My daily mountain driving, I met a fox at the beginning and got married

Chapter 446 If you have the ability, go get it yourself

I don’t know which link caused the problem, but the other party didn’t take the bait.

It was as if she knew they were going to do this in advance, and Hu Lina started to get nervous at this moment.

"Why are you still unmoved? Are you really not afraid that I will kill people? I always keep my word."

Zhang Hao's eyes were a little cold as he took two steps forward and sighed helplessly.

"You are really smart and confused for a while. Even now, you still refuse to wake up."

"If you are really capable, just kill the person directly. There is enough blood on your hands anyway!"

As soon as Ying finished speaking, Hu Lina put down the knife in her hand.

It seems that the other party has already planned it. If she still insists on going her own way now, there will be no good results.

Seeing the other party's behavior, Zhang Hao turned around and told others to keep an eye on this woman and not to have any accidents.

"Anyway, this woman is of some use to me. We must keep an eye on her, but the other party is so cunning, so we have to be more careful."

"Wait until I get their hands on those harmful things. Then I will deal with this woman."

Hu Lina shrugged her shoulders slightly and looked at the other party with disdain.

"You don't dare to kill me now. You only dare to keep my things in the warehouse. If you have the ability, go and get them yourself."

"I don't believe you still have the ability to steal it openly in front of everyone's eyes."

However, Zhang Hao has great abilities, and she has never seen most of them.

"But I advise you not to go. The warehouse is strictly guarded. How could you easily break in, lose your life there and harm others."

"If you really want to get it, you might as well let me go and take the opportunity to coerce me into going to the warehouse and maybe you can get something."

Zhang Hao also looked at her provocatively with disdain in his eyes.

"What you say is really interesting. Not yet. If I can't get something, it seems that I will definitely disappoint you today."

But Hu Lina believed that the defenses at the warehouse would never let such a traitor in.

"Stop being so wishful thinking. Even if you lose your life, you can't take it out."

"If they find me again then, out of anger, I will kill you directly. What a pity."

Hu Lina didn't know what was wrong, so she pinched Zhang Siyuan's neck hard.

"Since you don't believe it, I will kill him first to scare the monkeys, lest you always think that I am joking."

There was a trace of malice in her eyes, and she seemed to have no friendship at all. Her previous appearance was all a lie.

"Zhang Siyuan is not the one who killed you. Don't come to me when the time comes, and don't let them go even if you turn into a standing ghost."

At this moment, Zhang Hao calmly and gently rubbed his hands, and the person who was being blackmailed suddenly turned into a puddle of mud.

Although Hu Lina has experienced some storms, how could she have seen these things.

She wanted to kill someone, but she didn't expect the person to turn into a puddle of mud and scream.

"What is this! Zhang Siyuan, why did you become like this? What did you do here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rolled to the ground, probably fainted from fright.

Zhang Hao slowly walked forward and breathed, but there was nothing serious about the other party.

"This woman has fainted. She is chattering non-stop, and her head is buzzing." "I will go to the warehouse to get the things out now. Keep an eye on this woman."

He originally thought of executing this plan by himself, but Zhang Siyuan suddenly stood up and patted his chest.

"How can I let you go alone? I will go with you. I have never seen any big storms?"

"This time I have been on the verge of death. I was assassinated by this woman. But don't worry, I will never hold you back."

Seeing that the other party's condition was much better than before, Zhang Hao was not as worried as before, so he reached out and patted his shoulder.

"As long as you think about it, I won't stop you. Now that you can see this woman's face clearly, I hope you will be more accurate in reading people in the future."

"But I want to remind you that there are dangers and dangers over there in the warehouse. I cannot completely guarantee your safety."

Zhang Siyuan smiled softly and looked at the woman inside.

"This woman has killed so many people. I must avenge the mountain walker. I must get this thing so that I can die a worthy death."

Soon they arrived near the warehouse and found that there were many people on duty and the management was very strict.

"You'd better not be lazy. The things here are extremely important. If you lose your lives, you won't be able to save them."

"It's best to patrol more carefully. If a suspicious person is put in, I'll ask you for questioning!"

The guard nodded quickly and then began to patrol the surrounding area.

They assigned all the tasks handed over from above to the people below, not caring what would happen.

Although the people below were strictly patrolling, the few people who were mainly responsible for watching from the sentry tower were drinking.

"Let's drink and chat here now. The people below are patrolling so strictly, nothing will happen. Just keep your hearts in your stomach."

"But recently, Hu Lina said in front of everyone that she would capture another hiker and come back in a week. It's really ridiculous."

The person next to him might have been drunk, so he couldn't help but smile as he followed his words.

"This woman has always been full of ideas and very thoughtful. I don't want to have anything to do with this woman. Anyone who falls into her hands will be extremely unlucky."

"Who knows what this woman will do next. The other party is still the sister of the third-in-command. Even if things don't work out by then, they can't do anything to each other."

Drinking is originally to relieve sorrow, but when I brought up this matter, my sorrow was indeed made worse.

With some displeasure on their faces, those people drank all the wine in their glasses.

"Why do you mention that woman when you talk about these unhappy things? I feel sick!"

"Respecting her these days is entirely because of the face of the third-in-command, otherwise I would really be treating myself like a green onion!"

The people on the sentry tower were chatting happily. Suddenly, Zhang Hao had a new idea to successfully sneak into the warehouse.

"Zhang Siyuan, why don't you wait here for my order first, and I'll go in first to investigate the specific situation."

Instruct the other party to go in when they hear the birds chirping three long and two short, which proves that all dangers inside have been eliminated.

Zhang Siyuan was a little worried about the other party's safety and asked.

"What method are you planning to use? Just relying on this face may not be enough."

At this moment, Zhang Hao still looked relaxed, without any worries.

"Don't worry, you just need to listen to the orders carefully." (End of Chapter)

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