The woman crossed her arms around her chest, with a hint of playfulness in her eyes, and smiled lightly.

"We have gathered everyone together today, and there are indeed some things we need to talk about."

As soon as these words came out, the people below were in an uproar and began to make their own guesses.

"I don't know what could be so solemn. The last time it was because of the walkers."

It was indeed on point. The woman's eyes paused on Zhang Hao for a moment.

Feeling a little weird, the two looked at each other, and the woman directly announced the new news she had received.

"We have found another mountaineer. We can capture him and he can still be used by us."

"As long as we find a new walker, all these plans can continue, and everyone doesn't have to be so anxious."

As soon as this was said, someone brought up the matter about the previous mountain walker.

That is, Zhang Siyuan has not been used by them yet. He is still clenching his teeth and refusing to let go.

"You couldn't do anything about the mountain walker you captured before. Now you've found another mountain walker. Even if you capture them all, they still can't be used by us!"

"I think the top priority is to find a way to control these walkers. It will be easy to get it when the time comes."

At this moment, someone once again mentioned the beauty trap.

"Is it possible that you used a honey trap to get yourself involved before? But the mountain walker still hasn't changed at all."

Mainly because this mountain walker has not been controlled yet, and they feel that the power within it cannot be diluted overnight.

If you can't prescribe the right medicine for this problem, it will naturally be impossible to come up with a solution.

At this time, everyone began to accuse the woman.

"If this woman hadn't been unwilling last time, things wouldn't have developed like this step by step."

Suddenly the woman became the target of public criticism, and she never expected that she would be treated like this.

It was indeed her hesitation on certain things that led to today's situation.

It seems that what they said on stage is somewhat different from what Zhang Siyuan said before.

The main thing everyone expresses is that they hope that the other party can deal with this mountain walker first, and then deal with the other one.

But I still don’t understand why women always retreat at critical moments.

After Zhang Hao finished listening to these words, he looked at Zhang Siyuan and asked.

"If this woman is really nostalgic and doesn't make a move on you, what will you do?"

Maybe it was a good show, but who knew that after hearing this, Zhang Siyuan still looked indifferent and extremely indifferent.

"We are not from the same group in the first place, and we have just begun to take different paths, so we will go our separate ways."

It seems that he has indeed understood after suffering this injury.

Nowadays, the lineage of mountain walkers has become increasingly rare. If something happens to them again and again, the consequences will be disastrous.

Zhang Hao reached out and patted his shoulder, knowing that he had mixed emotions in his heart.

"It's best to talk about anything and don't do anything you'll regret, but I don't want you to do anything to hurt the mountain walker either!"

I hope Zhang Siyuan can think clearly in this regard so as not to leave regrets in his life.

The people below are also discussing the plan mentioned today. "The previous mountaineer has not been solved yet. If we catch another one, won't we get into trouble again?"

"The one inside is a tough guy, and we can't use excessive punishment. If we can't get rid of the one inside, it's better not to capture that one."

Everyone is complaining about the pain in their hearts. They also have splitting headaches these days, and they still can't think of a solution.

"Isn't this something that needs to be discussed by bringing everyone together? It seems that everyone has their own opinions."

After listening to their words, the woman lowered her tears and did not intend to make any response.

Once a matter has been decided, there is no need to look back.

Maybe the other party has already realized his intention, and the honey trap is obviously not working anymore.

If you continue, it is equivalent to sending yourself to death. The woman is looking for a way out for herself.

The discussion below became louder and more noisy.

"I don't think this plan is feasible. It's already difficult enough to catch a wanderer, and we've injured so many people."

"If this is the case, why not use the previous plan? Our people will not suffer any losses again."

Having learned from the past, no one is willing to jump into this pit of fire. It seems that the woman's statement cannot be supported by everyone.

She saw these stupid and clumsy people making noise below again, and stretched out her hand to rub her temples.

"You guys should be quiet first. Since it was brought up for discussion, what other good ideas can you tell me?"

"I must have brought this mountain walker back to you according to my previous request, which is equivalent to completing my mission."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone in the audience immediately spoke to retort.

"These are two different things. If they are confused, it will be unclear."

"In short, it is absolutely impossible for us to agree to the plan you proposed today. Don't waste your time here. It's better to think of a solution yourself."

Naturally, the woman was unwilling to sacrifice herself again, so she tried every means to persuade the people in the audience, hoping that they would be able to do their part in this matter.

"Don't be so stupid in your thinking. Maybe this is an opportunity for you. This lineage of mountain walkers is so rare. It's not easy to meet one. Do you really want to give up?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the people below fell into deep thought again, and then there was a commotion.

"Even if she makes such a request, it will be of no benefit to us. If we catch a hiker again and we still can't control it, isn't this nonsense?"

Soon the people below reached an agreement again. They felt that there was no need to continue to waste energy on this matter. If the woman insisted on it, she might as well go it alone.

"We discussed it and found that your plan is still very immature. If you want to use us as a shield, put it away as soon as possible!"

As expected, nothing good happens when they get together, and now they want to push them out.

The people below were shouting more and more fiercely, and then they pointed at the woman and demanded an explanation.

"After you have dealt with the previous matter about the mountain walker, tell us these things."

The wind direction suddenly changed. Zhang Hao looked at the woman on the stage thoughtfully, arousing his inner curiosity.

The woman stood on the stage and remained silent.

The people below couldn't help but stretched out their hands and pointed at each other.

"Don't think that just because you are the third-in-command sister, you can do whatever you want!" (End of Chapter)

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