Zhang Xun was trying hard to hold his breath, but after a while he felt that he couldn't take a breath and almost fainted on the spot.

Before any monsters noticed his efforts, he quickly took a deep breath.

However, it was because of these actions that he was discovered again and again.

He was so panicked that he even worried whether Zhang Hao had run away secretly.

If Zhang Hao has really run away, wouldn't it be a dead end for him to stay in this place?

There was a trace of panic on his face, and his face was about to turn purple.

"Zhang Xun!"

Uncle Chen shouted towards the inside.

After he finished shouting, he just held his breath.

He made a lot of noise, but responded quickly, so he didn't cause much commotion.

"You just stand here, I'll go over and rescue the person first."

After hearing this, Uncle Chen's face showed a very solemn look.

"Don't get yourself caught up in it, be careful with everything."

Zhang Xun was always an extremely excessive person. To be honest, even if he died, it would not be a big deal.

But Zhang Hao is different. He has already sacrificed too much to save people.

If they still want to put the other party in danger now, then they are so inhuman.

After hearing these words, Zhang Hao did not speak, but reached out and patted the other party's body.

It's one thing whether the person can be saved, but it's another thing if these disgusting guys stand in front of him.

"I'll catch one alive for you so you can do research later."

Zhang Hao didn't say any nonsense and walked directly down. Uncle Chen didn't think Zhang Hao was joking.

He could feel that Zhang Hao was an upright and honest person. Since the other party said so, he could definitely do such a thing.

Uncle Chen held his breath and carefully put on a mask for himself.

It seems that he can block his breath in this way.

But I have to say that his move was indeed effective.

Those zombies immediately followed Zhang Hao and rushed forward. Because Zhang Hao was very fast, they lost track of them in almost seconds.

At this time, Uncle Chen felt what fear was.

But let's make peace with what we have come. Since he has already offered to come down, there is definitely no reason to run away. He gritted his teeth and persisted hard.

On the other end, Zhang Hao quickly rushed towards Zhang Xun's position. His speed was not slow, and he had reached the opponent's position in almost seconds.

"What have you done?"

When Zhang Hao saw the other party standing there, he couldn't help but scolded him loudly.

If the other party had just stayed there, so many things wouldn't have happened.

However, he was besieged by so many zombies, which proved that he was not waiting for him honestly, and most likely wanted to sneak away while he was away.

After Zhang Xun saw Zhang Hao, he was as happy as if he were seeing his parents.

Because he knew that Zhang Hao would not give up on him. "Help me, come and save me. These guys are a bit too scary. I just took a look and almost got killed by them!"

Of course Zhang Hao knew that what the other party was telling was not the truth, but now that people's lives were at stake, he did not want to quarrel with Zhang Xun.

"Take what you have in your hands and come with me."

There was a stick in the opponent's hand. Zhang Hao gritted his teeth and bled, smearing his own blood on the thing.

Zhang Xun looked at Zhang Hao's operation in confusion, and he was also afraid that Zhang Hao would let him bleed.

But Zhang Hao didn't do that. After cutting his finger, he applied it directly on the opponent's stick.

"Hurry up and hit them with this thing." As soon as he heard that he didn't have to bleed himself, he was instantly relieved and obeyed immediately.

It's not like he hasn't tried using this thing to attack zombies at first, but unfortunately it doesn't have any effect at all. These zombies seem to be invincible, and he can't bring any harm to them even if he attacks so hard. harm.

Originally, he wanted to tell Zhang Hao that this trick was useless, but then he thought about Zhang Hao. Since he did this, he must have his own reasons why he didn't try it.

Thinking of this, he waved the stick in his hand without hesitation and hit the nearest zombie.

Originally, he was already prepared to run away if the thing didn't work, but he didn't expect that after being hit, the zombie fell to the ground and started twitching.

Immediately afterwards, the other party turned into a streak of powder and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, he also felt a little shocked.

He really didn't expect Zhang Hao to be so powerful.

As a researcher, he naturally had a strong interest in Zhang Hao's blood. He wanted to know whether it was Zhang Hao's blood that could do this, or could anyone's blood do it?
Now was not the time to think about this. He decided to wait until it was safe to do the experiment. At worst, he would beg Zhang Hao to leave a guy to do the experiment.

Zhang Hao didn't know what he was thinking, because he himself was also working hard to attack these zombies.

His movements seemed to be much crisper and neater, and he easily beat these zombies to bloody heads.

In just a few minutes, more than half of these zombies had been lost.

Zhang Xun felt relieved for a moment and couldn't help but turn around to talk to Zhang Hao.

"It's really thanks to you. If it weren't for you, it would be difficult for me to escape. This credit belongs to you."

Although he said this, he also felt a little afraid of Zhang Hao in his heart.

The other party has such strong strength. If you want to get out from here, you still have to rely on him, but how should you escape without being dealt with by Zhang Hao?
Zhang Hao seemed to be aware of his thoughts and couldn't help but sneer.

"Do your job well and don't think of those crooked ideas."

"The people outside have been surrounded, do you think you can escape?"

Hearing this, his pupils were slightly startled.

"Have they gone out to call the police?"

He pretended to go to the toilet and didn't see this group of people when he came back, which proved that they were let go in advance by Zhang Hao.

I really didn't expect these people to call the police after going out. It's really embarrassing.

"I was only entrusted by others to save you. The people you tried so hard to kill still entrusted me to take you out safely. People like you really don't deserve their help."

While Zhang Hao was talking, he saw a zombie rushing towards Zhang Xun. He dodged and raised his hand to pull Zhang Xun to his side.

Zhang Xun didn't know what was going on at first, and his eyes were very ugly.

But it wasn't until he saw the zombies behind him that he patted his chest in fear. (End of chapter)

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