After hearing this, Liu Zhangbin's mouth twitched.

He felt that this old man was deliberately making things difficult for him.

But he didn't say anything more, but directly took out the mineral water from his backpack and handed it over.

"The water I got isn't too much, so I gave it all to you."

"This is all my water resources."

He said this deliberately to show how precious these things were.

Zhang Hao, who was doing preparatory exercises, turned his head and glanced at him casually.

"Don't you rangers have a supply station? When you get to the supply station, you can prepare all the resources."

Liu Zhangbin didn't seem to expect that Zhang Hao was so aware of their situation, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I am not the only forest ranger in this area. I heard that the resource supply here has not been updated yet."

His performance made Zhang Hao a little suspicious.

It's not that Zhang Hao has never seen a forest ranger. On the contrary, he has seen countless forest rangers during his long journey in the world.

I always feel that this person is a little weird.

"Would you like to go over and check out the situation first?"

Liu Zhangbin immediately changed the topic and pointed to the pool in front of him.

"There may be some scary things in this pool, but I'm not too sure. I heard the seniors say so."

"Go over and take a look. If there is any danger, remember to escape in time!"

After hearing this, Zhang Hao smiled, turned around and walked towards the pool.

Liu Zhangbin looked at Zhang Hao nervously, and the emotions in his eyes seemed somewhat genuine.

Song Chengfeng watched this scene silently, and he always felt that something was not appropriate.

He seemed to think he was mistaken.

He and Zhang Hao had exchanged secret codes before, and both of them thought that this person was probably not a good person.

In this case, this person should expect Zhang Hao to die.

"Pay attention, there seems to be some noise from the right front!"

He had been staring at the direction Zhang Hao was heading, with a trace of solemnity flashing in his eyes.

Sure enough, there were really weird sounds coming from the front right.

Zhang Hao turned around and saw that two monkeys were running past in a hurry.

The two monkeys looked very excited, chasing each other and running forward.

Zhang Hao saw these two monkeys and suddenly had a thought.

As a person who walks in the mountains all year round, he naturally has some unique abilities. It is not difficult to communicate with these two animals.

"Are you two free? Do you want to come over and do me a favor?"

Zhang Hao took out the spring water mountain treasure from his arms.

He hasn't used this killer weapon for a long time.

The two monkeys became excited instantly after hearing Zhang Hao's words.

Naturally, they could understand what Zhang Hao said, but they were more interested in what Zhang Hao had to offer.

This mountain spring water can indeed attract all animals.

Since the five senses of animals are slightly more sensitive, they can smell the unusual smell in the spring water.The monkey jumped directly towards Zhang Hao. They looked at Zhang Hao eagerly. He didn't look like a monkey, but more like a dog.

"If you drink my water, you have to do something for me. Go to the middle of the spring and help me see what kind of things are in this pool."

Zhang Hao's words stunned the two monkeys. They looked at each other, as if hesitating whether to help Zhang Hao.

As soon as Zhang Hao looked at their eyes, he knew that there was definitely a behemoth that was difficult to deal with. Otherwise, why would their eyes be so weird?
Although he is a mountain walker, he really doesn't understand the situation here at all.

But the animals here are different. They live here all year round and must know the situation here very well.

It is definitely not simple to be afraid of this group of flexible monkeys. Zhang Hao is not a fool. How could he bet his life for no reason.

"Tell me what's in there?"

After hearing Zhang Hao's words, the monkey chirped, seemingly telling him about the situation in the mountains.

Zhang Hao frowned tightly after hearing what they said.

"You don't know what's in this water?"

Zhang Hao felt a little weird. Logically speaking, these monkeys should live around here, but they didn't know what was there.

Isn't this a little ridiculous?

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao decided to test it out.

"You go ahead, I will call you if necessary."

Zhang Hao waved his hand directly. Since there were unknown dangers here, there was no need to let these two monkeys explore the situation for him. Maybe the monkeys would really have no effect.

Zhang Hao turned his head and glanced at Song Chengfeng.

Song Chengfeng's eyes also darkened slightly.

Liu Zhangbin didn't know what happened. He had a puzzled look on his face, and he kept wandering between Zhang Hao and Song Chengfeng.

"What's going on with Zhang Hao? Is it possible that he can still communicate with animals?"

Liu Zhangbin asked curiously. Because Zhang Hao was a little far away from them, it was impossible for him to hear what Zhang Hao was talking about.

"He likes small animals and has a very strong affinity, so he likes to chat with them when he sees an animal."

Song Chengfeng drank up all the mineral water given by the other party in one breath. He knew that there was no way that this person's mineral water was poisoned, so he was so unscrupulous.

They were indeed very interested in this person at first, but later he felt that this person definitely had some conspiracy.

Being a forest ranger is a boring and boring job.

They must have their own things to do, how could they be so boring and follow them all the time?
Moreover, even Zhang Hao may not be able to grasp the location of Shan Bao so clearly. How did the other party know this information.

Looking for mountain treasures is not as simple as looking for Polygonum multiflorum. It is much more difficult to find this thing.

Liu Zhangbin didn't get the answer he wanted, and felt a little unhappy, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

All he could do was to observe Zhang Hao's situation first.

Since the location pointed by the other party is in the water pool, Zhang Hao must cross the water pool if he wants to go there.

As we all know, people's movement speed decreases in water pools.

And more importantly, anyone's combat effectiveness in the water will be greatly weakened. If it weren't for the boldness of skilled people, then no one would be able to enter the water inexplicably.

Zhang Hao is not a fool, so it is naturally impossible for him to enter the water.

He glanced at the tree trunk next to him and saw a vine at a glance.

Using the power of the vines, he swung directly to the center of the pool just like Tarzan. (End of chapter)

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