After getting the key, the next thing becomes much easier.

I didn't expect to receive such news during this period, everything was effortless.

As long as the real mountain walker is rescued, we can know what kind of huge conspiracy the counterfeit behind it is.

After Zhang Hao got the key, he immediately nodded his head and took the responsibility for himself.

"Then you just have a good rest and leave it to me to take care of you during the next period of time. Just come and pick me up tomorrow morning."

"I'm really busy with some things these days, so I'd like to bother you all."

The tone of Ergou's speech today is much gentler than usual.

After hearing this, the man smiled and nodded, and then handed the wine to him.

"You're a good brother. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. Let's drink for a while. You don't have to go in a hurry."

After Zhang Hao drank with them for a while, he realized that it was getting late, so he stood up, pulled up his clothes and smiled.

"That's pretty much it. Why don't I go over first and you guys can take your time here to drink, eat, and have a good rest."

The person who gave the key nodded after hearing this, stood up and patted his shoulder.

"This task is entrusted to you, it is no small matter. If you do it well, I can also say a few nice words to the higher ups."

"Anyway, the place of detention is not far away. If you have anything, you can report to us at any time."

Only by drinking down all these people can we completely feel at ease to avoid any accidents in the future.

Then Zhang Hao once again took a large jar of wine and placed it in front of them.

"If you want to drink, let's have some fun today. You drink well and I'll be by your side."

"It's a rare opportunity for everyone to relax like this. Everything has almost progressed. It's time to celebrate."

As soon as he said this, all kinds of smiles were written on the man's face. He never expected that Zhang Ergou would be so good at blowing rainbow farts today.

"Since you said so, we don't take it to heart. Let's just drink freely. You can take all the responsibilities on me."

Zhang Hao immediately nodded his head and poured all the wine into their bowls.

Then he echoed what they said.

"Everyone has worked hard for such a long time, but it has finally paid off. No matter what, we finally see hope today."

These people were a little confused after drinking, and they still didn't understand that Zhang Hao was deliberately tricking them and telling them everything he knew.

"Actually, not much is known about this. Some of them have been heard from hearsay. It's just that the real mountain walker has lost his original courage."

As they talked, they felt that this mountain walker was not a serious person.

Every time I mentioned that this person would encounter some bad luck, the person let out a sigh of relief.

"There's nothing to discuss. It's just a dying man. It's better to get his wish."

"But it's really unlucky for me to be the one who got here. I've been tortured into this state now."

After saying this, he drank all the wine in his hand and then lay on the table, unconscious.

In order to confirm whether they really fainted, Zhang Hao stepped forward and patted them.

"Would you like to drink some more? I can pay for the drinks here today!"

I asked a few tentative questions, but there was no response from those people. It seemed that they were really asleep.

After you have had enough wine and food, just have a good dream here. Zhang Hao winked with the people next to him, and he can enter into a new plan.Then Zhang Hao responded to his words and walked towards the place of detention, walked about 300 meters along the west, then turned left and reached the final place.

Now that these people had been drunk and posed no threat at all, Zhang Hao reached his destination easily.

Who knew that when he just walked over, he heard a cursing voice coming from someone inside.

"How can you keep me here? If you have the ability, let me out!"

"With all your abilities, you still want to completely trap me here. If you let me out, none of you will be able to leave alive!"

No matter what kind of shouting he made, no one outside responded. Maybe he was tired of shouting and heard him start to sigh.

"If I hadn't made a mistake, how could I let you seize such a good opportunity?"

"Your disgusting and despicable methods will never be brought to light."

It seems that the other party has a lot of suppressed anger in his heart. If he finds this fake, he will order a little bit of it from another place and return it all.

The abilities and strength of a true mountain walker should not be underestimated.

How far he can go depends on his intelligence and personal opinions.

What everyone learns and what they learn is completely different. Maybe this hiker just fell into their scheme.

After hearing these words, Zhang Hao didn't say anything more and walked forward to look at the other party directly.

I want to see how the other person will react when they see me.

Who knew that the people inside cursed even more fiercely after seeing his face, and stood up.

"I thought you didn't hear what I was yelling about. Are you feeling guilty if you haven't come now?"

"If you know what's going on, let me go quickly. I'll still be able to leave a way for you to survive!"

Every word tells how disgusting the things they did together were.

Zhang Hao still stood calmly opposite him, perhaps because of Zhang Ergou's appearance, which made the people inside even more crazy.

"You're a disgusting guy. You don't look like a good person at first glance. You actually helped him do many bad things!"

At this moment, Zhang Hao had some helplessness written on his face. The louder he howled, the greater the chance that others would hear him.

If he is not completely sure now, he will not be able to rescue the other party.

Communicate with the other party tentatively, hoping to temporarily stabilize his emotions.

"You may have misunderstood. I have been insulting you for so long, and I have never said a word in reply. I am here to save you!"

Zhang Hao deliberately lowered his voice and said these words, but the man in front of him didn't pay for it.

"When did you become so kind and come to save me? How is this possible!"

"If you let me believe that you simply let me out of here, I will believe that what you said today is all true."

At this time, the other party's mood was completely unstable. How could Zhang Hao open the cell door for him.

"This matter needs to be considered in the long term. What will happen if you are released and someone else discovers you? If you believe me, I can take you out of danger."

After hearing this, the man laughed coldly, but unfortunately he started cursing again.

"Don't act like a bad guy here, your face has been imprinted in my mind for a long time!" (End of Chapter)

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