Liu Zhangbin's heart collapsed. Could it be that Zhang Hao really wanted to follow him to those terrifying places?
He told Zhang Hao all this just to make him die.

After this trial, he knew very well how strong Zhang Hao was. His personal strength was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It would be best if Zhang Hao could help him find those mountain treasures. If he couldn't find them, it wouldn't matter.

There are so many hikers in the world, and if one disappears, there will be another.

It's just that Zhang Hao's strength is extraordinary, and he feels that it would be a pity to die.

"I'm just a little forest ranger, so I don't have to go out and exercise."

Liu Zhangbin deliberately smiled bitterly, "I can observe the situation for you around, what do you think?"

Zhang Hao thought that he had a rough idea of ​​the other party's purpose, so he spoke deliberately.

"In this case, I think there is no way I can take these things by myself, so I might as well just not go!"

He waved his hand, as if he really didn't intend to continue.

After hearing this, Liu Zhangbin panicked instantly. He did not expect that Zhang Hao would suddenly choose to mess up.

But he didn't know what he should say, and he always felt that it was inappropriate to say anything now.

So he had no choice but to turn his head and look at the old man next to him, as if hoping that the other party could say a few words, at least reprimand Zhang Hao!
What he didn't expect was that the old man smiled and stood up from the stool happily.

"This wooden stool is just not very comfortable. I would rather sit on the sofa in the city!"

Liu Zhangbin almost fainted from anger after hearing this. He didn't know what these people were thinking, and he felt completely frustrated.

"I heard that those mountain treasures in front are quite powerful. Are you sure you don't want to go and take a look?"

He asked anxiously, what if Zhang Hao really didn't plan to take action?
Zhang Hao saw this man looking so anxious, and he knew more clearly what he should do.

"Forget it, there's no point in staying any longer."

Zhang Hao waved his hand, turned around and wanted to leave.

After hearing this, Liu Zhangbin stepped forward and blocked Zhang Hao's path. He knew that he needed to say something very explosive to attract Zhang Hao's attention.

"I know there's a thousand-year-old ginseng ahead."

"The legendary thousand-year-old ginseng is made into essence, but it is very powerful. Do you want to go and see it?"

Zhang Hao was also a little shocked when he heard about Millennium Ginseng.

To be honest, after walking in the mountains for such a long time, he had never seen any thousand-year-old ginseng in a serious sense.

Although this thing must exist in the mountains, Zhang Hao had never seen it before getting the treasure rabbit.

Now that he has the treasure-hunting rabbit by his side, he can naturally search for it, but it also takes time. How can the other party tell him all this directly?
Thinking of this, he stopped.

Anyway, I just simply want to give the other person a step down.

Since the other party has already taken the initiative to speak, he will naturally go down this step.

"Is there a thousand-year-old ginseng?"

A trace of surprise flashed across Zhang Hao's face, and he deliberately showed a very interested look.

"This is really great. Since there is a thousand-year-old ginseng, you should take me there quickly. For the sake of ginseng, I can go and see those mountain treasures."

After Liu Zhangbin heard this, he felt that his heart was bleeding.In fact, he prepared this thousand-year-old ginseng for himself. He didn't expect that it would fall into the hands of others today, but he believed that he would always have a way to get it.

"It's not far ahead. I'll take you there right now."

He led Zhang Hao directly towards the front. Sure enough, within a few steps, Zhang Hao saw a ginseng plant. He glanced at the mud pit and the corners of his mouth curled up.

It was obvious that the thousand-year-old ginseng was temporarily put in by the other party, and it was clear that he was deliberately deceiving himself.

Most likely, this guy had already dug up the thousand-year-old ginseng, and now he found a random hole to bury it, just to deliberately deceive himself.

But Zhang Hao didn't care about this, because he only cared about whether this thing was true.

After his appraisal, this thing is really more real than pearls!

"It is indeed a thousand-year-old ginseng. It seems that we are quite lucky this time. We will really make a fortune now!"

Zhang Hao deliberately stuffed ginseng into the bag in front of the other party.

At this time, the corners of Liu Zhangbin's mouth twitched violently, and he felt that he was extremely distressed.

Even Song Chengfeng couldn't help but look at Zhang Hao in surprise. He felt that Zhang Hao was really awesome. He could get the benefits so quickly with his sharp tongue? !

Zhang Hao didn't say much, but followed the other party towards Shan Bao's position.

This time they came to another waterhole in the distance.

Zhang Hao frowned. He didn't expect that there were quite a lot of water pools here.

"There are mountain treasures in this pond, but I don't know exactly what kind of existence there is."

Having said this, Liu Zhangbin looked around and couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw that there were no vines around.

Since there are no vines around here, it means that Zhang Hao has no way to repeat his old trick and swing into the water using that method.

If you want to get this treasure, you have to go into the water yourself.

He knew very well that Zhang Hao would not make things difficult for him again after getting this thing, so he remained motionless throughout the whole process, looking at Zhang Hao quietly, waiting for the other party to make a decision.

Song Chengfeng didn't speak either. In fact, he had no business speaking at all.

Regardless of whether Zhang Hao wanted to continue or not, he had to follow faithfully.

Moreover, he had also keenly discovered before that that what Zhang Hao gave the monkey to drink did not seem to be ordinary water.

From Liu Zhangbin's perspective, he naturally doesn't know anything, but from his own perspective, he can see many things.

He felt that Zhang Hao must have a big secret. If he could get a sip of water like that, it might be of great help to him.

His mind moved slightly, but he did not show all these emotions. Instead, he looked at Zhang Hao calmly.

"Then just stay on the shore and I'll go over and take a look."

Zhang Hao also felt the excitement of the treasure hunting rabbit in his arms. It was obvious that there must be some huge treasures inside.

It was definitely a good thing to make this money fan so excited, so no matter what, Zhang Hao definitely wanted to go in and take a look.

"I'm not afraid of water. You can take me with you. Let's go in and take a look around. I want to know what it is that has such a strong attraction for me!" (End of Chapter)

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