

These fears caused the wounds on his legs to sting.

Even if he kept brainwashing himself, he still couldn't completely dissipate this fear. Now that he got a definite answer from Zhang Hao, he could finally feel relieved.

Qin Daniu seemed to have thought of something, the fear in his eyes became more and more obvious, and the black air on the wound on his leg couldn't stop moving upwards.

"Brother Hao, what happened to that huge monster at the end and the coffin behind him?"

Qin Daniu seemed to have expressed the biggest fear in his heart, breathing heavily on the spot.

Zhang Hao came over and patted his back gently. The warmth on Zhang Hao's body gave Qin Daniu confidence. The expression on his face also softened a lot, and the black paint on his legs stopped moving upward.

Zhang Hao stared at the murals and explained to Qin Daniu.

"I really didn't know what it was at first, but after looking at these murals, I seemed to understand a little bit."

The murals on the wall tell the story of this group of craftsmen who worked hard to build this imperial mausoleum.

Those craftsmen had already anticipated their own death, but they were afraid that even death would become unclear and unclear, so they secretly built such a tomb during construction.

The mural above was also carefully carved by them in stolen time. The group of resentful ghosts should be the resentment transformed by hundreds of dead craftsmen. As for the last resentful ghost——

"That's a female ghost. To put it more carefully, I'm afraid it's a childbirth ghost."

Qin Daniu rested most of his weight on Zhang Hao's legs, and the fear in his eyes was gradually replaced by curiosity.

"Brother Zhang Hao, what exactly is a birth ghost?"

Zhang Hao slowly explained to him.

"Logically speaking, these craftsmen should all be men, but I don't know what happened. Thousands of years ago, a woman sneaked in, and she was already pregnant. I don't know how she got there. She survived in this place in this way, but - she also died in this tomb in the end."

When Qin Daniu heard what Zhang Hao said, he raised his head and asked him.

"Then he gave birth to the child after he became a ghost?"

After Qin Daniu finished speaking, he couldn't help but shake his body. He felt that the air around him became colder.

Zhang Hao shook his head and said speculatively.

"I'm afraid it's not like this. I speculate that the woman should have volunteered to be buried here. I'm afraid her husband is one of the craftsmen."

"That's why she gave birth to the child in the tomb, and even prepared a coffin for the child whose birth was equal to death. As for why this woman became a birth ghost, I am afraid that she had difficulty giving birth and was buried alive here, so That’s why it became what it is now.”

After Zhang Hao finished speaking, he sighed heavily. No matter what, these are a group of miserable people.

After Qin Daniu listened, he nodded to Zhang Hao, but he asked Zhang Hao with some worry.

"Brother Hao, is there no way to deal with such ghosts? Except for the spell you drew." Zhang Hao shook his head and answered him.

"Actually, the thing that female ghosts who died in childbirth are most afraid of is an open umbrella. However, I didn't expect to encounter such a thing in the tomb, so I didn't prepare in advance. Don't worry, we should go out I won’t take this path again.”

Qin Daniu carefully remembered all these taboos in his heart, so that if he really encounters such things in the future, he can easily distinguish them.

Zhang Hao patted Qin Daniu's shoulder and motioned for him to stand up.

"Okay, it's almost done now, let's move forward."

Zhang Hao felt that he was getting closer and closer to the secrets of the Qinling Mountains. You must know that the traces of artificial carvings in this tomb have gradually become less and less. I am afraid that if he goes some distance further, he will be able to feel the breath of the mountains.

After Qin Daniu listened to these stories, the fear in his heart also dissipated a lot. He stood up from the ground very quickly, and the two of them continued to walk forward.

There is a small passage next to it, which at least allows the two of them to walk upright.

Zhang Hao had already given all the flashlights in his hands to Professor Liang and Director Zhao. He very carefully took out the matches and candles from his backpack.

One of the lit ones was handed to Qin Daniu behind him.

Qin Daniu's eyes were full of doubts. He patted his pocket and reminded Zhang Hao.

"Brother Hao, why are you only lighting one candle? I still have a flashlight here. Is yours out of power? Do you want me to give you this? The lighting of this candle here is really too weak."

Zhang Hao slowly shook his head, without looking back, and continued to move forward.

"This candle was originally meant for you. I can distinguish the things around me with my eyes by holding it alone."

Qin Daniu frowned, really not understanding the deep meaning of Zhang Hao's words.

"Do you remember where we are now?"

Qin Daniu naturally knew that. He even looked at Zhang Hao with some doubts, suspecting that the question was a bit too simple. He scratched his head in embarrassment and answered him carefully.

"Aren't you in the ancient tomb now?"

Zhang Hao nodded and reminded him.

"We are naturally in a tomb. Candles are originally a thing that connects the world of hell and earth. A flashlight may deceive you, but a candle will never do it."

"I also want to remind you that the things that can cast shadows with candles here are people, and the things that cannot cast shadows are ghosts. You have to be careful to distinguish them."

Qin Daniu was so aroused by Zhang Hao's words that he had goosebumps all over his body. He kept poking his shoulders and said to Zhang Hao.

"Brother Zhang Hao, you... you must not scare me. I am timid to begin with. Besides, as long as I follow you honestly, I will definitely not encounter any big problems. Right Bar?"

Zhang Hao turned around and put his head under the candle. The candlelight left Zhang Hao's shadow on the wall, but with the flow of air in the tomb, the candlelight on the candle kept dancing.

(End of this chapter)

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