
"It's all your fault, damn Crow Mouth."

"I don't know either."

"Why are you panicking? We have Brother Hao!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Hao immediately took out a charm from his pocket.

When the female ghost saw this, her face instantly became very ferocious.

"Are you a group of little Taoist priests?"

"Sister, what I hate the most is you people!"

After she said that, she opened her "claws" and ran towards the boys in front of her.

All she could see was that her fingernails were half a meter long.

Zhang Hao just wanted to take action, but unexpectedly, the elevator made an emergency landing all the way to the bottom.

"Damn it, you're lucky."

"But, he won't let you go easily."

Although I don’t know who the “him” in the female ghost’s mouth refers to.

But behind them all, there was a chill.

The minus-eighteenth floor might really be a hell.
  "Ding dong."

"The elevator has arrived."

As the beep sounded, the elevator door slowly opened, and what came into view was the so-called "Yun Zhong Mountain".

This place is not inhabited by lonely wild ghosts as they initially thought, and there is a "Big Brother" level character behind them.

In front of them were just some enshrined statues.

And each statue is placed inside a cage.

The reason for this can already be imagined.


"Come here, don't you want to live?!!"

At the same time, a voice suddenly scolded them.

Zhang Hao and others quickly looked around, and a white-haired old man walked out of nowhere.

After Zhang Hao and others saw him, they all looked at each other.

This old man couldn't feel any evil energy in his body.

He looks like a normal person
  The question now is, why is he here?

"How did you people get here?"

"Could it be that you encountered that thing?"

The old man said with a frightened look.

Everyone saw this, but they didn't understand what the old man meant.

"Which one?"

On the elevator, they do encounter a female ghost.

But based on Zhang Hao's years of experience, she is not a person of interest.

As for "that thing" mentioned by the old man, I am afraid it is a difficult thing to deal with.

at this time.

The originally empty elevator opened and closed several times in succession, and the faint yellow light above their heads suddenly flickered on and off.


"what happened?"

"Is it possible that something is really coming?"

At this moment, everyone looked at Zhang Hao standing aside.

He was the only one who was calm and composed on the side, while the rest of the people were all very panicked.

They all prayed that it wouldn't be something powerful, otherwise they might not be able to deal with it.

First of all, the place they are currently in is a dungeon. In a sense, it is a closed space.

The only way out is the elevator.

But judging from the situation just now, that thing is obviously able to control the elevator.

Turning this place into a completely enclosed space is a piece of cake for that thing.

Moreover, in the dungeon, the items enshrined in each prison may not be good.

For now, they are safe for the time being.

What if they wake up from a shock?
  Everyone was talking about it for a while, but Zhang Hao asked calmly: "Grandpa, I understand your anxiety, but you have to at least tell us what you are talking about, right?

Everyone else present was stunned when they heard this. They quickly stepped forward and pulled Zhang Hao to their side. Except for Zhang Hao, everyone else wanted to stay eight feet away from the old man.

"Brother Hao, with all due respect, I always feel that this old man's mental state is not normal."

"Besides, if he takes care of so many unclean things at once, I'm afraid he himself is not a good person."

"Shut up."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man in front of him suddenly became very unstable.

"Get out, get out of here!"

"You little bitches, are you here just looking for trouble?"

"Why did I mess with you? It was obviously you who came to cause trouble in the first place!"

The old man roared angrily, which shocked everyone present.

Behind everyone, there were waves of coldness.

Only Zhang Hao knew that this was a sign of the arrival of something unclean.

"Brother Hao, let me tell you, let's leave this place first."

"This old man is too talkative."

"I always feel that he will be the one to kill us."

Hearing them muttering on the side, Zhang Hao felt very disgusted. At this time, he took out a magic talisman from his pocket.

I saw some incantation in his mouth.

A bleak scene immediately appeared in front of him.

The dungeon is filled with all kinds of ghosts who want to die in vain.

At this time, they all realized that Zhang Hao could see them.

"This kid is young, but he can see us?"

"It looks like we have really found someone with some skills."

"Stop talking. He's coming soon. We can't let him know that we called him here."

The ghosts said that they didn't know where to hide.

Even Zhang Hao, who had yin and yang eyes, suddenly couldn't see them.

But he noticed that there was a note on the ground with something written on it.

Zhang Hao picked it up and took a look at it.

[Sorry, we involved you in this incident, but we were forced to have no choice]

[The current situation is difficult to explain for a while, but our strength is far from enough to deal with that thing. 】

"That thing?"

"From beginning to end, you still didn't explain it to me."

"Sir, please forgive me. I will take good care of this place next time. I will never let outsiders set foot here."

At this moment, waves of evil wind blew again.

The old man's face instantly became horrified.

What appeared next was a man wearing tattered clothes and a fierce look.

From the outside, he looks a lot like a poacher.

Not only Zhang Hao, but everyone saw the ferocious man.

On the surface, the man looks normal.

But in fact, he is no longer alive.


"With this look, he's just a beggar at best, right?"

"Why would a beggar come to a place like this?"

Everyone was talking about this, but they couldn't see at all that the poacher in front of them was "that thing" in the old man's mouth.

"Hey, it's very dangerous here and it's not the right place for you to beg."

"Anyway, get out of here quickly."

One of the team members said and walked forward.

He originally wanted to pay attention to the man who looked like a beggar in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the man suddenly opened his huge mouth and bit him.



The team member said, looking back, the originally friendly man suddenly turned into a monster with a bloody mouth.

The monster bit his shoulder and refused to let go, showing an expression of extreme satisfaction from time to time. (End of chapter)

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