Li Siyu walked up to Zhang Hao and stood in a circle in front of him, showing off her figure.

"How is it? Does it look good?"

Naturally, I feel honored to have such a beautiful fiancée Zhang Hao.

He smiled and put a bright jade ring on Li Siyu's hand.

"very nice."

"Today all our friends and relatives bear witness to us that I, Zhang Hao, will be loyal to you for the rest of my life."

Li Siyu was very moved and immediately rushed forward and hugged Zhang Hao.

She didn't know what she should say. Sometimes the more excited a person is, the more words they have.


She nodded vigorously, feeling extremely shy in Zhang Hao's arms.

Everyone laughed and clapped, and they were all very moved. This pair was a match made in heaven.

Soon everyone was seated. The dishes prepared were all the characteristics of the village. So many men were extremely excited to eat.

Many of them were dishes they had never tasted before. From the beginning, everyone was a little cautious, but later they even started to grab them.

Zhang Hao looked at this scene with a smile, and felt extremely sighing in his heart.

very nice.

It’s great to be able to marry the woman you love home!
It’s great to have so many close friends!

It's a pity that he will leave again tomorrow to find some more important mountain treasures.

The place he was going to this time was even more dangerous and inaccessible. It would have taken several months for him to go there.

Zhang Hao is not afraid of being in danger, he is just afraid that he will go too long.

The two of them were considered newlyweds, and not seeing each other for one day felt like three autumns.

The thought of being away for so long made him feel a little melancholy.

Li Siyu seemed to feel Zhang Hao's emotions and held his hand tightly with her backhand.

"Don't worry."

"I will always be here waiting for you to come back."

Zhang Hao smiled and was very moved in his heart.

"it is good."

There was a look of emotion in his eyes, what more could a husband want from a wife?

The next day.

Zhang Hao packed his bags and walked out the door.

Behind him is Li Siyu in a nightgown.

"I am leaving."

Zhang Hao's voice was a little gloomy. He needed to leave this kind of life as soon as the sky began to light up, hoping it could end as soon as possible.

Zhang Hao didn't leave with anything. His backpack contained some dry food and necessary supplies. He strode away with the treasure rabbit in his arms.

Of course he knew that Li Siyu was watching him from behind, but he didn't dare to look back at all.

As a newlywed, how could he be willing to leave her alone at home?
It's just that he has his own mission and tasks, and he has to go this time.

He was afraid that he would not be able to let the other person go if he looked back.

However, not long after Zhang Hao left, a huge figure came up.

This time, Zhang Hao was fully focused on the road, and he naturally noticed the huge beast following behind him.

As he was walking, he suddenly stopped.

"You've been following me for so long, why don't you come out quickly?"

Zhang Hao's voice was light and no emotion could be heard.

At this moment, a white figure suddenly emerged from the grass and jumped directly to Zhang Hao's side.

Zhang Hao was hit by this fat guy and couldn't help but cough violently.Even a person with the best physical fitness would not be able to bear being hit by such a fat tiger.

"why you?"

Zhang Hao naturally recognized this tiger. When he saved the tiger, he had a very profound impression.


The tiger glanced at Zhang Hao. His eyes were not as sharp as the king of the forest, but full of stupidity and cuteness!

Zhang Hao even felt that this was not a tiger, but a cute and docile kitten.

"You followed me this far?"

Zhang Hao found the other party on another hilltop.


Obviously, this tiger has not evolved to the point where it can communicate with people, but the other party can understand Zhang Hao's meaning, so it can communicate simply.

"Why don't you stay in the mountains and come to me? The place I want to go to is not accessible to ordinary tigers."

Zhang Hao didn't know what the other party wanted to do, but he still explained patiently.

Tiger shook his head and nodded again, but Zhang Hao couldn't tell.

"Do you want to go with me?"

He didn't know what the situation was, so he asked tentatively.

Unexpectedly, the tiger immediately started cheering and seemed to sincerely want to follow him to that place.

"you sure?"

Zhang Hao's mouth twitched. He used to be able to fly alone, but now he is bringing a tiger with him. Isn't this asking for trouble?
He shook his head, "You are too big to come with me. I want to take human transportation. You..."

As soon as Zhang Hao finished speaking, the tiger suddenly shook its body and became smaller in an instant.

All the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat, and for a while he didn't know what to say.

He disliked the other party's big body, but now the tiger has become smaller.

I feel that it would be inappropriate for me not to take this tiger away now.

He also felt a little weird. If this tiger was so mysterious, why couldn't he speak?
"Now that you have become smaller, you have to pretend to be a kitten next, do you understand?"

This tiger meowed very obediently, and those who didn't know better would have thought it was a cat.

The rabbit in Zhang Hao's arms did not show any fear, but instead looked at it with interest.

Zhang Hao knew that this rabbit was extraordinary, but he didn't expect it to be so courageous.

Ordinary rabbits would be scared to death after seeing a tiger, but this rabbit was not only not afraid, but also very arrogant.

At this moment, the rabbit suddenly jumped on the tiger's head.

It moved, found a comfortable position, and lay down on the tiger's back.

Because the rabbit's body is so small, it will not fall even if it is lying on the tiger's back.

Zhang Hao's mouth twitched. This leather seat was quite comfortable.

He didn't say anything more, turned around and walked down the mountain.

Now that the other person has turned into the size of a kitten, he can apply for a pet certificate and bring the other person on the plane.

He knew many people, and it was not difficult to prepare quarantine certificates for cats and rabbits.

Four p.m.

Zhang Hao held a cat in his arms, a rabbit in his pocket, and entered the VIP waiting room with his schoolbag on his back.

This time the distance was quite far, so he had to take a plane.

Zhang Hao's outfit also attracted the attention of many people. They were all curious about how Zhang Hao took the animals on the plane.

"Ah, this handsome guy!"

A girl wearing Lolita clothes ran over and screamed at Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao was so irritated by the other party's sharp voice that his eardrums hurt. He subconsciously took a step back and looked at the woman with some vigilance. (End of chapter)

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