"A bunch of losers, do you still dare to show off in front of me?"

"Since you want it so badly, I have no choice but to make it happen."

Zhang Hao said, taking out a charm.

The fierce ghosts thought that Zhang Hao was just bluffing.

But the next second he chanted the spell, the fierce ghosts fell to the ground one after another.

Their bodies seemed to be imprisoned by something, unable to move.

The fierce ghosts tried desperately to stand up.

However, they tried all their strength to no avail.

"Fuck! Brother Hao, you are so domineering!"

"Brother Hao is mighty!"

"Let me tell you, as long as our brother Hao is here, these people can't do anything to us!"

The team members praised Zhang Hao and said that Zhang Hao only felt that they were hypocritical.

Just now I was obviously worried about whether I could deal with these fierce ghosts.

But now, the statement has suddenly changed.

"Emergency is like a law, forgive me."

After Zhang Hao's words fell, all the fierce ghosts were shot far away.

Seeing this, the team members all rubbed their eyes.

They didn't expect that Zhang Hao was so powerful.

In less than a minute, all the fierce ghosts flew out.

It's really super powerful.
  "It's not a good time to stay here. We must hurry up and leave."

As he spoke, he used a spell to open a door leading outside.

Just as the team members were about to enter, a burst of weird laughter suddenly sounded.

What followed was an extremely angry female ghost.

"My mother."

"This this."

"Brother Hao!"

The appearance of the female ghost was so terrifying that all the team members were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground.

"You go first, I'll take care of the aftermath here!"

"You think beautifully, but you don't even look at who I am!"

As she waved her hand, the door in front of her disappeared instantly.

Zhang Hao realized that she was probably not the boss behind this ghost market.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to do what you just did.

"Did you create this ghost market by yourself?"

"Hahaha, you should say it or not, young man, you are quite smart."

"What, do you know you're afraid now?"

Facing the female ghost's cross-examination, Zhang Hao just snorted coldly.

Even though she is the boss here, she still won't make her feel so scared.

"I've seen a lot of ghosts who are more powerful than you."

"Who are you?"

Zhang Hao said, making a "look down on" gesture towards the female ghost.

When the female ghost saw this, she was furious for a moment.


"Just wait and see, I will definitely make you pay for your actions!"

At this time, she opened her nails, which were nearly half a meter long, again.

Just when he was about to swing it at Zhang Hao, unexpectedly, when he just used a spell, the female ghost's nails all exploded.


With a scream, the female ghost fell to the ground.

"You guy, how dare you"

All the nails she was so proud of have disappeared.

Although she is now a ghost, she is not without pain.

"Do you regret it?"


"I'm asking you, do you have any intention of repenting?" Upon hearing this, she immediately laughed.

But she immediately criticized Zhang Hao, saying that as a Taoist priest, Zhang Hao attacked her casually without knowing anything.

When Zhang Hao heard this, he just thought it was ridiculous.

It was obviously the female ghost Cao Suga who took people's lives first, but until now, she has no intention of repenting at all.

It's really infuriating.

"Hmph, why should I repent?"

"Those living people casually step into my territory, do they really think this is their home?"

"Those fierce ghosts are just a group of desperadoes who won't be taken in anywhere. If I hadn't been kind enough to take them in, I don't know if I would have survived to this day!"

The female ghost acted righteously and took what she said as a reason to disregard human life.

In Zhang Hao's heart, he only thought that she was completely hopeless.

"If that's the case, then who are you?"

"At best, aren't you considered an outlaw who won't be taken in anywhere?"

"Otherwise, why are you hiding here?"

These words completely angered the female ghost.

Not only did the group of them act wildly on her territory, but they also behaved so recklessly with her, the boss.

If you don't teach them a lesson, it will be difficult for the female ghost to understand her hatred.

"Do you think that if I cut off my fingernails, there will be no other way to deal with you?"

"Let me tell you, there are many ways to deal with you."

At this moment, the female ghost stood there, muttering something in her mouth.

From their feet, hands emerged one after another, and then appeared infant spirits with great resentment.


"Aren't you afraid of being punished by God for doing such an unscrupulous thing?"

"Hahahahahaha, stop talking about useless things and think about how to ensure your own safety!"

The ear-piercing wailing sounded in everyone's ears. The female ghost just wanted them to enjoy themselves at this time.

Zhang Hao, who was standing in front of everyone, turned ugly instantly.

He clearly knew that in order to turn the infant spirit into this state, he needed to capture the infant spirit that had just died and keep it in a very evil place to achieve his goal.

If all the infant spirits were beaten to pieces, it would only ruin Zhang Hao's reputation.

But the resentment of the infant spirits was so severe that it was difficult to resolve it easily.

Zhang Hao thought of this and fell into deep thought.

The team members obviously didn't know what happened to Zhang Hao.

Infant spirits from all directions were rushing towards their direction.

"Brother Hao, what's wrong with you?"

"These infant spirits seem to be playing tricks on us. Think of a solution quickly, Brother Hao!"

"What the hell, what on earth should I do?"

Looking at Zhang Hao who fell into silence, everyone felt anxious in their hearts.

Zhang Hao is not helpless about this.

But he considered that the infant spirits themselves died unjustly, and they could only wander in the underworld, which was pitiful enough in itself.

It would be too inhumane for Zhang Hao to use his power again to make his soul fly away.

"At this point, we can only take a gamble."

At this time, each spell was posted in a fixed place.

As he recited the spell, the spell instantly emitted golden light.

After Yingling was bathed in golden light, he immediately stopped moving.

"Brother Hao is here?"

"I have read about it in a book at my grandma's house. This method seems to be to send the infant spirit to reincarnation."

"Damn it, are you so naughty?"

After flashes of golden light, the infant spirit instantly disappeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, because Zhang Hao had just used powerful magic, the space in the ghost market became very unstable.

After all, the space in the ghost market is composed of extremely strong yin energy, and what Zhang Haodu transformed the infant spirits just used is the powerful pure yang energy.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

"Who did this?"

"It doesn't seem like someone is up to something. The ghost market is clearly going to collapse!" (End of Chapter)

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