"Then how do you explain these two animals of his?"

He pointed at the cat lying next to Zhang Hao and licking its paws, "Don't tell me this thing can get on a plane."

"People say that tigers appear in Changbai Mountain. Is this white cat looking for a white tiger to identify as a relative?"

He sneered and teased, and his contemptuous attitude should not be too obvious.

"Why not?"

Zhang Hao slowly walked over with the tiger in his arms.

I really didn’t expect that this trip to Changbai Mountain would have such an unexpected incident at the beginning.

He had already anticipated how unique it would be next.

"This is a companion pet certification, and animals with this certification can be allowed on the plane."

"This is the seat I bought for them."

Zhang Hao waved the seat card in front of the other party and quickly put it away.

Zhou Yuan didn't know what to say for a moment, and left with his colleagues angrily.

And the woman in Lolita costume was hiding far away, not knowing what was happening.

At this time, the radio was also reminding me that boarding was about to end.

Zhang Hao then slowly got on the plane.

He was the last guest, and after boarding the plane, the aisle was closed directly.

When Zhang Hao found his position, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Sometimes people are just so unlucky.

The Lolita girl actually appeared next to her seat.

After a brief moment of silence, he also reacted.

The seat next to him has obviously been bought, so why is there still someone sitting there?
There were only four first-class seats, and in one of them sat a girl wearing a hat and sunglasses.

The other three positions were purchased by myself.

How come someone else is sitting on the seat I bought?
"Sorry, this position is mine."

Although Zhang Hao said something apologetic, his impatience could still be felt.

He didn't want to meet this woman again and again.

The woman glanced at Zhang Hao, then looked down at her position.

She remembered that her second brother said that there were two seats where you could sit wherever you wanted.

How could this person talk nonsense when he clearly did nothing wrong?
"Who said this position is yours? Do you have proof?"

"Stop talking nonsense about things without evidence, and stop talking nonsense here."

I saw this woman sitting down peacefully.

Zhang Hao saw a ticket on the other party's waist.

He didn't bother to talk nonsense and just pulled out the ticket.

After seeing the ticket again, he raised his hand and called the stewardess over.

"Hello, please help me drive this woman out."

After hearing this, the stewardess immediately glanced at the ticket Zhang Hao took out, and then at the ticket in the woman's hand.

"Sorry, madam, you bought economy class."

After taking a careful look at the ticket, the stewardess had a strange expression on her face.

"It's really strange, why is this ticket stamped, saying that it can travel in first class..."

The stewardess checked their tickets and said, "Obviously all the first class seats are sold out."

The woman is a little puzzled.

"It's sold out, aren't there still two empty seats?"

The planes had already started taxiing, and it was obvious that there wouldn't be any more passengers.

"This spot belongs to Mr. Cat and Ms. Rabbit."

The flight attendant pointed to the two tickets in her hand, "They also purchased first-class seats."

The woman just thought it was so ridiculous.

But for a moment I didn't know what to say. "So the person who just came here to trouble me is your brother, right?"

Zhang Hao smiled and said, "I will file a complaint against you."

The woman was panicked, cursed a crazy person and returned to her seat.

Zhang Hao was speechless all the way, but he had a good sleep.

When he got off the plane, he didn't forget to complain to the airport staff.

The other party made it clear that he was deliberately looking for trouble for him. How could he give this guy any face?

After getting off the plane, he left the airport directly holding the two little ones in his arms.

As he was leaving, he saw many enthusiastic fans cheering non-stop at the airport pick-up gate, as if they were waiting for their idol.

But Zhang Hao didn't care so much and took a taxi to leave.

Another first-class guest also slowly got off the plane.

Originally, first-class customers were eligible to leave first, but the other party waited until the end.

"Ahhh! Goddess Goddess!"

"Goddess, it's so great that you are here! I can see you filming again!"

"We are looking forward to this tomb robbing drama. We hope to see you perform well!"

After seeing the fans, the woman took off her sunglasses and hat and waved to everyone.

And the woman who just tried to grab a first-class seat was named Zhou Qing.

She looked at Zhang Hao's leaving back with a calm expression, a trace of hatred flashed in her eyes.

She heard Zhang Hao complain about her brother!

Zhang Hao was not idle all the way and took a taxi directly to the Changbai Mountain Scenic Area.

This scenic spot is overcrowded all year round.

People who come here not only come for the scenery, but also for all kinds of book lovers.

Zhang Hao is the only exception. He is here for the treasure here.

Because Zhang Hao is holding a cat in his arms, although it is not big, it can still attract the attention of many people.

He bought a jacket at the foot of the mountain and a few sets of cotton-padded clothes.

"Handsome guy, do you want to buy two sets for your animals? Even though the weather is hot now, it will be cold after we go up the mountain!"

"You two little animals are really cute. Although we don't have rabbit clothes here, we can buy one for the cat."

Zhang Hao was stunned after hearing the other party's sales pitch.

He didn't know whether the two animals could withstand the cold temperatures.

But just to be on the safe side, it’s better to buy the other party a set.

"There's no need for this rabbit, you can hide from me."

Zhang Hao tied up the clothes and stuffed them into his bag. These clothes were made of compressed down and did not take up much space when folded.

After he bought all the supplies, the store saw that he was a big customer and couldn't help but give him a hiking stick.

He was carrying a large bag of cats and rabbits, and looked like a solo mountain climber.

After purchasing the tickets, Zhang Hao saw the crowd lined up like a long snake at a glance.

He didn't want to crowd in with everyone, but there was only one way up the mountain.

Other places were sealed off, and it was impossible for him to break in without disobeying official orders.

In order to prevent those wild animals from going down the mountain, they installed iron nets, and Zhang Hao didn't want to take the risk.

After entering the new area, the situation will be better, and he can follow those roads into the mountains.

At this moment, a little fat man waved to Zhang Hao.

"Brother, I have a road up the mountain here, do you want to take it?"

The fat man seemed to see that Zhang Hao was alone, so he took the initiative to make a sales pitch.

"Isn't there only one way up here? Is there any other way for you?"

Zhang Hao glanced at him and realized that he must be the black tour guide here.

If he really has a way to go, then he wouldn't mind asking him to be his guide. (End of chapter)

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