Yaohua Oriental?

Zhang Hao glanced at the other party coldly. This time he was fully prepared and brought twenty or thirty people to the Poison Swamp.

However, Zhang Hao looked at the other party's state and it seemed that something was not right. It seemed that he was also affected by the Shiwandashan Mountain last night.

"How long have you been squatting here with me?"

Zhang Hao found it a bit funny. The person opposite him was determined to retaliate, but he had to say that he was quite patient.

"Does it matter how long you've been squatting? What's important is that you've been squatting for a while. Just die here today."

Dongfang Yaohua said viciously. He didn't believe that Zhang Hao could still beat him after he brought more than 20 people here today.

Although Dongfang Yaohua is stupid, he is definitely not stupid. After suffering Zhang Hao's loss in Taoism yesterday, he knew that no one could defeat Zhang Hao if he relied on Taoism, so he simply used violence.

Of course, this trick is really effective. Seeing such a huge number of people, Zhang Hao is really not easy to deal with.

Two fists are no match for four hands.

But Zhang Hao is not a fool. Since he can't beat him, why should he stay here?

Now that Zhang Hao has opened his third eye and has cleared away all the evil spirits in the swamp, when he looks towards the swamp, he can easily see the places in the swamp that can pave the way.

Although this huge swamp is full of crises, there is always a glimmer of hope.

Zhang Hao was unwilling to try before, but now the situation is stronger than others, and opportunities and crises always go hand in hand.

"If you want my life so much, then come and try."

Zhang Hao made a provocative smile, and then jumped into the swamp according to the direction he observed, but he did not sink immediately.

After hundreds of years of precipitation, the surface of this swamp has become very hard. It will fall when someone comes. This is because there are many evil spirits in the swamp, and those evil spirits are extremely eager to devour the essence of living people. They have a spirit of energy, so whenever someone falls into the swamp, they will immediately drag them down.

Now that there are no evil spirits involved, Zhang Hao certainly doesn't have to worry about these things anymore, and he quickly covers more than half of the distance step by step.

Originally, Dongfang Yaohua saw Zhang Hao jumping directly into the swamp, holding his arms and preparing to watch the show, but after such a long time, he didn't see Zhang Hao sinking, and his expression immediately changed.

"Hurry up and fuck me. You must not let him escape."

Dongfang Yaohua roared ferociously, and now he felt that the whole world was against him.

There is an old guy at home who is dying, and there is a boss on top of him. The woman he is pursuing outside looks down on him. Now he meets a passerby and beats him up, and he can still run away in front of him.

Dongfang Yaohua felt the deep malice of this world.

But even if Dongfang Yaohua spoke, few people would dare to move. This is the first barrier among the 100,000 mountains and can stop 99% of people.

At this moment, the threat from Poisonous Swamp has obviously surpassed that of Dongfang Yaohua.

"I will give 10 million to anyone who can catch him. And don't forget that your wives and children are still in the hands of our Dongfang family. If I can't go back today or can't catch this person, think about it for yourself. What will happen?"

Dongfang Yaohua said fiercely. Since he dared to bring so many people here today, he was naturally well prepared. At least the group of people he brought with him would never dare to disobey his orders. Thinking of his wife and children at home, and also thinking of his own life, all of which were being controlled by Dongfang Yaohua, the originally quiet team became commotion, and many people looked at Dongfang Yaohua with resentful eyes, but they He dared not take action against Dongfang Yaohua.

At least, he would never have the courage until his wife and children were out of danger.

In the end, someone chased Zhang Hao. He was the smarter one among the crowd. He had silently watched the direction of Zhang Hao's escape and jumped in according to the route left by Zhang Hao.

Entering the swamp, the man shook his head in confusion. The poisonous swamp was not as soft as he imagined, and it did not look like it would sink in at all.

You know, he weighs almost two hundred pounds now.

After feeling the general situation of the poisonous swamp, the bodyguard became bolder. While recalling Zhang Hao's escape route, he continued to take the next step.

Seeing this Dongfang Yaohua finally smiled with satisfaction.

"Have you seen it? He hasn't sunk yet. What are you afraid of? Why don't you get up to me quickly?"

Dongfang Yaohua roared angrily, and the other people did not dare to go against Dongfang Yaohua's will, and jumped towards the swamp one after another.

But at this time, Zhang Hao was almost leaving the swamp.

A few meters away from the shore, Zhang Hao suddenly stopped and turned to look at the group of people following him.

"I said you are really brave. You don't have any moral skills in your body, and you actually dare to follow me into the poisonous swamp. I'm afraid you think this is a place where you can come and leave whenever you want."

Zhang Hao smiled slightly, and then, under the surprised gazes of everyone, he gathered all the evil spirits around the poisonous swamp, and then slammed into the poisonous swamp.

As this evil spirit was driven into the poisonous swamp, the originally hard surface of the swamp began to soften instantly.

The faces of many bodyguards immediately changed, especially the leader. He was now in the middle of the poisonous swamp. If the poisonous swamp returned to what it was rumored to be, he would definitely not be able to escape.

He looked at Zhang Hao with an almost pleading look, as if hoping that Zhang Hao could save his life, but Zhang Hao ignored him.

This man recorded his route from the beginning. After Dongfang Yaohua opened his mouth, he was the first to enter the poisonous swamp. Obviously, he and Dongfang Yaohua are wearing the same pants. How could Zhang Hao let him go?

"Just a reminder to you, there will be a very strange reaction here soon. You must resist it well. In addition, the so-called young master on the shore may also be in danger. I don't want your wife and children to die without a burial place. It’s best to escape from here quickly and protect your young master.”

Zhang Hao smiled slightly, and then left the Poison Swamp in a few flashes.

He didn't have much time to chat with this group of people here. After entering the swamp, Zhang Hao understood one thing.

The treasure was actually not at the bottom of the swamp, but at the end of the swamp. Although he didn't know why the breath came from the bottom of the swamp, Zhang Hao believed that his induction was absolutely correct.

Because after Zhang Hao entered the swamp, he didn't notice any trace of the treasure's aura gathering in the air above the swamp, and he didn't seem to be attracted by the swamp at all.

This can only prove one thing, that is, there is no treasure in the swamp, at least no treasure that can bring these evil spirits together again.

(End of this chapter)

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