Chapter 316 Entering the Deep Mountains
"This is baby."

Little Aman stroked the little snake in his hand with some joy, a hint of reverence flashed in his eyes.

"I just don't know why, my little basilisk is weird."

After hearing this, Zhang Hao suddenly became interested.

"Why do you say little basilisk?"

Snakes are supposed to be very humane. Although they are cold-blooded animals, they will be extremely loyal once they identify an owner.

In many cases, these so-called cold-blooded animals are more reliable than humans.

Xiao Aman pursed his lips, "Every night, the little snakes always struggle to run out. I was afraid that they would get lost, so Zhang Hao and the others locked them up, but recently they have been struggling more and more fiercely." .”

Zhang Hao's heart skipped a beat, and he felt something was wrong.

In addition to his super personal strength, he also has a keen sixth sense.

He knew in his heart that these two little snakes were definitely going to do big things.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao suddenly spoke.

"Do you want to figure out why the little snake behaves like this?"

In fact, Zhang Hao didn't expect to get the other party to agree at first. Only after he saw the hesitant expression on Xiao Aman's face did he persuade him again.

"Do you just want your little snake to be in such a restless mood every day?"

"If this continues for a long time, it will be very bad for the little snake."

Obviously, Zhang Hao's words successfully attracted the other party's attention.

Little Aman nodded solemnly, "Okay, I agree!"

"I just want to find out what happened to these two little snakes!"

In their place, everyone keeps snakes, and everyone treats these little snakes like treasures.

"In that case, then come to my room tonight."

The two of them agreed on all this directly.

At night, Zhang Hao also came to Xiao Aman's room.

He pointed at the two soft little snakes lying on his body with a melancholy expression.

"They've been like this for the past few nights. They don't feel energetic at all."

Zhang Hao stretched out his hand and fiddled with it. They didn't even have the ability to resist. They felt like a little snake that had been slaughtered.

"In about a quarter of an hour, something will happen to them."

Because Zhang Hao came to help him solve the problem this time, Xiao Aman did not lock up the two snakes.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Zhang Hao only felt that his days were like years.

When the clock returned at the last second of the countdown, I saw these two soft little snakes suddenly froze up.

The little snake burrowed directly out of the window.

Because Zhang Hao was fast enough, he kept up with them. Little Aman stamped his feet behind him in panic.

"Wait for me, wait for me!"

Xiao Aman said anxiously, "Why are you so fast?"

It was already dark now, everything was pitch black, and little Aman couldn't see anything.

But relying on his inner feeling for the two snakes, he also chased them out.

Zhang Hao was very fast and he caught up with him almost instantly.

The two snakes went directly into the mountains, and before they knew it, they got into an ancient tomb.

By the time Zhang Hao reacted, he had already seen two snakes entering the ancient tomb.

Just when he was still hesitating whether to catch up, a fleshy little guy suddenly jumped into his arms.

Naturally, he could see who it was at a glance.

"How did you come here?"

Zhang Hao didn't expect that Xiao Aman was so fast. In just one breath, the other party had already chased him.

"There is telepathy between me and the little snake, so I know the other person's location in advance."

Little Aman did not look triumphant, but looked at Zhang Hao worriedly. "Are you OK?"

Zhang Hao shook his head and turned to look inside the ancient tomb.

"Have you been to this place before?"

From what he could spy, there was only one road here.

Moreover, there is telepathy between Xiao Aman and the two snakes. If he really loses track of them, he can still find the specific location by relying on each other.

Little Aman opened his mouth and was about to say something, but the topic suddenly changed when the words came to his lips.

"I feel the two little snakes seem to be very happy?"

Little Aman's ability to describe is limited and he doesn't know what to say.

He always felt that this was a bit strange.

How could two little snakes be happy after entering such a dangerous place?
"I have never been to this ancient tomb before, but I heard they said there is a tomb in the back mountain. Once you go in, you can't get out."

"It is impossible for ordinary people to find this cemetery, because it is only open to those who are destined."

The moment the words fell, Zhang Hao was dumbfounded.

Only open to those who are destined?
Do you consider yourself a destined person or a person without destiny?
He vaguely felt that this matter did not have much to do with him, and perhaps it was inseparable from Xiao Aman.

Maybe he just happened by chance.

Xiao Aman's walking speed was so slow that when Zhang Hao took one step, he could still take several steps backwards with his calves.

He immediately picked him up and walked towards the depths of the ancient tomb.

Before walking far, he saw a straight avenue appearing in front of him.

This avenue seemed to be almost a kilometer away, and Zhang Hao could see the light shining in front of him from a distance.

"There seems to be an exit in front? Or is there a light there?"

Xiao Aman said something confused.

Zhang Hao's mouth twitched, this is an ancient tomb!

"Silly boy, how could there be lights in the ancient tomb?"

He patted the other party's head gently, held little Aman under his arm, and walked directly forward.

But what he didn't expect was that the moment they stepped onto this straight avenue, they heard a clicking sound.

Zhang Hao thought he heard wrongly, stopped, frowned and listened carefully.

"what sound?"

He turned his head and glanced at Xiao Aman, and found that the other person also had a solemn expression.

"It seems like there's some mechanism making a clicking sound?"

The moment he finished speaking, Zhang Hao saw the passage slowly moving.

He thought he was wrong.

But when he calmed down and observed carefully, he discovered that the channels were actually merging at a slow speed! !

"Come on!"

Zhang Hao opened his mouth to say something, but the next second he remembered that little Aman was trapped under his arm.

He didn't know if the other party had discovered what was going on here, but now he had no time to explain anything to the other party.

"Why are you running so fast?"

Little Aman spoke in surprise.

And when Zhang Hao started running, the speed of the merger of this passage became faster.

Even though Xiao Aman is a fool, he understands the current situation.

They are going to die soon! !
"Ah, run, run!"

After a brief scream, he quickly maintained his composure, gritting his teeth and tugging at the corner of his clothes, fearing that his scream would affect Zhang Hao.

"Don't worry, just run out."

He looked solemn and sped up his legs.

(End of this chapter)

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