Chapter 521 The secret of the mountain

"It's you, why are you here?"

While Zhang Hao was waiting secretly, Mr. Chu woke up and walked out of the house. He seemed quite surprised to see Zhang Hao.

Of course, Zhang Hao was surprised to see him, but Zhang Hao didn't know him before. When Mr. Chu appeared, Zhang Hao had been hiding in the dark, so he must not show that he knew Mr. Chu.

"Is this gentleman the owner of this place?"

Zhang Hao stood up solemnly and bowed his hands to Mr. Chu.

Seeing Zhang Hao's performance, Mr. Chu scratched his head and felt that something was wrong, but he didn't think much about it.

"I am not the owner of this place. I almost froze to death during the Millennium Cold Talk. I saw you entering the cold pool when I was unconscious. I thought you would have the same fate as me."

Mr. Chu in Hantan Li almost froze to death, but when he woke up, he had already appeared in the courtyard here, so he really didn't know what Zhang Hao's final outcome would be.

"So that's it. Then we are destined to be together. Sir, do you know who the owner of this courtyard is? What kind of temperament does he have? You can't offend him for a while."

Zhang Hao smiled slightly and saluted Mr. Chu again.

"I don't know either. I was just saved by this gentleman when I was in danger. I have only been here for a day. He doesn't talk much, but he is an enigmatic person. I guess he should He must be a reclusive master, I really don’t know what his specific personality is.”

Mr. Chu spread his hands helplessly. After being rescued by the owner here, he was arranged to practice where the river stopped. For some unknown reason, the speed of practice there was much faster than in other places.

Mr. Chu practiced until night, and was not disturbed by any dirty things until the shepherd boy called him back. Therefore, Mr. Chu really didn't know what the owner of this courtyard was like.

"So that's it. Well, I'll just have to play it by ear for a while."

Zhang Hao smiled and sat down again.

He originally thought that Mr. Chu should have been here a long time ago, but he didn't expect that it was an unrelated person. Now there was nothing he could do.

"What's going on outside? It's so noisy."

As soon as Zhang Hao sat down, a lazy voice came from the main room. Hearing this voice that was not old, Zhang Hao's brows wrinkled again.

The voice didn't sound much louder than that of a shepherd boy.

"My master, Zhang Hao, has the courage to come here for a visit. I wonder if he would like to meet him?"

Zhang Hao obediently reported his name.

"It's you, come in, Xiaomu is going to prepare breakfast. After I have breakfast, go out with me for a walk. Don't go out to herd cows today."

The lazy voice sounded again, and the corners of Zhang Hao and the shepherd boy's mouths curved up at the same time.

"It's master."

Xiaomu immediately stopped what he was doing and went to prepare breakfast for the people in the room, while Zhang Hao opened the door and went in.

The furnishings inside the thatched house are very simple. Except for daily necessities, there are no fancy things. The place seems to be a little out of touch with the outside world, and there are no modern furniture.

Zhang Hao looked at the place with some curiosity. After a few seconds, he turned his attention to the owner of the room.

This was a young man who was only a few years older than him. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhang Hao wouldn't have believed that the owner of this place was such a young man. "Zhang Hao, right? Sit down quickly, I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I want to leave here if you don't come."

The young man smiled slightly, personally moved a chair for Zhang Hao, then sat on the bedside and spoke calmly.

"I know you have a lot of doubts now, don't worry, let me answer them slowly.

My name is Zhang Yi, and I am a member of the Zhang family in the southwest. At the same time, I am also a member of the Zoushanren lineage. Our entire Southwest Zhang family is the inheritor of the Zoushanren lineage. Oh, by the way, before you The Saint at the Lingtai I saw was also me, but it was just a little illusion created by my subordinates.

When our ancestors came to the southwest and entered the Shiwanda Mountains to explore, they left many treasures in the Shiwandashan Mountains. Finally, they discovered some secrets of the Shiwandashan Mountains, but he did not take these secrets away from here. Instead, the Zhang family was established outside Shiwanda Mountain.

After almost two hundred years of development, the Zhang family has now grown to some extent, and is known as the four major families along with the Dongfang family, Wang family and Fang family outside.

I believe you have already dealt with people from the Dongfang family. The Dongfang family has become more and more arrogant and domineering over the years and does whatever they want. It is very difficult for them not to run into you. "

While talking, Zhang Yi glanced at Zhang Hao vaguely.

"To be honest, after so many years of development, many people in the Zhang family do not want to return to the Mountain Walker, but our main roots are different. We know how glorious the Mountain Walker was back then.

Just a small Zhang family is not enough to touch the mountaineers back then. Although the things you did were not big, they were of the same type as us after all, so they quickly spread to our ears. I also know your identity.

I came here two years ago, and it has been exactly two years since today, so today is also the day I was released from prison. What makes me feel lucky is that I noticed your breath yesterday. This is really a blessing from God.

Originally I was supposed to be the sinner of the family, but as long as I take you back, I can immediately become a hero of the family.

But I know your character is not good, so how can I please you? Let me first tell you the secret behind this Hundred Thousand Mountains.

I believe you have seen the river. As you guessed, the water of the river was not cut off, but diverted.

During the day, the river water will be transferred to swamps, cold water pools and other water-related places in Shiwandashan. At night, a steady stream of river water will flow from top to bottom and rush into the waterfall.

It can be said that this river ensures the safe operation of many places in Shiwandashan. This river is the birthplace of Shiwandashan.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the river runs smoothly, as long as any of our Zhang family members makes a mistake, they will come here to protect the river and perform meritorious deeds at the same time.

As for the way to divert the rushing river water, it is the illusion I cast for you before. That passage and that gem are the hub of everything. "

After listening to Zhang Yi's explanation, Zhang Hao's originally dizzy head suddenly became clear. In this way, all Zhang Hao's previous doubts were explained.

How could that thousand-year-old cold water pool be gathered together? The rushing river water comes from the river and flows to wherever it goes. There is only a small pool of water under the waterfall, how can it gather so much rushing river water.

Now it seems that everything has a perfect explanation.

But Zhang Hao now has one last question.

"Brother Zhang, I think this Lingtai Saint is not just a name you made up at will."

(End of this chapter)

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