Chapter 409 New Trap
Zhang Hao just took a few steps forward, and suddenly turned around and found Na Muhan sitting on the rock.

If people outside take a few more steps forward, they only need to poke their heads out to spot him.

At this time, Zhang Hao crossed his arms on his chest and frowned.

Listening to the sound, they were getting closer and closer, and they had to find a way to hide Namuhan.

He must not be allowed to be in such a conspicuous place, not to mention that he is still a member of the village. If he is recognized, his mother's life will definitely be in danger.

So he turned around and walked quickly towards him. Namuhan thought something had happened and looked panicked.

"What's wrong? Are the people outside out of control? Do you hear what they are saying?"

Zhang Hao shook his head slightly, then took his arm and walked towards the big stone.

"Hiding in that place just now is tantamount to exposing yourself. Hurry up and hide behind this rock."

Na Muhan was covered in cold sweat, nodded in agreement, and walked towards the stone obediently.

The stone is neither big nor small, just right enough to block it all.

No matter which direction you look from, you can't see a figure behind it.

Zhang Hao nodded with satisfaction, nodded, and asked again and again.

"No matter what noises are made outside, you must not come out. Only by remembering my words can you and your mother be kept safe."

There was no way out, so Namuhan had no choice but to believe in him.

Namuhan was hiding quietly behind the stone, looking like a quail, very cute.

Zhang Hao turned around and looked at him as if he were his little brother, absolutely not wanting him to get hurt in any way.

He knew very well that after Namuhan explained everything clearly, he no longer had any leverage.

If people in the village find out, the informer is him, and he will no longer have a place to survive.

Only when this matter is completely solved and the truth is made public can they be relieved of danger.

At this time, Namuhan even stuck out his head to test.

He happened to find Zhang Hao standing at the intersection and had not left yet, so he could only force out an embarrassed smile.

"It turns out you haven't left yet. I thought you had left long ago. Go quickly. Don't worry about me."

He pretends to be relaxed and turns around to comfort others.

Zhang Hao just smiled slightly, then turned and left.

After walking a few steps forward, he hid behind a bush and clearly saw several men in front of him holding steel rods in their hands.

It can be seen that they should be locals nearby, maybe from the village.

Those people frowned, obviously impatient, and knocked the steel rods in their hands onto the grass.

"It's so annoying that I have to do this. Why don't you just find a few people to do it?"

The people next to him hurriedly spoke to persuade him.

"You must not do this. It is an honor to leave this matter to you."

"If you think about it, there has been no huge profit for such a long time. We have to find a way to make a comeback."

It seems that there has been some problems in the previous place, and they now choose to move their position.

By chance, they came to the place where Zhang Hao and the others were hiding.

The sound of those men beating grass with steel sticks became louder and louder, obviously venting their inner dissatisfaction.

"So what? Can you see a more suitable place nearby?"

"This plan always has a beginning, but no end. How could those people be deceived so easily." From one of them, it can be heard that people nowadays are smarter than before and are not as easy to deceive as before. .

Only by making them disappear completely without any trace can the contact be cut off.

But the leader among them never spoke, and the people behind him kept making noises.

"Have you had enough noise? Hurry up and do what you are doing. We are going to set up a new trap here."

"The new group of wealthy people will arrive soon, and we must complete the project before then."

The reason for doing this is to make them aware of the danger and seek medical treatment in a hurry.

At this critical moment, they just need to come up with some other tricks.

Let these people truly see fear coming. Only in this way can the doubts in their hearts be completely eliminated.

"You also know that people nowadays are very afraid of death. We have to capture their psychology in order to make money."

Then he slapped him on the chest.

"Tell me, do you have a grudge against money? There are so many mouths in your house, waiting for food."

He nodded his head thoughtfully, feeling that his words made sense.

"That's what you said. When the time comes, we will become lambs to be slaughtered. We will be the meat and fish, and I will be the swordsman. Naturally, we will be whatever we say."

They made a sound of laughter and continued to play with the grass in their hands.

It's still unclear what kind of trap they are setting.

In order not to alert others, Zhang Hao could only hide behind him quietly and continue to eavesdrop.

Maybe we can learn something about Song Chengfeng from their mouths.

But at this time, one of them suddenly made a suggestion, and that sentence completely aroused Zhang Hao's suspicion.

"That one, let our forces in the city search for that person."

And who is this person?They didn't talk much, and one of them scolded them.

"You really dare to say anything. Although you are safe in this misty forest, you don't understand the principle that walls have ears, right?"

"It's rare to have such a good job nowadays and make money. You must not ruin your job."

The people next to him sighed helplessly. All they were doing now was for their family's livelihood.

"So what can I do? I've already said it. Even if he plans to get it back, I can only bear with it."

It seems that this person's identity is definitely not simple. Zhang Hao seemed to have moved away when he heard their footsteps.

In order to hear it more clearly, I took a few steps forward.

He was very anxious. So far, he couldn't guess who this person was.

Maybe they were the ones controlling them behind the scenes, but the expressions on these people's faces had betrayed what they were thinking.

"However, we still have to be patient with some things. After all, we cannot guess these things."

"The more you know, the more miserable your death will be. It's better to know nothing and save your own life."

And the "one" in their mouth also specifically made some requirements for them.

It was obvious that they were thrown out as puppets. Even if they were checked, they would not be able to find the person behind them.

Just find a scapegoat at random, and you can escape from the golden cicada's shell. I have to say that this move is both high and ruthless.

Zhang Hao couldn't help but start to admire them and followed their footsteps.

(End of this chapter)

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