And Namuhan only followed Zhang Hao for his own safety.

Some so-called haunted things were beyond his knowledge. The reason why he was so calm was only because of the belief in his heart.

The words Zhang Hao said did not arouse Namuhan's suspicion, but instead followed him.

But the further we walked, the more scared we became. This feeling cannot be described in words.

But the surrounding fog is getting heavier and heavier, and it is impossible to see everything in front clearly, and it is precisely because of this.

Namuhan was very anxious and couldn't care less, so he just walked forward on his own.

Following the red rope, they were now almost in the middle of the forest.

At this moment, Zhang Hao slowly stopped, frowning, and observing the surrounding situation.

Namuhan continued to walk forward, and suddenly bumped into Zhang Hao's body.

At that moment, he seemed to wake up from a dream and realized where he was.

He looked at the familiar and unfamiliar places around him, feeling a sense of fear rising in his heart.

He clenched his fists tightly, but Zhang Hao still stood there with no intention of leaving.

So he suppressed the fear in his heart and asked tentatively.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you leave?"

Zhang Hao said his thoughts straightforwardly.

"Don't you think it's strange here? It seems to be the middle of the forest. The trees here are very dense."

When he heard this strange thing, Namuhan's expression changed instantly.

He walked forward and grabbed Zhang Hao's arm, giving a trembling reminder.

"We can't stay here, we have to leave immediately. It's very dangerous here."

Seeing his anxious look, Zhang Hao still looked indifferent, pretending to be relaxed, and began to inquire into the truth of this matter.

"There are dangers everywhere in this forest. No matter where you are, there is no way to escape from the clutches of the devil."

But Namuhan's attitude was very determined.

"No, it's not what you said. This is the most dangerous place. We can't stay in the middle of the forest."

"This is a haunted place. I haven't lived enough. I don't want to die here."

He was very emotional and didn't sound like he was lying.

But Zhang Hao has already noticed the weirdness in this. Muhan was absent-minded along the way, as if he was thinking about something.

Ever since he discovered that this was the center of the forest, he had become nervous. It seemed that this place was not only related to hauntings.

It can be judged from his words that he is not ignorant about this place, maybe he knows the secrets about this place.

While thinking briefly, Namuhan had already started pacing in a hurry, his hands nervously grabbing his clothes.

"Why are you still standing here? Leave now. We really can't stay like this anymore, otherwise our lives will be at stake."

After listening to what he said, Zhang Hao had confirmed what he was thinking, but it seemed that he had a problem.

Maybe there is some secret here. You don’t need to find the person behind it, the person in front of you can explain it.

Zhang Hao glanced around, then leaned lazily against a tree without any words.

This situation made people look even more anxious, so Namuhan hurriedly stepped forward.

"Stop hesitating, you can't wait any longer!"

Zhang Hao had no patience left after stressing again and again.

Along the way, he had various guesses in his mind, and now he was finally sure of what he was thinking.

The voice was very cold and he spoke straightforwardly. "Do you know something, Muhan? Why are you so resistant to this place?"

Faced with such a question, Namuhan didn't know how to answer, and was still trying to evade it.

"I don't know. It's just that this place looks eerie. Could it be that you doubt me?"

The smile in Zhang Hao's eyes was full of meaning.

"Na Muhan, you are really weird. There is no need to continue acting. This will not do you any good."

At this time, Zhang Hao was extremely serious and his voice was much louder.

"Namuhan, I kindly remind you not to continue lying. This is a matter of life and death!"

"If you know anything, I hope you can tell me quickly. If you don't want my companion to die, you can tell me honestly."

After hearing this, Muhan had a hint of fear in his eyes, and he didn't dare to look directly into Zhang Hao's eyes.

All kinds of pressure and oppression in his heart, for a moment, he could no longer hold on.

He was just a teenager, and he didn't expect Zhang Hao to be so vicious all of a sudden.

Tears welled up in his eyes, and suddenly all the emotions rushed into his heart.

I cried straight away, and my voice was very loud, as if I was complaining about the unfairness of the world.

Zhang Hao didn't expect it to be like this. It seemed that he was pushing too hard, so he sighed helplessly.

"Stop crying like this. It won't do you any good. If you're afraid, tell the truth earlier. I can still help you."

At this moment, Namuhan was out of breath, and his face was full of all kinds of fear.

"Don't force me like this. I really don't know anything. I really don't know the secret behind it."

Constantly emphasizing this issue, Zhang Hao slowly squatted down.

Her voice became much gentler, hoping to open his heart temporarily.

The reason why he refused to say must be because he was threatened by someone.

But it is difficult to face difficulties, and we cannot be led by the people behind us.

"Namuhan, listen to me. You must have your difficulties, but I hope you can be braver and we can solve the problems behind this."

"What we have to do is let the truth come to the surface and not let more people be deceived and killed."

Namuhan shook his head crazily.

"No, no, I can't tell you. If I talk nonsense, my mother will die."

"I don't want my mother to die, I have to protect her."

No wonder Namuhan refused to tell the secret behind this. It turned out to be because he was threatened.

It was exactly as I guessed, and I was getting closer and closer to the truth.

Zhang Hao also knew that time could not be delayed any longer. Song Chengfeng might be in danger anytime and anywhere.

Na Muhan's voice was still very choked, and he looked at Zhang Hao with tearful eyes.

"It's not that I don't say it, it's that I can't say it. I want to protect my family."

If you really want to protect your family, you can't let this person continue to do evil.

"I understand how you feel, but we can't sit still and wait for death. This secret has been exposed and we can't hide it anymore!"

I hope Namuhan can make a right choice. Although he is a teenager, he should also shoulder certain responsibilities.

It is up to him to decide whether he wants to say it or not. No one can influence his thoughts. (End of chapter)

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