Chapter 489 Coming at the right time

Back in the village, Zhang Hao went directly to find Li Siyu.

"Are you back? How was your trip this time? Did you encounter any danger?"

Li Siyu clung to Zhang Hao's arms, her fingers drawing circles on Zhang Hao's chest.

"You are still worried about me. Don't you know what I am capable of? Who can bring any danger to me? As long as they don't pray that I don't go to him to trouble him, that's fine."

Holding Li Siyu in his arms, Zhang Hao patted his back gently and talked about the things he encountered while going out.

Although Zhang Hao rejected Long Wu at the time, he knew that the other party would definitely come to visit him again. At that time, he might not be able to refuse the other party, so Zhang Hao cherished the time he had now.

That group of tomb robbers, since even the people in the city couldn't solve them for so long, must be a very troublesome existence. If it takes more time this time, Zhang Hao doesn't know how long he will not see Li Siyu.

Li Siyu seemed to be aware of this, and patiently listened to Zhang Hao telling him these bizarre things, losing his previous liveliness.

Soon Zhang Hao finished describing the things he encountered when he went out this time. The whole process was under Zhang Hao's control. It was not very dangerous, but it still made people feel uneasy.

"Can you reduce the number of related things in the future? I always feel that these guys you meet are getting more and more powerful. I'm really afraid that something will happen to you."

Li Siyu said sadly. This famous Chinese beauty is always confident and lively in major videos, but now she has a melancholy look on her face.

"I promise you will pay attention to your own safety. I am here to eat. If I don't do these things, I don't know what to do in my career. Besides, I have such a deep knowledge, so you don't have to worry too much about my safety."

Zhang Hao gently patted Li Siyu's shoulder again, signaling him to relax.

"Are you going out soon? You've been getting busier and busier these days."

Li Siyu asked again.

"Yes, someone from the city came to me this time. Although I don't know the specific situation of the matter he mentioned yet, I think it is a very difficult matter. I'm afraid it will take some time this time. ”

Zhang Hao sighed softly, feeling a little sorry and helpless.

"Since the leader is here to find you, let's do whatever we can. I believe the leader will not treat you badly, and there will be no harm in having a good relationship with them."

Li Siyu sat up straight and solemnly instructed.

"In short, as long as you are safe, you can go wherever you go, but if you dare to drag this sick and disabled body back, don't blame me for turning against you."

After speaking, Li Siyu hugged Zhang Hao tightly again.

"Okay, okay, don't worry! If I am really disabled or useless, I will never drag you down."

Zhang Hao laughed helplessly. After Li Siyu's words, the suppressed emotions just now were completely swept away from Zhang Hao's heart.

Suddenly Zhang Hao spoke again:

"Remember the pool of water on the top of the mountain that I just told you? Tomorrow I will go up the mountain again. After I have taken care of the formation on the mountain, I will leave it to you there. Whether it is filming a video or something else, it will be An excellent place.

In addition, I need you to help me take good care of the water in the pool and prevent it from leaving the top of the mountain. After I come back from the city, the water in the pool can play its real role. "

"Okay, don't worry. Since you asked, I will definitely help you do it beautifully. But since you attach so much importance, why do you still let me take the video?"

Li Siyu asked puzzledly.

Zhang Hao chuckled and scratched Li Siyu's nose.

"I asked you to go there to shoot the video so that everyone's eyes would be focused there. In this way, Director Zhao and the Dragon Hall would have nothing to say. After all, I did not forcefully occupy the place."       Zhang Hao's sharp voice A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. The things he did were not secret. Most of them could be investigated as long as they were willing to investigate.

Zhang Hao already holds the former treasure in his hands, so it is definitely impossible to hand it over. I believe Longting and the others will not open their mouths.

But the water in this pool is hard to say. For the sake of safety, Li Siyu was asked to go there to take videos. Naturally, the people above would not be able to forcibly block it off.

"Okay, it's all up to you."

Li Siyu smiled softly.

As the sun set the next afternoon, Zhang Hao took advantage of the dim light and set off again to the mountain.

Zhang Hao and Li Siyu stood at the entrance of the village to say goodbye, and then drove to the foot of the mountain alone, following the route they had remembered before, walking step by step to the halfway point of the mountain.

Arriving at the place where he first discovered the talisman seal in his memory, Zhang Hao raised his finger, took off the opponent's talisman seal with a slight hook, and quickly put his own talisman seal on it.

That's right, the place where the first talisman is located is the core of the entire formation. If most people see this talisman, most of the time they will either destroy it or avoid it.

If the entire formation is destroyed, it will be destroyed, and the pool of water on the top of the mountain will quickly turn into an ordinary mountain spring.

If you avoid it, it will be difficult to safely reach the top of the mountain and retrieve the mountain spring.

This is the so-called mental calculation without intention, and it is also the most subtle part of the entire formation.

Now Zhang Hao has replaced this formation with his own talisman, suddenly changing the core of the formation. In just three days, the core of the formation will be hidden, and this great formation will also Gradually changing towards the direction of the phantom formation.

After doing this, Zhang Hao looked up in the direction of the top of the mountain, where there seemed to be a figure looking at Zhang Hao.

"It seems I came at the right time today!"

Zhang Hao smiled slightly and quickly climbed to the top of the mountain while searching for the route in his memory.

At the top of the mountain, he saw a man wearing a yellow robe.

"Good luck, fellow Taoist."

Before Zhang Hao could speak, the man in Taoist robes took the lead in greeting Zhang Hao.

"Hello, is this formation arranged by fellow Taoist? It's so exquisite."

Zhang Hao grinned, not feeling any embarrassment in what he had just done, and talked to the other party openly.

"This is a gift I prepared for fellow Taoist. Since fellow Taoist likes it, it couldn't be better."

The Taoist priest bowed slightly and said calmly.

"The gift you prepared for me is interesting. I wonder who prepared this gift for me?"

Zhang Hao was a little surprised. If it was as the other party said, this was a gift prepared for him, then the other party's calculations would be deeper. You must know that this formation existed before Shi Lei was broken up by him. , Zhang Hao can't stand this kind of disregard for human life.

"Fellow Taoist is joking. I was just asked by someone to meet up with fellow Taoist. I prepared this gift on my own initiative. One is to form a good relationship with the fellow Taoist, and the other is to see how the fellow Taoist is doing." , now it seems really good, at least at the same level as me.”

(End of this chapter)

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