Chapter 400 Mirage
"Damn, I don't have the strength anymore. If you have the strength, go first!"

Although Song Chengfeng couldn't exert much force, he was still resisting according to his own instinct. If he really couldn't resist, then both of them would be buried deep underground.

This sea of ​​​​people gathered together with piles of corpses was really too scary.

After hearing this, Zhang Hao glanced at him. Unexpectedly, this old man had quite some ideas and actually wanted to let him go first. He seemed to be a candidate worth cultivating.

"No need to be so entangled, I am sure that I can take both of us away, you just need to give up waiting attentively."

Zhang Hao spoke casually, with a look of indifference flashing in his eyes, as if he didn't take it all to heart.

At this time, he suddenly saw a clear sky ahead, as if the mountain made of corpses was gradually dissipating.

"This is completely a mirage. It's so cunning. They actually use this thing to try to break into people's hearts!"

Zhang Hao's relaxed expression disappeared and he gritted his teeth. This thing was really extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, it is very likely that you will become completely possessed and become a nutrient in this mist.

Song Chengfeng watched the scene in front of him gradually dissipate, his whole body showing an excited look.

This is really good.

Doesn't this mean they are saved?
Song Chengfeng squeezed his thigh hard, a glint of expectation flashed in his eyes, as long as they could leave here, that would be enough!
However, he held a grudge against these people in his heart. It was abominable that the other party would use this method to plot against him before they died.

The moment Zhang Hao saw the fog dissipate, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He threw the bell to the ground with some force and sat on the ground in a panic.

After Song Chengfeng saw Zhang Hao's movements, he immediately rushed over. He picked up the bell on the ground and stuffed it back into Zhang Hao's hand again.

"You can throw this thing away casually. You have a really big heart. Put it away quickly and don't let others see it. This is a very good thing!"

He asked nervously, what is the value of such a good thing?Everyone knows it.

Once it is taken away by those who are interested, wouldn't it be over?

Zhang Hao took one look at the other party's cautious performance and couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm very weak now. Why don't you want to take the things away by yourself? This is an absolute treasure. It can be of great use if you hold it."

Hearing this, Song Chengfeng couldn't help rolling his eyes, feeling that he was going to mock Zhang Hao in the next second.

"This thing is indeed very strong, but you are stronger. I can still tell the difference clearly. I have helped you keep this thing. I can also lend it out for use when I have a chance."

"But once I snatch this thing away, my life will be decided here today."

Zhang Hao nodded silently. Although this man was old, he was still very clear-minded.

He was right. If he dared to grab something, he would really be dead.

During the conversation, Zhang Hao's body also successfully relaxed. He took a deep breath and felt relaxed all over.

"Okay, don't think so much, let's set off."

What Zhang Hao wanted to go this time was not an ordinary mountain range, but the mountain the other party mentioned.

Since this person dared to assassinate him, and he knew the existence of such a villainous walker.

Then he must be doing something. He must let this group of people know that businessmen are not bullied so casually, and they actually want to take their results. Isn't this just a matter of poor brains?
The mountain walkers do not have a thorough organization, but these bad guys are organized. Doesn't this mean that their strength is very weak?Only rubbish gather in groups, and brave men are always alone.

Zhang Hao thought about this and silently turned his head to look at Song Chengfeng. It seemed that this person had affected him.

Song Chengfeng glanced at Zhang Hao and tilted his head in confusion. Did he understand what Zhang Hao was looking at?
Zhang Hao didn't say much, he just thought this man was like an old kid, very interesting.

The two people have gained a lot this time. It is really dangerous to count the harvest here. In order to prevent the other party from leaking the information, they must make all preparations.

No matter what, we must leave here first, otherwise we will really die.

They quickly went down the mountain. The Taihang Mountains were really long and they couldn't sleep. After walking for a long time, they successfully left the Taihang Mountains.

Zhang Hao and Song Chengfeng were both holding back their breath, so they bought plane tickets and headed to their destination directly after going down the mountain.

Beicang Mountain.

A group of people came and went and entered the mysterious Beicangshan headquarters.

This place is famously haunted and many people come here to explore.

Most people never come back. They sacrifice their lives in exchange for temporary excitement.

It is impossible to control these things. Even if they say good things, it is difficult to persuade you to commit suicide. Ghost, when they insist on committing suicide, no one can stop them.

Beicang Mountain has also become a famous haunted place. Many people who are brave and want to find excitement will go here.

When Zhang Hao and the others arrived at the foot of the mountain, a group of people happened to come over. They all held paper signs in their hands, and they looked like local tour guides.

"Little brother, do you want to hire a local tour guide? We can show you the way!"

"You should also come here to experience the haunted mountain climbing operation. Let's form a team here and go together. I, a professional, will lead the way. It is absolutely safe!"

"That's right. A large group of people go together as a team, and they may not be able to survive. It's really hard for you old and skinny people to make it to the sky!"

They all muttered to Zhang Hao, seemingly hoping that the other party would hire them.

Zhang Hao glanced at them and picked the one who was the most kind-hearted.

"It's just you. How much does it cost for one?"

After hearing this, the other party immediately ran over in a hurry. His clothes were all patched, and he looked very pitiful.

"It's very cheap, 50 yuan per person."

"If there are two of you, I can give you a 8% discount!"

After hearing the price he offered, Zhang Hao felt a little shocked. He thought the other party would offer a ridiculous price, but he didn't expect it to be so cheap. Generally speaking, a meal out for two people would cost more than this price. .

Zhang Hao saw that the other party was relatively young and very sincere, so he decided to patronize his business.

However, the old guys next to them felt a little uncomfortable. Although Zhang Hao and the others were only two of them, they were still guests after all.

Earn every penny you have, after all, who would think money is less?

(End of this chapter)

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