The guard looked like he was not a serious person, and there was a hint of evil in his eyes.

He only spoke like this in front of Zhang Hao, and hurriedly directed his men to let him go.

The people next to him just followed orders and after seeing his expression, they couldn't help but mock him.

"Our boss doesn't do things by looking at other people's eyes. The other party's vulnerability level is higher than his, so he naturally nods and bows."

Maybe it was what they just talked about that was heard by the man, who saw Zhang Hao looking cold and cold.

After seeing them take a few steps forward, I couldn't help but taunt them.

"This brat is still very cold and aloof. He's still exactly the same as before."

"The words of warning just now even scared me, and I was dragged up to the sky as usual!"

At this time, everyone was very quiet. There was nothing wrong with his words, and everything reached Zhang Hao's ears.

The people next to him didn't want to get involved in this matter. The boss could speak freely, and there was no need for them to offend anyone for this.

Zhang Hao felt that there was no need to be quick-tongued at this time, so what would happen if he retaliates in kind?

The main purpose of their visit this time is to find out all the secrets about this town.

And what on earth does that counterfeit want to do after operating here for so long?There may be more to him than just a walker.

Maybe it has a bigger conspiracy that is constantly changing. Before the other party can successfully conceived it, they will strangle it in the cradle.

The group of them finally successfully entered the town.

After Song Chengfeng saw this scene, he couldn't help but sigh, and walked up to his ear.

"Don't tell me that everything here is very different from what we saw outside, but why do I look at these people with melancholy on their faces?"

"Could it be that they are all trapped here? Are these the laborers who were deceived into coming up the mountain before?"

Faced with such a question, Zhang Hao shook his head helplessly.

"You have time to ask me, why not take a closer look."

“Look at how hard these people have been working, they don’t look like locals!”

Zhang Hao admired the surroundings. Although this town was magnificent.

But what kind of vicious and bloody scenes are hidden under this wonderful cover?
These people all looked like they had been captured to work, and their clothes were very tattered.

He didn't dare to say a word and just stared at his head while working.

The construction of this palace should be all due to their efforts.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Hao couldn't help but think of the slave society. He didn't expect that in modern society, there are still people who enslave others like this.

Behind this mist, all that is contained is blood and some vicious scenes.

After seeing these people, Shu Shuyun couldn't help but clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"It's so inhumane. We are asked to do such hard work. It seems that we are either exhausted to death or frozen to death."

"It's definitely not easy to survive in this place. Maybe the people behind this will beat and scold them at every turn."

Song Cheng was not very popular, and he wanted to save everyone here when he came out.

"Zhang Hao, we can't sit back and ignore it. We've seen it all. We have to rescue these people." Without a reasonable plan and without understanding the town, they would not be able to successfully rescue them. Rescue people.

"Have you seriously counted how many lives are behind this? We can only temporarily rescue this group of people, and they will be under strict supervision!"

"If you think about it again, if we are absolutely sure, we can rescue everyone here without losing their lives."

After Shu Shuyun saw such a situation, he couldn't help but express his thoughts.

"It seems that we have to step up our action and figure out everything here quickly."

"As long as you have enough time and a conservative plan, you can call them out."

Continuing to walk forward, Shu Shuyun suddenly saw a familiar person and grabbed Zhang Hao's arm forcefully.

"There is a person in front who looks very familiar. He is the unlucky man who was captured together with us."

"I think this guy won't last long. Can we try to save him?"

Zhang Hao didn't dare to make any movement, and his eyes slightly glanced forward, following the position mentioned by Shu Shuyun.

"This person may be really miserable, but if you want to save him, you can't save him with just a few words."

"Once our identity is exposed, it will not be easy to re-enter!"

I found that the other party was carrying stones. He looked very embarrassed and was already old.

As long as you move a little slower, the people behind you will keep urging and shouting insults.

"What do you do for food? Don't you want to eat at noon? You just do this kind of work every day, and you end up like this!"

"In this dark place, if you still want to escape, give up your thoughts quickly. If you are caught, your legs will be broken!"

It seems that someone must have run before, but failed. In the end, his legs were broken to scare the monkeys, which also made everyone completely give up on this idea.

People in ragged clothes could be seen everywhere, their faces getting worse and worse, and some of them obviously couldn't hold on much longer.

There are also some people who are coughing constantly and are obviously sick. But how can they get treatment in a place like this?
"I think they are all in danger, we have to speed up our actions!"

Zhang Hao stopped in his tracks and stood there looking around at various situations.

"These people came here at different times, and some people are completely used to it. The life here has been subjected to all kinds of oppression and their ideas have changed."

"What we have to do is to completely destroy it. Only then will they have some thoughts of survival."

But after listening to what Shu Shuyun said just now, I turned around and saw a nervous look on her face.

"This person was not just arrested with you, right? Is he also a member of the institute?"

In his panic just now, Shu Shuyun didn't notice so much. Then he remembered and nodded quickly.

"I didn't mean to hide it from you, I just forgot about it."

"When I look at his appearance, I feel more and more that I am not involved now, and it is so inhumane to just live an ignoble life!"

She put all the responsibility on herself.

"They all received various inspirations from me before they studied with me. If it weren't for me, they wouldn't have been caught here and lived such a painful life!"

Zhang Hao nodded slowly, but never agreed to help her rescue the person first. (End of chapter)

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