"When the time comes, you have to go and bring me some wild rabbits. When the pheasants come back, it's best to catch some pheasants."

The taste of pheasant is good, and it is much more delicious than the ordinary pheasants that are sold at very high prices.

Bai Hu suddenly trembled after hearing this. He actually saw the warning and threat in Zhang Hao's eyes.

He knew very well that if he couldn't find enough food, Zhang Hao would probably deal with him severely.

Song Chengfeng looked at Bai Hu and couldn't help but laugh. He felt that Zhang Hao was thinking a little too much.

Can a small cat catch pheasants and hares?Isn't this just a joke?
However, he just smiled mockingly on the surface, but in his heart he had no intention of making fun of the cat.

"Okay, okay, then I'll listen to you. We'll see what we eat when the time comes. If it doesn't work, I can go catch it."

Zhang Hao didn't say anything. He looked calm, wolfed down a steamed bun and walked forward.

"Wait for me!"

The old man walked forward while eating, quickly catching up with Zhang Hao. There was a hint of excitement in his eyes, and he was even more looking forward to the next journey up the mountain.

Zhang Hao was not idle along the way. He asked the treasure hunter to observe the surroundings diligently, making sure to find traces of those mountain treasures.

At first, he did take a lot of ginseng and shouwu and other treasures, but now there is no need.

The genius treasures he needs have already been prepared, so there is no need to use these resources anymore.

So after encountering these things on the road, Zhang Hao subconsciously ignored them, and even helped them cover up and have a hiding place in this world.

"300 meters ahead to the right!"

The treasure-hunting rabbit suddenly became excited, and he thought he had encountered some treasure.

Zhang Hao was also a little excited. He and the Treasure Rabbit had been getting along for such a long time, so he naturally knew what the rabbit was thinking.

The other party is an extremely calm rabbit. Even if he encounters some treasure, he will not be so excited.

But now this rabbit is so excited that it's hard to express.

Zhang Hao always felt that there was something very important ahead.

"I can feel that there is a very powerful treasure in front of me, but I can't feel what it is. You have to go and study it yourself to know what it is."

The Treasure Rabbit can't wait to know what is attracting him.

Zhang Hao was a little itchy by the other party's appearance, and he also had a trace of curiosity in his heart.

"There are good things ahead. I want to go there. If you want to come with me, then hurry up."

He moved forward quickly with anticipation and excitement.

The old man was naturally very curious about what Zhang Hao was interested in, so he immediately followed him in stride.

"What can make someone like you, who has seen so much of the world, be so excited?"

He knew that where there were opportunities, there must be dangers. It was obvious that Zhang Hao was going to a very dangerous place now.

So although he was looking forward to it in his heart, he was still a little nervous.

When Zhang Hao walked to the front and saw the endless plains, he even felt that something was wrong with his rabbit.

"Is this the place you said you were talking about? Why do I feel like you were deceived?"

The plains here are endless, and there is nothing visible at all.

After hearing this, Rabbit snorted with dissatisfaction. How could he be wrong?

"Just keep walking forward and see more!"

Zhang Hao was actually questioning his professional standards, which made Rabbit very unhappy.

"Come here, each person get a shovel, we will dig through this place today."

Zhang Hao spoke seriously, and he took out a shovel from somewhere.

When the old man took a closer look, he realized that it was Zhang Hao's telescopic shovel.It turned out that the other party had always put it in his schoolbag, but I didn’t know it.

"A little ahead, a little further ahead."

Rabbit immediately started voice control, controlling Zhang Hao to walk forward.

After Zhang Hao came to a flat land, this guy directly asked Zhang Hao to dig quickly.

"This is the place, but you have to be careful. I don't know if there will be anything in this place."

After saying that, the rabbit simply turned around and left.

Zhang Hao suddenly didn't know whether he should take action or not.

He looked around to make sure there was nothing around, and then suddenly shoveled the shovel down hard.

The next second, a sudden gust of wind blew.

Zhang Hao squatted down subconsciously.

I saw that the tree not far away from him was cut into two halves.

Zhang Hao raised his head in astonishment and looked forward subconsciously.

Then he subconsciously looked back behind him.

saw nothing.

The moment he picked up the shovel, another strong gust of wind blew, and this time he suddenly jumped on the spot.

The tree not far away broke again.

Zhang Hao was suddenly stunned. This time he really encountered a big trouble.

The North has openly attacked him, and he doesn't even know the opponent's location. Isn't this terrifying enough?

Thinking of this, his expression gradually became indifferent.

He marked this position, turned around and left.

Song Chengfeng naturally saw Zhang Hao's actions, and his expression gradually became serious.

"What does this mean?"

He glanced at Zhang Hao, "Why can't I feel the presence of this guy?"

After hearing this, Zhang Hao shook his head.

"Did you see what was attacking me just now?"

Song Chengfeng smiled bitterly and shook his head. He had just started staring at Zhang Hao for a moment, but he couldn't see clearly what it was.

"This guy is really interesting, but the more mysterious he is, the more interested I am."

Zhang Hao said with a smile, "I have a better way to solve this matter."

Song Chengfeng couldn't see it because of Song Chengfeng's technical problems.

Zhang Hao's expression was indifferent. He felt that if it were him, he would be able to see it.

"What's wrong, do you have any other methods?"

He asked curiously, feeling that Zhang Hao's method was not a good one.

Zhang Hao directly handed over the thing in his hand, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"I believe that with your strength, you can successfully resist it, right?"

Why hasn't the old man reacted yet?Zhang Hao had already pushed him to the marked ground.

"You have to be ready." (End of Chapter)

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