The two people vaguely saw that there seemed to be light around them. Under the mist, they couldn't see clearly what was in front of them.

Completely lost in thought, he patted the shoulder of the person next to him and asked.

"Did you see the light in front of you? Are they hiding there?"

The person next to him sighed helplessly and shrugged his shoulders, thinking that this person must be dazzled.

"How is that possible? They are hiding under our noses, aren't they desperate?"

But the man firmly believed that he had never missed it, and slowly walked forward.

"I think that's the light. Maybe it's something he stole. Have you forgotten?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the people next to him reacted instantly.

"Yeah, how could I forget this most important iconic thing?"

At this time, Song Chengfeng was also very anxious and thinking of a solution.

"Their voices are getting closer and closer to here. They can't expose themselves, right?"

"But why do I feel that more and more people are coming over, and the footsteps are getting denser and denser."

Currently in this foggy state, the things they hold in their hands are scattered with light.

It is equivalent to giving a guide to those who are lost in the dark night.

It did attract the attention of those who were following around, and they speculated about this matter.

"This light is in the sky. It seems that they are not hiding on the ground. They are quite smart and know how to hide in the trees."

The people next to them sneered, no matter where they were hiding, the light would always go away with them, exposing everything.

"What are you afraid of? We have now mastered the essence of catching them. We only need to move our fingers lightly to catch their traces."

All those people gathered together, and the person leading the tracking found that they were almost there.

He smiled lightly: "Everyone reacted very quickly. If we catch him, we can keep the secret here and get the treasure back."

"The benefits behind this are indispensable to you. You can weigh it yourself."

So the group of people immediately started shouting and rushed forward, trying to catch the two of them.

"We have discovered your location. Don't resist any longer. If you want a way to survive, deliver the things yourself."

"It's not a good thing to have your own way. There are all our people around here. Since you have fallen into a trap, why not just catch them without any help?"

After hearing what they said, Zhang Hao burst into laughter. It was not his character to stop now.

Song Chengfeng looked anxious, and the black cloth in his hand seemed unable to cover the light.

"This cloth seems to have no use. It can shine through this black cloth and shine directly in front of their eyes."

"It seems that there is no place to hide. It won't be long before they catch up."

In fact, Zhang Hao had already explored the retreat nearby, with a faint smile on his face, not caring.

"What are you afraid of? If the soldiers come to block us and the water comes to cover us, they will not be able to catch us."

After they shouted, the people above remained unmoved. They seemed to be desperadoes.

"Don't hesitate with them. If you see someone, don't show mercy."

"This man is extremely cunning. There may be any traps around here. Everyone should pay attention to safety."

The people around made all kinds of jeering sounds and taunting words.

"Why are you running? It would be a bit unkind to try to escape with our things."

"If I were you, I would choose to abandon the darkness and turn to the light. By then, there wouldn't be even a whole body left."

Zhang Hao could only lead Song Chengfeng back and forth among the trees as quickly as possible.While escaping, he asked, why does Song Chengfeng keep shining?

"What's going on? Why does the light keep shining after they get close? I just wanted to ask you."

Song Chengfeng gave him a sigh of relief, and he couldn't figure it out.

"I don't know. I wrapped it in black cloth all the way and nothing like this happened."

"And I've been running away for so long. It seems like this matter is still a bit tricky."

It was as if someone had arranged all of this in advance and deliberately created such a restriction for them to fall into.

Maybe Song Chengfeng didn't think before stealing the things that the clay doll might reveal their final location.

"If you take this thing with you, you will definitely not be able to escape. No matter how far you run, you will be caught up."

Even as they were fleeing, the surrounding fog was changing.

It seems that a big hole has been opened in front, and you can clearly see the light in front of you.

"Look at the front, it suddenly becomes much clearer."

At this moment, Song Chengfeng thought that he was going to be saved and was finally leaving this misty forest.

"Isn't this good? When the fog clears, it will be easier for us to escape."

But Zhang Hao's intuition told him that this matter was no small matter.

"Maybe some big shot is coming, and he won't let us escape."

Before the situation was clear, a big net suddenly dropped from the sky.

Landing directly like this, the appearance effect and the atmosphere are already full.

At this moment, the two of them could no longer run away, and the road in front of them had been blocked, making them completely unclear.

Song Chengfeng took several steps back, frightened by the thing in front of him.

"What is this? They are here to arrest us, right? Are you making such a big show of it?"

Looking at the surrounding situation, it seems to have become dim, and the trace of brightness just now has disappeared.

The person behind this deliberately arranged such a situation. Zhang Hao frowned and crossed his arms over his chest.

"This thing is still shining, maybe it has something to do with it."

"Maybe this is the secret we're looking for behind the scenes, and being caught wouldn't be such a bad thing."

But Song Chengfeng felt that the person they were looking for was him, and there was no need to drag Zhang Hao into this trouble.

"You must be able to escape yourself. Don't take me with you. I will take this treasure out for you as a souvenir."

"I guess they won't kill me for a while. You can save me when you find the right opportunity."

When the big net landed just now, Zhang Hao could have avoided it, but he thought of Song Chengfeng's existence and chose to face it together.

He deliberately stopped the movements of his hands and signaled with his eyes to Song Chengfeng to let him be arrested with him.

Only in this way can Zhang Hao go deep into the enemy's territory and see who is behind the scenes?
The people behind it have expended so much strength that it is impossible to let them go easily.

Song Chengfeng still held the treasure in his hands and refused to let go.

"Even if I die here today, the treasures will have to be taken with me and will never be returned to them!"

There is always a strange smell around here. Zhang Hao always feels that he has smelled it somewhere, or heard someone describe it before.

But he couldn't remember where this smell came from. Maybe the truth was hidden in this big net. (End of chapter)

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