"Brother Hao, the meaning of your words is a bit hairy."

"Yes, Brother Hao, you can't say this casually when you go outside, otherwise, you may be misunderstood."

"They are willing to follow, why don't they ask others to tell them?"

Zhang Hao said as he put on the team uniform.

Thinking that wearing this outfit would attract attention and affect their next actions, he took it off and changed into casual clothes.

"Come on, let's go now."


The time is twelve o'clock in the morning.

If you take a bus, you can reach the amusement park in twenty minutes to half an hour.

But no matter how you think about it, there will be no supernatural bus in broad daylight.

"When something like this happens at an amusement park, not only the ticket prices, but also the prices of various rides are much cheaper."

"If you don't take this opportunity to have some fun, how long will you have to wait?"

As soon as these words came out, the team members immediately changed their clothes and followed Zhang Hao onto the bus.

Along the way, they were talking and laughing.

The matter of the supernatural bus will only be treated as a trip at public expense for the time being.

At this moment, a call from Director Zhao suddenly came.

After picking up the phone, Director Zhao explained various things to pay attention to during this operation.

And this kind of thing has long been commonplace for everyone.

"Don't worry, Director Zhao, we are already on the bus."

"It's just that I hope Director Zhao will reimburse you for the cost of this investigation."

“We still don’t know when the supernatural bus will show up, so we can only leave early.”

"Currently, we don't know whether there are any safety hazards in each facility. We still need to investigate them one by one. We just take this opportunity to check them all so that Director Zhao will not have to worry about this kind of thing in the future."

Anyone can hear the meaning of these words. Zhang Hao wanted to have a good time with the team members and then ask the bureau to reimburse the expenses of this mission.

But in the final analysis, Bureau Zhao wanted something from Zhang Hao.

Apart from Zhang Hao, he really couldn't think of anyone else who could solve a case of this nature.

"Just do as you say."

After hanging up the phone, the team members all gave Zhang Hao a round of warm applause.

The bus took everyone to the amusement park very quickly.

But Zhang Hao's face became ugly.

He didn't expect that there were so many tourists here who were not afraid of death.

As mentioned before, only tourists can attract the supernatural bus.

But he was really shocked by the sight before him.

The number of tourists should be described as huge.

"These guys who are not afraid of death, let me teach them a lesson."

One of the team members said that he wanted to go and teach the tourists who gathered here to check in and take pictures.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Hao quickly stopped him.

"Once the identity is exposed, it will only be more difficult for us."

"Let's go play around first. There happen to be so many people, so the reason for checking whether the amusement facilities are safe is established."


After a while of responses, Zhang Hao seemed to hear someone speaking in his ear, telling him not to mind his own business.

Otherwise, he will pay a heavy price for it.

Zhang Hao just ignored this.

Those unclean things are useless even if you think about it.

If he really had the ability, he would be killed now.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao just felt ridiculous.

"Brother Hao, come here quickly, the brothers are all asking you to pay!"

At this time, the team members were shouting and yelling at the side, so he had to take his wallet and buy tickets for various events.

After playing all the projects here, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.

In another hour or two, it will be midnight.

There are not as many people left here as there were during the day.

But there are still people who do not believe in evil and some people with ulterior motives who still stay here.

"Brother Hao, how should we act now?"

"If there are so many people, I'm afraid we won't even be able to squeeze into that bus even if we want to."

"Since it's full of dirt, it probably only appears at night. It's still an hour or two before it gets dark. Let's fill our stomachs first." Zhang Hao said.

The team members really admire him for his ability to remain calm when faced with difficulties.

As soon as he arrived at a restaurant, Zhang Hao immediately discovered something was wrong.

All the waiters in this restaurant are smeared.

But their makeup is very unnatural.

Moreover, his whole body exuded an evil aura.

After ordering some random dishes, Zhang Hao set his sights on a few of the foremen.

Watching them going back and forth to serve the dishes, their expressions were very solemn.

No matter how you look at it, it feels like something is wrong.

"Brother Hao, are you attracted to one of the beautiful women here?"

"What nonsense!"

"Brother Hao clearly has a perfect match!"

When Zhang Hao heard this, he just gave them a look.

He was still staring at the waiters in front of him.

"Hello sir, this is your order."

"If you have any other instructions, please feel free to call me."

The person serving the food in front of me was clearly a male waiter.

But it wasn't just Zhang Hao who felt it, the yin energy on his body was very heavy.

The other team members were very uncomfortable.

This man is not a girl either.
  "Brother Hao, I always feel that the atmosphere of this store is a bit weird."

"I wonder if you noticed anything?"

One of the team members said tremblingly, and he nodded immediately.

"It's really weird."

"Then let's start investigating this restaurant."

Zhang Hao said, waving his hand to signal the waiter just now to come to them.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the waiter arrived, he grabbed his hand.

Hands are cold.

The waiter's body was filled with an evil spirit.


"Tell me, how did you die?"

At this time, the waiters in charge all showed strange smiles.

"Yo, it's quite powerful."

"But none of you can even think of getting out alive!"

"Wow! Ghost!"

In addition to them, there were many tourists dining in the restaurant.

Seeing this, they all collapsed to the ground in fear.

The tourists were at a loss for what to do.

They scrambled to leave the restaurant.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped out with his front foot, he immediately returned to the restaurant.

"You can't escape, none of you can escape, hahahahaha."

Several female ghosts opened their shopping mouths as they spoke.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Hao quickly moved in front of them.

"What a person who is not afraid of death."

"In that case, let's take you first."

As the female ghost said this, she pounced and bit Zhang Hao.

"Emergency is like a law, forgive me."

After Zhang Hao put a charm on her head, he immediately recited the spell.

The female ghost's body and soul were instantly destroyed, shocking everyone present.

"Damn it, this guy is a master."

"This trip is not in vain, let's take a photo as a souvenir!"

"Such a scene is rare to see several times in a lifetime!" (End of Chapter)

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